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Technology can improve more than just communication it can also build the community
in the classroom! The community in a classroom can either make or break the way a student will
learn (Quinn, 2014). If the student feels harmed while in the classroom they will not want to
show up to class. But on the other hand if they are excited to come see their friends with learning
then they have more opportunities to strive with their future. Technology improves the speed of
communication. No longer do we wait days for a letter in the mail, we can have a full
conversation back and forth within an hour (Chen, 2011). Students can get responses from
teachers within seconds! Also test taking is online now which allows students to get an
immediate response to what is right and what is wrong. This can help the student to take the
time and look back at the answer and see how they got it wrong. In the past teachers would hand
back a test weeks later when the students have already forgot what the questions on the test even
were! It is so crazy the way technology has rose &built out of nowhere.
Communication with parents has been way different with the help of technology. Parents
can check their students progress with the click of a button! They can also communicate with
teachers more often when it is convenient for them. We all have busy lives so this can change the
way parents get involved with their childs educational path. Parents are seen to be more
interested in the learning of their child now that technology is all around them! Parents and
teachers can communicate through many ways, such as: a classroom twitter page, blogs, emails,
or calling on the telephone. With all the variety at the palm of your hands makes it almost
impossible to be uninvolved in their childs education success.
In Special Education communication technology has been a huge deal! Some students
who have no way of speaking to the teacher now can! They have apps on iPads that allow the
student to press a button and have the monitor speak for them. Now the teacher can communicate

more directly with the student instead of using extra time to figure out where the student stands
with a certain subject. This feature is not only on iPads but there is an actual device that allows
these students to have a voice when they may often get drowned out within the classroom. This
also helps the student with forming a community in the classroom. The student might be more
open to other students and make new friends. When the student makes friends then they are more
willing to participate in the classroom without any fright.


Ally, M., & Prieto-Blzquez, J. (2014). What is the future of mobile learning in education?.
RUSC: Revista De Universidad Y Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 11(1), 142-151.
Chen, L. (2011). Improving Teachers' Teaching with Communication Technology. Journal Of
Educational Technology Systems, 40(1), 35-43.
Quinn, A. E. (2014). Effective Communication in a Time of Connectivity: An Interview with Dr.
Beverly Helms. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 80(3), 6-10.

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