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kesearch 1op|c: LayouL ueslgn ConcepL
Group Leader: Suresh ara kumaran (0303472)

Group Members:
Aztlo Atlzz (0J0J91J)
kloqstoo lo (0J02578)
MobomoJ Asyotl 8lo Amlt Atlf (0J1J976)
kyoo looq lo weo (0J04JJ2)
5otesb loto komotoo (0J0J472)

*&(+ ,-. /01. 23435% /&44 21-%" 63-5
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ln Lhe world Loday, Lhere are mllllons of colors buL unforLunaLely web browsers can only supporL
up Lo 236 colors (ulanev.com, 2013). A color wlll be auLomaucally mlxed and replace by Lhe web
browser lf lL does noL maLch Lhe 236 colors.

Powever, mosL browsers share Lhe same color paleue called Web Safe Colors" whlch conLalns 216
colors (1echbomb, 2014). 1he oLher 40 colors may be coded dlerenLly on each web browser. WlLh
Lhe rapld growLh of blgger screen resoluuon and monlLors, Lhe color paleue lncreases wlLh more
color blLs llke 32 blL and 64 blL ls belng made avallable (asLroplx.com, 2013) .

As our eyes conLaln a Lhln layer of ussue LhaL has uny llghL-senslng nerve cells called rods and
cones whlch causes us Lo respond Lo dlerenL wavelengLhs of llghL dlerenLly llke Lhe dlerenL
shades of red.

Chooslng Lhe rlghL color for a webslLe ls essenual as Lhe wrong colors can cause our eyes Lo sLraln
and make us feel faugue. 8ased on my undersLandlng, Lhe color yellow caLches our eye more
compared Lo oLher colors and lL musL be used sparlngly. 1here are many dlerenL color
comblnauon whlch can be used Lo enhance a webslLe buL lL musL also maLch Lhe brand ldenuLy.
8,/ ?, B;C;2? ?8; D,B? ;**;2?<7; 2,C,!E
urple ls Lhe color of deaLh ln many CaLhollc counLrles
lmperlal color ln Chlnese CounLrles
loteouol vlsltots mlqbt come ftom o qlobol ot teqloool
motket. vlsltot Jemoqtopblcs olso coo moke o Jl[eteoce
lo bow colots ote petcelveJ. oooq people ote Jtowo
mote to sotototeJ colots tboo oJolts, wbo moy foJ tbem
qotlsb ot o[eoslve - !"##"$%&'()*+
Red - asslon, romance and aggresslon. lL can also mean warnlng or forbldden acuons ln many
Purple - CreauvlLy, mysLery or even deaLh.
Blue - LoyalLy, securlLy, conservausm, LranqulllLy, coldness, sadness.
Green - naLure, ferullLy and growLh.
Yellow - lllumlnauon, lllness and cowardlce.
Black - ower, sophlsucauon, conLemporary sLyle, deaLh, morbldlLy, evll and nlghL.
White - urlLy, lnnocence, cleanllness, LruLh, peace, coldness, sLerlllLy.
Warm color can work well for food slLes and resLauranLs LhaL oer splcy fare.
*&"%.1 23435
2,C,! 2,DF<>=?<,>
WebslLes LhaL sell chocolaLe producLs
203G341." 23435
ComplemenL ouLdoor producLs, alrllnes, medlcal servlces and law rms.
2334 23435
" lf your slLe uses plcLures or headllnes wlLh
lmporLanL messages, you should always chose a
unsaLuraLed background so Lhe lmages wlll
'sLand ouL' on Lhe page
" 1he colors of your producL plcLures and key
messages should always be more hlghly
saLuraLed Lhan your background colors. Areas on
your slLe wlLh Lhe mosL saLuraLed colors wlll
auracL Lhe vlslLor's eye rsL.
B=?A!=?;$ 7BH A>B=?A!=?;$
I,,$ /;FB<?;
Supreme ls a webslLe whlch uses 3 colours
malnly red, whlLe and black Lo represenL
Lhelr webslLe . 1he black background wlLh
whlLe fonLs makes lL more appeallng Lo Lhe
eye due Lo lLs mlnlmallsL look when
navlgaung Lhrough Lhe webslLe. 1hls ls
because Lhe color whlLe ls nelLher Loo
brlghL or dark whlch prevenLs eyesore.

Whereas, Lhe colour red represenLs Lhe
brand whlch allows vlslLors Lo know Lhe
brand's passlon ln Lhe skaLeboardlng scene.

Cadbury make use of Lhe color purple
very well because Lhe color purple
assoclaLes wlLh wealLh & luxury. Slnce
Cadbury ls a chocolaLe manufacLurer,
Lhey wanL Lhelr cusLomers/LargeL
audlences Lo feel luxurlous whlle eaung
Lhelr chocolaLes aL any ume of Lhe day.
8ased on Apple's webslLe we can clearly
see hlnLs of dark grey and whlLe as colors
for Lhe Labs, whlLe backaround and black
fonLs whlch creaLes a mlnlmallsL look.
1he grey color resembles Lhe maLerlal
Apple uses ln lLs producLs whlch provldes
a sleek look and professlonal feel. 1he
black color LexL on Lhe oLher hand allows
readers Lo read beuer aL Lhe same ume
en[oy Lhe producL vlsuals. 1hls ls because
Apple wanLs Lhelr cusLomers Lo focus
more on Lhe producL and noL on Lhe
deslgn of Lhe webslLe.
F=$ /;FB<?;
?ale unlverslLy School of ArL uses many
brlghL colors llke plnk, blue and yellow.
Such colors ln Lhe deslgn can make Lhe
webslLe vlslLors Lo feel dlsLracLed from
Lhe conLenL and cause eyesore whlch
creaLes a negauve feellng. ln order Lo
lmprove Lhe webslLe for lLs vlslLors, a
whlLe color should be used as Lhe LexL
background as noL only lL allows users Lo
focus on Lhe conLenL buL noL feel
dlsLracLed. use of such brlghL colors can
be good facLor lf lL ls belng used ln Lhe
Labs secuon as lL ls able Lo auracL Lhe
vlslLors auenuon.
6=C; A><7;!B<?6
B28,,C ,* =!?B
1he ma[or problem on LlnCsCA8S.com ls Lhe
anlmaLed Clls whlch conLalns many colors.
1hls can be annoylng as Lhose Clls are
consLanLly bllnklng and conLaln many movlng
elemenLs LhaL can cause dlsLracuons.
LlnCsCA8S.com ls a car renLal company whlch
suppose Lo creaLe a more professlonal feel by
uslng more corporaLe colors llke blue and
whlLe. A more professlonal feel would noL
only lease more cars buL also keep Lhelr
vlslLors longer on Lhelr page.

Web deslgners conclude LhaL a maxlmum of
3 colors should be used ln a web deslgn -

Pochberg & Company uses Lhe rlghL
amounL of colors ln lLs webslLe. Powever,
Lhe lack of brlghL colors causes many
vlslLors Lo Lhe webslLe Lo feel bored aL
Lhe same ume lose lnLeresL aer readlng.
1hls can be a ma[or problem Lo a
company as a negauve feellng would
llnger ln Lhe mlnd of Lhe vlslLors. lL ls
recommended a brlghLer hue of color ls
used Lo creaLe appeuLe of Lhe vlewer ln
order Lo make Lhem read and noL lose
lnLeresL ln Lhe lnformauon LhaL ls belng
8,28F;!I K
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$3(M. F35" 63-5 7&%&.35% N""O ?0"P
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1he arucle (Don't 8ore our V|s|tors keep 1hem 1h|nk|ng) covers Lhe lmporLance of
keeplng Lhe vlewers lnLeresLed. Powever Lhe webslLe lLself ls old and ouL of daLe.
Conslderlng Lhe layouL and deslgn, Lhough lL loads fasL enough, Lhere are Loo many
lnformauon wlLhln Lhe page LhaL makes lL seem LhaL lL ls all cramped LogeLher.

1he navlgauon ls baslc and easy Lo use, Lhe webslLe lsn'L a responslve one and lL makes
lL dlmculL Lo vlew on moblle devlces even Lhough Lhe loadlng speed ls qulck enough.
/86 <B $;B<I> <DJ,!?=>?E
Keeps the
Allows easy
/8=? D=N;B = F=$
lL ls noL very good Lo have
Loo many lnformauon
cramped up whlch makes lL
dlmculL Lo look aL and
nelLher ls lL good Lo have a
webslLe LhaL ls Loo
slmpllsuc whlch could
cause Lhe vlewers Lo Lhlnk
LhaL Lhe webslLe belongs Lo
a small or underdeveloped
company. lf Lhe vlewers'
auenuon are noL grasped
wlLhln 10-20 seconds Lhen
lL ls llkely LhaL Lhe vlewers
would [usL move on Lo
anoLher webslLe (Slms,

/8=? D=N;B
= I,,$
1he auLhor of Lhe arucle provlded a few
ups wlLhln Lhe arucle LhaL are helpful
wlLh developlng a webslLe LhaL would
beneL Lhe vlewers and aL Lhe same ume
maklng Lhe webslLe easy Lo use by Lhe
vlewers. 1he auLhor suggesLed uslng
ob[ecLs LhaL would help Lhe vlewers ln
seelng a relauonshlp beLween Lhe ob[ecL
and Lhe lnformauon. lor example, vL1
uses symbollc lmages LhaL easlly allows
lmages Lo easlly cllck wlLh Lhe

1hls allows Lhe vlewers, such as us Lo
connecL Lhe lnformauon ln our mlnds,
easlly rememberlng lL and also keeps
us wanung Lo conunue Lo explore Lhe
webslLe even more.
AnoLher helpful up would be Lo allow
Lhe webslLe Lo be funcuonal and also
downloaded very qulckly. lL would be
very frusLraung lf Lhe webslLe Lakes
Loo long Lo load a page or Lhose noL
easlly funcuon properly. 1hls would
cause Lhe vlewers Lo feel frusLraLed
and unwllllng Lo reLurn Lo Lhe webslLe
or even explore furLher. An average
loadlng page should only be 3
seconds accordlng Lo Markeung
CharLs, 2013. Lspeclally ln Lhls
modern age of Lechnology LhaL allows
us Lo go onllne anywhere wlLh
porLable devlce, lL ls also lmporLanL Lo
have responslve webslLes whlch
provldes exlblllLy for Lhe vlewers
(emL, 2012).
When accesslng Lhrough moblle
devlces such as handphones or
LableLs, lL ls very dlmculL Lo read of
webslLe LhaL are noL responslve. 1hls
causes Lhe vlewers Lo have a proper
lapLop or deskLop Lo access Lhe
webslLe clearly and eecuve. 8y dolng
so, Lhe vlewers would feel resLralned
or dlsappolnLed for noL belng able Lo
access Lhe webslLe wlLh uldlLy on
Lhelr moblle devlces when away from
Lhelr lapLops.
;R=DJC; ,* I,,$ /;FB<?; $;B<I>
9CAC allows easy navlgauon by lemng lLs vlewers Lo go Lo
dlerenL secuons or pages of Lhe webslLe easlly and Lhls
would provlde comforLable usage for Lhe vlewers and also
makes lL easler for Lhe vlewers Lo explore.
!;7<;/ =>$ 2!<?<@A;
Lasy navlgauon around a
webslLe ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL
elemenL when lL comes Lo
bulldlng a webslLe. navlgauon
should ald Lhe users ln ndlng all
Lhe lnformauon Lhey are aer,
before a call Lo acuon can be

As shown ln ueslgn More's 3
navlgauonal quesuon arucles
" Where am I?
" Where can I go
from here?
" Where was I
8ased on Lhe arucle shared on
Lhe page, l agree LhaL Lhe 3
quesuons as shown above are
quesuon a deslgner should ask
or know before deslgnlng a
webslLe. 1hls ls Lo ensure
conslsLency and ease of access
Lo users. Llnk Lhe Logo Lo Lhe
Pome age. lace Lhe
navlgauon sysLem on Lhe Lop
and le of Lhe page. 1hese
lnclude Labs llke AbouL us",
ConLacL us", SlLe Map" and
oLher lnformauon. Cumng
down Lhe number of cllcks Lhe
user needs before Lhey geL Lo
Lhelr lnformauon desunauon. lL
should noL requlre more Lhan 3
cllcks Lo nd Lhe necessary
lnformauon and desunauon.
1he navlgauon Lools/bars
need Lo remaln presenL when
movlng from one web page
Lo Lhe nexL. 1hese are usually
found on Lhe le slde or Lhe
Lop of Lhe page. navlgauon
needs Lo be clear, sLrucLured
and lnLuluve. Llnks need Lo
be descrlpuve and allow Lhe
people Lo know exacLly
where Lhey are golng. never
llnk Lhe Lerm Cllck Pere".
8aLher llnk Lhe exacL locauon
Lhe llnk wlll Lake you. An
example lncludes ConLacL
us". Llnk Lo oLher arucles ln
Lhe slLe where posslble. 1hls
means LhaL Lhese llnks wlll
Lake you Lo oLher relevanL
arucles ln Lhe slLe,
encouraglng vlslLors Lo read
more. 1here musL always be
a llnk Lo Lhe Pome age, on
every page.
Pome pages are generally Lhe
cenLral sLauon, where lL connecLs
Lo all Lhe oLher areas and pages
ln Lhe webslLe. SlLe maps are also
very lmporLanL because Lhey are
used so Lo llnk Lo all Lhe avallable
pages on Lhe webslLe. Cood
navlgauon has excellenL ow,
whlch means LhaL you can en[oy
and lnLeracL wlLh Lhe webslLe
Lhrough a cllck or Lwo. 1hls
means LhaL Lhe users should be
able Lo go from one page Lo Lhe
nexL wlLhouL reLurnlng Lo Lhe
home page.

navlgauon plays an lmporLanL role ln carrylng convenlence.
Lnhanclng user lnLeracuons on a webslLe.
navlgauon bars are oen seen on webslLes and serves as a purpose Lo ald users
and poLenual users Lo access a webslLe ln a much slmpler way wlLhouL feellng losL.
Lxamp|e: navlgaung from
Lhe Pome" page LhaL ls Lhe
page Lo nexL page
Callery" wlLh a llsL of
phoLos can all be done vla
hyperllnk. 8y cllcklng on
lL, a user can access
anoLher page wlLh a [usL a
cllck away.
" 1he Pome page ls essenual,
as lL should have brand
ldenuLy elLher Lhrough Lhe
logo or a shorL background
lnLroducuon on Lhe company
or Lhe servlces belng oered.
" ln slmple layman Lerms, whaL
you do and whaL you have Lo
oer Lo a user or a poLenual
" AllgnmenL for Lhe navlgauon buuons
has Lo be arranged ln Lhe correcL
form and placed on Lhe header for
maln navlgauon buuons and for sub
navlgauon buuons allgned
approprlaLely Lo Lhe LexL(arucle) or
/86 >=7<I=?<,>E
8es|des hav|ng a ga||ery that shares your serv|ces, pass work or
product, a user |s ab|e to access re|evant |nformanon that a|ds the|r
understand|ng on what you have to oer to them.
Lxamp|e: 1hlnk someLhlng relaLable and ls no Loo general buL lnformauve lnsLead. navlgauon bars also allow lnsLanL access and
easy Lo move from page Lo page. 1hls of cause should work for dlerenL pages across conLacL pages, servlces page and eLc.

I,,$ /;FB<?;
1|t|e: vlnLage CloLhes and Accessorles ln uallas, 1exas aL Zola's vlnLage Lveryday"
Webs|te L|nk: hup://www.zolasvlnLage.com
1hls webslLe ls called Zola's, a vlnLage cloLhlng brand LhaL operaLes ln uSA. 1hls ls an
example of a webslLe navlgauon LhaL ls done rlghL. 1he navlgauon bars are properly allgned
and organlzed Lo glve Lhe brand a professlonal Lheme and ouLlook. 1he navlgauon bar
conLalns slmple LexL wlLh adequaLe amounL of lnformauon. 1he placemenL of navlgauon
buuons ls clearly placed aL Lhe Lop LhaL also creaLes good vlslblllLy.
1|t|e: naks"
Webs|te L|nk: hup://naksfood.com
1hls webslLe ls called naks, a nuLrluous food company from us. 1he navlgauon buuons ln
Lhls webslLe ls deslgn from slmpllclLy wlLh Lhe alm of keeplng Lhe webslLe organlze and udy
aL Lhe same ume. 1he navlgauon buuons are sLrucLurally placed on Lhe le slde of Lhe page
wlLhouL any broken llnks. 1he hyperllnks are well allgned and dlrecL user/ poLenual
cusLomers Lo Lhe descrlpuon page wlLh no cluuer and smooLh navlgauon. 1here are also
soclal medla lcons on Lhe Lop of Lhe header for Lhe webslLe and Lhls creaLes vlslblllLy and
ease of access on Lhe page. Ceneral a good webslLe wlLh clean navlgauon.
1|t|e: Cle Chef"
Webs|te L|nk: hup://www.olechefperu.com
1he webslLe Cle Chef represenLs a resLauranL LhaL ls based ln eru, SouLh Amerlca. 1he
navlgauon done ln Lhls webslLe ls very mlnlmal and small buuons on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe
webslLe. WlLh Lhe emphasls solely on Lhe food as wlde as Lhe webslLe, Lhe navlgauon bars
are done wlLh a swlrl llke rlbbon wlLh a shorL lnLroducLory Lo Lhe brand. navlgauon ls
properly allgned wlLh ease of access when Lhe le hand slde navlgauon bar pops ouL aer
you have seen Lhelr lnLroducLory lmages as shown above. 1he llnks are well placed beneaLh
Lhe LexL and ls easy Lo navlgaLe from one page Lo anoLher.
F=$ /;FB<?;
1|t|e: Aer Llfe"
Webs|te L|nk: hup://heaven.lnLerneLarchaeology.org/heaven.hLml#bouom
ln Lerms of navlgauon, Lhe webslLe has none aL all. When Lhe webslLe ls loaded Lhe
anlmauon on Lhe page loads consLanLly for abouL 40 seconds and comes Lo halL as shown ln
Lhe lmage above. Cnce lL comes Lo a halL, you can nouce Lhere aren'L any lnformauon or
navlgauon bars LhaL are vlslble. no cllckable lcons as well buL a movlng anlmauon only.
WlLhouL any form of navlgauon Lhls webslLe falls under an lncompleLe webslLe wlLh no
navlgauon or descrlpuon. Cn Lhe end user parL, Lhere ls no Lwo-way lnLeracuon aL all.
1|t|e: 8on Cslund's Pome age"
Webs|te L|nk: hup://ronoslund.com
1hls ls a personal webslLe by 8on Cslund. ln Lerms of navlgauon, Lhls webslLe conslsL of
hyperllnks whlch are worklng and broken ones as well. 1he layouL doesn'L do [usuce as lL
overlaps on Lhe same lmage over 6 umes. 1he navlgauon bars are noL properly allgned and
can be found from Lhe mlddle, le and rlghL of Lhe webslLe. 1hls makes navlgaung dlmculL
and unorganlzed. ln general and unorganlzed webslLe auracLs low reoccurrlng vlslLauon and
also show unprofesslonallsm.
1|t|e: Coalle lus, Where LveryLhlng ls lor Coalle"
Webs|te L|nk: hup://goalleplus.com/
1hls ls a webslLe dedlcaLed Lo Coalle's as ln Coalkeepers who play fooLball. 1he maln goal of
Lhe webslLe ls Lo collecL donauon, buL Lhere ls no concreLe evldence Lo show why a person
should donaLe. 1he navlgauon ln Lhe webslLe ls barely mlnlmal wlLh only a few hyperllnks a
user can cllck on. Some of Lhe navlgauon LexL and fonLs are elLher Loo blg or Loo small as
well. Some of Lhe navlgauon buuons are noL broken llnks or noL cllckable. 1hls ls seen ln Lhe
uonaLe buuon" ln Lhe red box above. 1he webslLe also has navlgauon buuons LhaL are
poorly allgned and unorganlzed.
$3(M. D1Q" ?0"P /1&. 9?&P":
!;7<;/ =>$ 2!<?<@A;
ln 2013, Lhere are over 2.8 bllllon lnLerneL users (lnLerneLWorldSLaLs.com, 2014)
wlLh users comlng from noL only compuLers buL smarLphones as well. 1he number
of compuLer web browsers have lncreased Lremendously wlLh mosL webpage
havlng a resoluuon of 1024 x 768 and hlgher (hobo-web, 2014). 1he number one
problem when lL comes Lo a slow loadlng webpage ls Lhe use of large graphlcs.
WlLh graphlcs and vldeos becomlng a ma[or parL of a webslLe, uslng Lhe rlghL
formaL, slze and number ls essenual Lo lmprove a webslLe loadlng ume.

l sLrongly agree LhaL havlng Lhe rlghL amounL of graphlcs on a webslLe ls lmporLanL
as havlng a cluuered webslLe makes people noL appreclaLe your webslLe buL we
can also lose a vlslLor. 1here are many more causes whlch lead Lo a webslLe havlng
slow load speed. 1he use of free and pald Lools on Lhe lnLerneL can help one
opumlze Lhelr webslLe beuer by oerlng suggesuons.

Tolerable waiting time! - unlverslLy of nebraska-Llncoln

2 seconds
*A> *=2?B
o 8ecause walung for a webslLe Lo load ls no dlerenL
from walung ln llne for a sllce of plzza. We wanL LhaL
plzza now. And lf lL Lakes Loo long Lo geL LhaL sllce, we'll
walk ouL Lhe door and nd somewhere else Lo eaL
o 1he same ls Lrue when surng onllne. lf a slLe Lakes Loo
long Lo load, we're ouua Lhere.
31 percenL of onllne shoppers ln Lhe u.S clalmed lf a
slLe ls Loo slow Lhey wlll noL compleLe a purchase.
73 percenL consumers are wllllng Lo vlslL compeuLor
slLes lnsLead of deallng wlLh a slow loadlng page
Source: 8adware
Source: Aklra
SH 8?DC 23+" ,O.&P&T1.&3(
/8=? 2=AB;B BC,/ C,=$<>I
UH *3G-% 3( G3(."(. 15"1
Make sure webslLe doesn'L have any broken llnks and unnecessary Lags.
8roken llnks always puL on a negauve eecL.
no llnk ln Lhe webslLe whlch redlrecLs vlslLors Lo an error page.
CaLegorlze pages and llnk Lhem lf needed Lo reduce conLenL load on unlque pages by
dlsLrlbuung Lhe load.
VH ,O.&P&T" <P1'"%
/8=? 2=AB;B BC,/ C,=$<>I
WH ,O.&P&T" C15'" *&4"%
Ma[or obsLacle for servers.
referably use background color over large graphlcs
nC should be used for lcons or logos, buL !LCs work beuer as phoLos.
Cpumlze lmages ln web formaL.
use edlLor programmes Lo lessen le slze.
lL lessens bandwldLh.
XH B&PO4" +"%&'( 1(+ &(."5Y1G"
/8=? 2=AB;B BC,/ C,=$<>I
ZH /&+'".[J4-'&( ,\"5431+
Loads much fasLer.
use auracuve LexL llnks and noL graphlcal buuons lf Lhere are many llnks presenL.
1oo many soclal medla buuons
lacebook Llke buuon downloads 83 kb of daLa aL 1.34 seconds - Mauhew Cgborne
]H =+\"5.&%"P"(.%
no one llkes adverusemenLs.
Cne slow loadlng adverusemenL can cause vlslLors Lo deLour.
SH /"^J1'"?"%.
?,,CB ?, ?;B? K <DJ!,7; B<?; BJ;;$
UH J1'"%O""+ <(%&'0.%
1hls Lool ls supporLed by Coogle and allows you Lo run a free webslLe speed LesL. lL provldes
waLerfall charLs LhaL break down conLenL, check for age Speed opumlzauon, and make
suggesuons for lmprovemenLs aer recelvlng a page speed score ouL of 100.
8ecelve a page speed score ouL of 100 and analysls of boLh Lhe deskLop and moblle
verslons of your slLe. ?ou geL recommendauons LhaL are dlvlded lnLo hlgh-, medlum-
or low-prlorlLy.
VH /"^O1'" =(14_T"5
rovldes you wlLh page slze, composluon, and download ume. 1hls Lool also comes
wlLh a summary of page componenLs wlLh advlce on how Lo lmprove page load ume.
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