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Planning Packet Assignment

For the next several weeks, you will be completing Planning Packets
through which you will identify evidence and research-based
interventions that can be used to solve learning problems for students.

When all the Planning Packets are completed, you will have created an
Intervention Manuala recipe book (if you will) that you can keep at
hand and use to solve problems as they arise. I would suggest adding to
this collection as you identify additional interventions that you find
helpful as you are teaching.

Each planning packet will follow the same formatthe template can be
found below. I will give you a broad description of sample children or
you may choose your own. Just make sure that your learning issue is
general enough so that you can identify interventions that will be
helpful to many students.

In addition to filling out the template, you will create materials that can
be usedflash cards, sample worksheets, patterns for games.
Submit everything as one document in the drop box.

You will include the:
Learning issue
At least 2 types of informal assessment
A PLAAFP statement that describes the learning issue more
exactly including baseline information.
The Common Core Standard that will be addressed
A formal IEP goal that comes directly from the PLAAFP statement
At least 2 interventions for
o The general education classroom
o The resource room
o Home

Please let me know if you have difficulty so that I can assist you.

Bethany Michels
Planning Packet

SSLS 779

Name of Child:
Wayne Johnson
Grade Level:
Learning Issue:
This student is a 2
grader who lacks fluency in addition facts.
Informal Assessment Method (at least 2):
During math have a para write down how many addition facts Wayne can do in a minute.
Before Wayne completes the addition facts ask him questions to see if he understands
the concept of addition. Does he write a random response? Is he doing the right
operation? Is making a computation error?
PLAAFP Statement (must include baseline):
A typically developing second grader can complete 20 addition facts fluently in one
minute. In five minutes typically developing students complete 100 facts. Wayne
completes about 9 facts in one minute and five minutes he completes 19. Wayne
attempts to solve the problem but uses the wrong process. He will sometimes subtract
instead of add. He will randomly make a response since he doesnt know how to solve
the problem.
Common Core Standard:
CCSS.Math.Content.2.OA.B.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental

By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
IEP Annual Goal:
In 36 instructional weeks Wayne will fluently complete 17/20 addition facts 4/5 times
during a timed test in one minute.
Interventions Source of Intervention
For Resource Room
1. The student is given one
of the math computation
worksheets previously
created by the teacher,
along with an answer key.
The student first consults
his or her progress-
monitoring chart and notes
the most recent charted
computation fluency score
previously posted. The
student is encouraged to try
to exceed that score.
2. When the intervention
Collection of student math computation
worksheets & matching answer keys (NOTE:
Educators can use a free online application
to create math computation worksheets and
answer keys by using this free Math
Worksheet Generator
session starts, the student is
given a pre-selected
amount of time (e.g., 5
minutes) to complete as
many problems on the
computation worksheet as
possible. The student sets a
timer for the allocated time
and works on the
computation sheet until the
timer rings.
3. The student then uses the
answer key to check his or
her work, giving credit for
each correct digit in an
answer. (A 'correct digits' is
defined as a digit of the
correct value that appears
in the correct place-value
location in an answer. In
this scoring method,
students can get partial
credit even if some of the
digits in an answer are
correct and some are
4. The student plots his or
her computational fluency
score on the progress-
monitoring chart and writes
the current date at the
bottom of the chart below
the plotted data point. The
student is allowed to select
a choice from the reward
menu if he or she exceeds
the most recent, previously
posted fluency score.

Student self-monitoring chart

Count the number of popsicle
sticks. Model putting a rubber
band around a group of 10 sticks
then have Wayne put a rubber
band around each new group.
Model putting 1s in the ones box,
Vaughn, S., & Bos, C. (2012). Strategies for teaching
students with learning and behavior problems. (8th ed.,
p. 407).
Popsicle sticks
Rubbers bands
10s in the tens box, etc. Show
Wayne a sign that says, Thank
you for the ____ popsicle sticks
Model putting that number of
popsicle sticks in the boxes, then
have him do it. Change the
numbers on the sign and allow
him to practice regrouping.
Number cards
Three boxes to hold ones, tens, and hundreds
For Parents/At Home
Show Wayne the map of the United
States to get his attention. Explain
the game: move from their home
state to another state across the
nation. He must have a ticket to
travel from state to state. Wayne
must solve the addition problem
printed on the ticket and read the
name of the state which will be
printed on the map. If he answers
the problem correctly he then can
move to another state.
Vaughn, S., & Bos, C. (2012). Strategies for
teaching students with learning and behavior
problems. (8th ed., p. 407).

map of the United States
tickets made of cards on which math
addition facts are printed
Allow Wayne to play math games
for 30 minutes a day.

For General Education Classroom
1. [Student] Set a Session
Computation Goal. The
student looks up the total
number of problems
completed on his or her
most recent timed
worksheet and writes that
figure into the 'Score to
Beat' section of the current
day's Student Speed Check!
2. [Teacher] Set the Timer
or Start the Tape. The
teacher directs the student
to begin working on the
worksheet and either starts
the tape with tones spaced
at random intervals or sets
a kitchen timer. If using a
Student self-monitoring audio prompt: Tape /
audio file with random tones or dial-style
kitchen timer
Math computation worksheets containing
problems targeted for increased fluency
Student Speed Check! recording form

timer, the teacher randomly
sets the timer randomly to a
specific number of minutes.
When the timer expires and
chimes as a student audio
prompt, the teacher resets
the timer to another random
number of minutes and
repeats this process until
the intervention period is
3. [Student] At Each Tone,
Record Problems
Completed. Whenever the
student hears an audio
prompt or at the conclusion
of the timed intervention
period, the student pauses
-circle the problem that he
or she is currently working
-count up the number of
problems completed since
the previous tone (or in the
case of the first tone, the
number of problems
completed since starting the
-record the number of
completed problems next to
the appropriate tone
interval on the Student
Speed Check! form.
4. [Teacher] Announce the
End of the Time-Drill
Period. The teacher
announces that the time-
drill period is over and that
the student should stop
working on the worksheet.
NOTE: If a tape or audio
file is being used to deliver
audio tones, it can contain
an announcement stating
that the intervention period
has ended.
5. [Student] Tally Day's
Performance. The student
adds up the problems
completed at the tone-
intervals to give a
productivity total for the
day. The student then
compares the current day's
figure to that of the
previous day to see if he or
she was able to beat the
previous score. If YES, the
student receives praise
from the teacher; if NO, the
student receives
encouragement from the

1. Reading the problem. The
student reads the problem
carefully, noting and
attempting to clear up any
areas of uncertainly or
confusion (e.g., unknown
vocabulary terms).
2. Paraphrasing the
problem. The student
restates the problem in his
or her own words.
3. Drawing the problem.
The student creates a
drawing of the problem,
creating a visual
representation of the word
4. Creating a plan to solve
the problem. The student
decides on the best way to
solve the problem and
develops a plan to do so.
5. Predicting/Estimating the
answer. The student
estimates or predicts what
the answer to the problem
Say-Ask-Check Metacognitive Prompts Tied
to a Word-Problem Cognitive Strategy sheet
will be. The student may
compute a quick
approximation of the
answer, using rounding or
other shortcuts.
6. Computing the answer.
The student follows the
plan developed earlier to
compute the answer to the
7. Checking the answer. The
student methodically
checks the calculations for
each step of the problem.
The student also compares
the actual answer to the
estimated answer calculated
in a previous step to ensure
that there is general
agreement between the two
The student first self-
instructs by stating, or
saying, the purpose of the
step (Say).
The student next self-
questions by asking what
he or she intends to do to
complete the step (Ask).
The student concludes the
step by self-monitoring, or
checking, the successful
completion of the step

Paste sample materials into this document for each intervention.

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