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Trade, Globalization, and Power

Hyeong Chan Seo Humanities Page 1

Date What am I going to do? Resources Completed?
September 5th Finish writing research
Internet, Penicl,
September 7th Finish Trade research Internet, Computer Yes
September 9th Finish Global research Internet, Computer Yes
September 11th Finish Power research Internet, Computer Yes
September 12th Finish paragrapah for
Trade and Global
Research paper,
computer, word
September 14th Finish paragraph for
Research paper,
computer, word
No, finish the
introduction but didnt
write another paragraph
September 15th Finish Citing on Easy bib Internet, Computer
Easy bib
Yes, finished the other
paragraph for power
September 16th Finish the task, Edit, and
check if I have done all
the work
Computer, task
paper, work I have
September 16th Upload it on tiki toki Internet, Computer,
Work, Code

Research Questions: How did the Ottomans Empire attract many traders because of their location?
Concept- Trade
Topic- Ottoman Empire Economy
The Ottoman Empire was founded by
Othman, and started as one of the many small Turkish
state that emerged during the fall of the Seljuk Turks.
Leaded by Muhammad II the empire grew bigger as
they defeated the local tribes. The Ottomans had also
conquered Constantinople growing their land and
power even bigger. The Golden Age of The Ottomans
began in 1481 and lasted until 1566; the first sultan
(leader) of the Golden Age was Bayerid II whom
ruled The Ottoman Empire until 1512. He enlarged
his country in Europe, put up outpost along the Black
Sea, and he controlled the revolts which were happening in Asia Minor. Another objective he made was
he turned the Ottoman navy into a powerful force in the Mediterranean region. The next sultan in line was
Selim I whom ruled until 1520. He was quite a violent sultan. To make sure there was no conflict for his
position he had killed all of his nephews, and even killed all of his sons expect one. During his rule he had
expanded his empire into Syria conquering Iraq, Arabia, and Egypt, making the Ottomans the head of the
Islamic culture. By conquering these lands his empire had control over the cultural heritages of the Arab
world. The final sultan to rule the Ottoman Empire at its peak was Suleyman which he ruled until 1566.
When it Suleyman ruled the empire, the Ottomans had uncontested wealth and power. With this power he
conquered many countries which include Belgrade, Rhodes, Persia and Tripoli (Libya). Suleyman also
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built many public works and statues in the empire. From 1566 the empire was slowly falling apart. The
Ottomans lost many wars and lands, such as the Lepanto navy war, they were driven out of Caucasus and
Azerbaijan, and lost another war in Vienna Austria. From this loses the empire declined and finally came
to an end in 1922. Turkey became a republic and had their first President Ataturk.
The location of the Ottoman Empire gave them advantages especially when it came to trade.
Ottoman Empire was rich in wealth because they were in between the trades routes. Since the Empire
stood in the crossroads of Africa, Asia, India and Europe, traders from these regions came to Ottoman
Empire to trade with each other. The Ottomans had also control over the Black sea. The Ottomans
captured the ports of Kilia and Akkerman which were the major entrepots of northern European trade
with the Black Sea and Mediterranean. Ships carrying silk, spices, tea and proclaim came into the empire
for trading purposes. The Black Sea and southern Russian ships came into the empire to trade furs, grain,
amber, mirrors and drugs. The Ottomans dealt with pirates within the trade routes to help ensure the
safety of the traders. The empire was able to make money from these trades because of taxation. In order
for traders to buy and sell their goods they had to pay taxes to the ottoman government and it was for
every trade that happened inside the empire. Not only did the people needed to pay taxes they also had to
pay for license they needed for business, merchants, and for sea captains. Without the licenses not much
could people do with their goods. Even through these taxations and the license the empire still manage to
attract many traders due to their location.
"Incorporation of the Ottoman Empire into the World Economy."Academia.edu. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept.
"Ottoman Empire." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 16 Sep. 2014.
"Ottoman Empire." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 16 Sep. 2014.

Shaw, Stanford Jay. "Ottoman Empire (historical Empire, Asia)."Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.

"The Economy in the Ottoman Empire." The Economy in the Ottoman Empire. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept.
2014. <http://ottomanempire.info/economy.htm>.

"TheOttomans.org - Discover The Ottomans." TheOttomans.org - Discover The Ottomans. N.p., n.d. Web.
16 Sept. 2014. <http://www.theottomans.org/english/history/history1800_2.asp>.

"Turkish Studies - Ottoman Empire: Brief History." Turkish Studies - Ottoman Empire: Brief History.
N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2014.
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Ottoman Empire: geography. Map/Still. Encyclopdia Britannica. Web. 16 Sep. 2014.

Research Question: What kind of impacts did the Gutenberg Press brought to the world?
Concept: Globalization
Topic: Gutenberg Press

Around 1450s a German goldsmith named Johannes Gutenberg first
invented a machined called a printing press. However he wasnt the one who
created printing, or books. Although Gutenberg is credited for the first invention
of a printing press, before him the Chinese invented the paper and the moveable
character pieces; still he is credited because he was the one who mechanized
these technology into one to create the machine. The machine works when a
person turns a screw made out of heavy wood using a handle, and then the press
presses on the paper which is on top of a wooden board. The wooden press was
used for more than 300years, printing 250 sheets per hour until it was replaced
by metal printing presses.
The Gutenberg press is one of the few inventions that have managed to change the world.
Gutenberg press allowed people to create massive amounts of books and other texts. Before the printing
press, all texts were written and copied by hands of monks or professional copiers. It was a long time
process of copying. Books were very expensive and rare that only the rich could buy them. Newspaper
didnt exist because of the time consuming job. It was only when the printing press came out it allowed
books and texts to be made efficiently and quickly in large amounts, making books more accurate and
cheaper. This led to a revolution in communications. When books became cheaper because of printing
press so did the literacy and education of middle classes increased.

"Gutenbergs Invention." Gutenbergs Invention. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.

"Johannes Gutenberg." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 16 Sep. 2014.
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"printing press." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 16 Sep. 2014.

"Renaissance -- Printing and Thinking." Renaissance -- Printing and Thinking. Annenberg Learner, n.d.
Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <http://www.learner.org/interactives/renaissance/printing.html>.

printing press: Franklin press. Photograph. Encyclopdia Britannica. Web. 16 Sep. 2014.
Research Question: How did the Mughals use gunpowder technology to win wars?
Concept: Power
Topic: Muslim Gunpowder (Mughal Empire Gunpowder)
The Mughals meaning corruption of Mongols were one of the most powerful empires the world
has ever known that lasted for 7 generations. The Mughal Empire
lasted around for 300 years 1526 to 1857. The founder of the empire
was Babur. With his mighty army equipped with gunpowder cannons
he was able to take control of central Asia despite the unfavorable odds
against him. One of the other greatest leaders of the Mughal Empire
was Akbar who was the grandson of Babur. Akbar ruled over the
empire through 1556-1605 with justice and fairness. He changed the
rules of India so people could celebrate the different religions that they
believed in. The next rulers were Janhangir the son of Akbar and Shah
Jahan the grandson of Akbar. The final great leader of the Mughal
Empire was Aurangzeb the son of Shah Jahan. When he began to rule
he took over the Muslim Deccan kingdoms of Bijapur and Golconda.
The empire ended as Bahadur Shah II ruled the empire,

A case of good use of gunpowder technology was in the 16
century in the battle against Ibrahim.
In April 1526 Babur faces a massive army of 100,000 men and 1,000 elephants with his small army of
around 25,000 men about a quarter of the enemys army. However Babur still manages to defeat the
enemy by using gun weapons and with good tactics. Baburs army had gun powder weapons thanks to the
Persians, while on the other hand the Indians had no gun powder weapons. This greatly tipped the balance
of the war. Babur creates a barricade by using 700carts to shield his army of gunners and wait for the
Indians to attack. However it took days before the Indians were lured by Mughal army, but when they did
they were shot down by the gunners of the Mughal army. When the Indians charged the gunners behind
the barricade shot them to slow the Indian army down and when they managed to do so, Calvary men
with guns attacked from the flank completely annihilating the Indian army. The victory against the
Indians brought in so much loot and resources to make his empire wealthy. However around a year later
they meet again; and again Babur manages to win with his army of gunners. After this war Babur extends
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the territory of the Mughal Empire, making the Mughals one of the strongest Gunpowder Empire the
world has ever known.
"Mughal Empire." Britannica School. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 16 Sep. 2014.

Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/plaintexthistories.asp?historyid=ab99>.
"The Gunpowder Empires." Notes on the Gunpowder Empires. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.
The Editors of Encyclopdia Britannica. "Mughal Dynasty (India [1526-1707])." Encyclopedia
Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.
A Mughal Infantryman. 1850. South and East Asian. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 16 Sept.
2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shah_Alam_II#mediaviewer/File:A_Mughal_Infantryman.jpg>.

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