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Iver Village Junior School

Acceptable Use/ e-safety

Written by: Mr J !avey
!ate Written: "#"$%"#$
&evie' !ate: April %"#(
Internet, Network, Learning Platform and e-mail Code of Practice:
)*ucational Internet service provi*ers ensure that there is a*e+uate filtering of the
# Virus protection soft'are shoul* be installe* on all school syste,s -his is
particularly i,portant 'here ,aterials are being *o'nloa*e* fro, on-line sources
% Pupils. use of on-line resources shoul* always be supervise*
/ -eachers shoul* be fa,iliar 'ith the Pupils. 0o*e of Practice for use of the Internet
an* shoul* sign the -eachers1 0o*e of Practice before access to the Internet is
Schools are encourage* to ,a2e the Internet3 e-,ail an* 'eb-page creation policies
an* the co*es of practice available on the school1s 'eb site
$ All users shoul* a*here to the 0o*e of Practice
4 -he la' is +uite clear on co,puter pornography -he 5bscene Publications Act #646
#6($ ,a2e it an offence to publish an obscene article 7'hether for gain or not8 or to
have an obscene article for publication or gain 7publication inclu*es *istribution3
circulating3 selling3 hiring3 giving or len*ing3 sho'ing3 playing or pro9ecting8 Schools have
a responsibility to control the circulation of obscene ,aterials Schools shoul* ,a2e
clear in their policies the *isciplinary action 'hich 'ill be ta2en in the event of
teachers using the Internet inappropriately
( If pupils either *eliberately or acci*entally access or *o'nloa* unsuitable ,aterials
schools shoul* follo' the follo'ing proce*ure:
-he screen shoul* be turne* off Any printe* ,aterials or portable storage
*evices shoul* be confiscate* an* access to clou* resources bloc2e*
-he pupil1s access to the Internet shoul* be suspen*e*
Any further action shoul* be in line 'ith the School1s behaviour policy eg
infor,ing parents
: ;et'or2 Managers shoul* au*it user areas on net'or2s to reveal une<pecte*ly large
graphic files 'ith3 for e<a,ple =I> or JP= e<tensions or 'ith na,es 'ith series of
,eaningless letters an* nu,bers -hese can be in*icators of *o'nloa*ing of
inappropriate files I- support 'ill ,onitor this +uarterly
? All Internet3 ;et'or23 @earning Platfor, an* e,ail shoul* be appropriate to staff
professional activity or pupils. e*ucation 7ho'ever the school 'ishes to encourage
in*ivi*uals to use the co,puter in a constructive 'ay an* occasional personal use is
per,itte* at the *iscretion of the school8
6 Au*iting soft'are3 'hich enables the net'or2 ,anager to ,onitor in*ivi*ual.s usage
of the Internet3 shoul* be installe* an* regularly chec2e*
#" -his is a rapi*ly changing area an* the School1s Policy on the Acceptable Use an* e-
Safety shoul* be sub9ect to fre+uent ,onitoring an* revie'
Iver Village Junior Scool
Pu!il "cce!ta#le $se "greement % e-Safety &ules
I 'ill only use I0-3 inclu*ing the V@)3 for school purposes
I 'ill only open e,ail attach,ents fro, people I 2no'3 or those 'ho, ,y
teacher has approve*
I 'ill not tell other people ,y I0- pass'or*s
I 'ill only open/*elete ,y o'n files
I 'ill ,a2e sure that all I0- contact 'ith other chil*ren an* a*ults is
responsible3 polite an* sensible
I 'ill not *eliberately loo2 for3 save or sen* anything that coul* be unpleasant or
nasty If I acci*entally fin* anything li2e this I 'ill tell ,y teacher i,,e*iately
I 'ill not give out ,y o'n *etails such as ,y na,e3 phone nu,ber or ho,e
a**ress I 'ill not arrange to ,eet so,eone unless this is part of a school
pro9ect approve* by ,y teacher an* a responsible a*ult co,es 'ith ,e
I 'ill not use any inappropriate pictures in ,y profile or in the foru,s 7V@)8
I 'ill be responsible for ,y behaviour 'hen using I0- because I 2no' that these
rules are to 2eep ,e safe
I 'ill support the school approach to online safety an* not *eliberately uploa* or
a** any i,ages3 vi*eo3 soun*s or te<t that coul* upset any ,e,ber of the school
I 2no' that ,y use of I0- can be chec2e* an* that ,y parent/ carer contacte*
if a ,e,ber of school staff is concerne* about ,y e-Safety
I un*erstan* that if I brea2 any of the e-Safety rules3 I 'ill have ,y userna,es
an* pass'or*s bloc2e* -he teacher in charge of I0- 'ill *eci*e ho' long I a,
bloc2e* for an* 'hether I shoul* be bloc2e* per,anently
!ear Parent/ 0arer3
I0- inclu*ing the internet3 e,ail an* ,obile technologies3 etc has beco,e an i,portant
part of learning in our school We e<pect all chil*ren to be safe an* responsible 'hen
using any I0-
Please rea* an* *iscuss these e-Safety rules 'ith your chil* an* return the slip at the
botto, of this page If you have any concerns or 'oul* li2e so,e e<planation please
contact the school office
Parent% carer signature
We have *iscusse* this an* BBBBBBBBBBBBBB7chil* na,e8 agrees to follo' the
e-Safety rules an* to support the safe use of I0- at Iver Village Junior School
Parent/ 0arer Signature BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Staff and Visitor - "cce!ta#le $se "greement % e-Safety &ules:
I0- an* the relate* technologies such as e,ail3 the internet an* ,obile *evices are an
e<pecte* part of our *aily 'or2ing life in school -his policy is *esigne* to ensure that
all staff are a'are of their professional responsibilities 'hen using any for, of I0-
I 'ill only use the school.s e,ail / Internet / Intranet / @earning Platfor, an* any
relate* technologies for professional purposes or for uses *ee,e* Creasonable. by the
Dea* or =overning Eo*y
I 'ill co,ply 'ith the I0- syste, security an* not *isclose any pass'or*s provi*e* to
,e by the school or other relate* authorities
I 'ill ensure that all electronic co,,unications 'ith pupils an* staff are co,patible 'ith
,y professional role
I 'ill not give out ,y o'n personal *etails3 such as ,obile phone nu,ber an* personal
e,ail a**ress3 to pupils
I 'ill only use the approve*3 secure e,ail syste,7s8 for any school business
I 'ill ensure that personal *ata 7such as *ata hel* on SIMS8 is 2ept secure an* is use*
appropriately3 'hether in school3 ta2en off the school pre,ises or accesse* re,otely
Personal *ata can only be ta2en out of school or accesse* re,otely 'hen authorise* by
the Dea* or =overning Eo*y
I 'ill not install any har*'are off soft'are 'ithout per,ission of the I0- 0oor*inator
I 'ill not bro'se3 *o'nloa*3 uploa* or *istribute any ,aterial that coul* be consi*ere*
offensive3 illegal or *iscri,inatory
I,ages of pupils an*/ or staff 'ill only be ta2en3 store* an* use* for professional
purposes in line 'ith school policy an* 'ith 'ritten consent of the parent3 carer or staff
,e,ber I,ages 'ill not be *istribute* outsi*e the school net'or2 'ithout the
per,ission of the parent/ carer3 ,e,ber of staff or Dea* teacher
I un*erstan* that all ,y use of the Internet/Intranet/@earning Platfor,/ e,ail an*
other relate* technologies can be ,onitore* an* logge* an* can be ,a*e available3 on
re+uest3 to ,y @ine Manager or Dea* teacher
I 'ill support the school approach to online safety an* not *eliberately uploa* or a** any
i,ages3 vi*eo3 soun*s or te<t that coul* upset or offen* any ,e,ber of the school
I 'ill respect copyright an* intellectual property rights
I 'ill ensure that ,y online activity3 both in school an* outsi*e school3 'ill not bring ,y
professional role into *isrepute
I 'ill support an* pro,ote the school.s e-Safety policy an* help pupils to be safe an*
responsible in their use of I0- an* relate* technologies
I un*erstan* this for,s part of the ter,s an* con*itions set out in ,y contract of
$ser Signature
I agree to follo' this policy an* to support the safe use of I0- throughout the school
Job title
Policy on te creation of scool we# sites and Virtual Learning Platforms:
'e following !rotocol for creating we# sites as #een followed:
# All lin2s 'ithin pages3 inclu*ing lin2s to e<ternal sites3 shoul* be fully teste* an*
'or2ing an* shoul* be teste* to ensure that no unsuitable ,aterial can be accesse*
% Any e,ail lin2s shoul* be cleare* 'ith the persons involve* an* 'ritten per,ission
/ All articles3 picture or icons3 'hich are fro, a Fthir* partyG3 ,ust have copyright
clearance in 'riting 'here applicable
$ Photographs of chil*ren3 'hich coul* be ,isuse* shoul* not be put on 'eb pages
Photographs 'hich are of *istant shots3 blurre* or bac2 vie's are acceptable
4 Pages create* shoul* be of high +uality 'ithout spelling/synta< errors or errors of
( It is goo* practice to follo' a house-style
: Pages shoul* lin2 to the ho,e page
? Where Flast up*ate*G *ates are use* these shoul* be current
6 -he school.s site shoul* inclu*e a contact an* a**ress for the school EU- references
to living i*entifiable in*ivi*uals 7eg Dea* teacher.s na,e an* a**ress8 are covere* by
the !ata Protection Act -he !ata Protection Act ,a2es it a cri,inal offence not to
register 'ith the !ata Protection &egistrar infor,ation store* on the co,puter about
living i*entifiable in*ivi*uals -o avoi* the necessity to register 'eb pages use titles3
for e<a,ple F-he Dea* teacherG rather than GMiss !ig'ee*G
## Where *ata nee*s to be covere* by the !ata Protection Act3 *ata registrations 'ill
nee* to be a,en*e* to allo' Foverseas transferG of personal *ata -here is no charge
for a,en*ing e<isting registrations
#% Users shoul* not use the school.s 'eb site for pro*uct a*vertise,ent3 co,,ercial
activities or political ca,paigning
Cecklist for Scools for Network and Internet security
-he school has the follo'ing policies in place:
;et'or2 Security Policy
Pupils. Acceptable Use an* e-Safety Agree,ent
Staff an* Visitors. Acceptable Use an* e-Safety Agree,ent
A parent/0arer has seen an* signe* the Acceptable Use an* e-Safety
All staff have rea* an* signe* the Staff an* Visitors. Acceptable Use an* e-
Safety Agree,ent
Signe* BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Dea* teacher
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 0hair,an of =overnors
"!!endi( ": Network Security Policy:
-he statutory curriculu, e<pects pupils to learn ho' to locate3 retrieve an* e<change
infor,ation using I0- In *elivering the curriculu,3 teachers nee* to plan for an* ,a2e
use of co,,unications technology3 for e<a,ple3 'eb-base* resources an* e,ail Access
to life-long learning an* e,ploy,ent increasingly re+uires co,puter an* co,,unications
use Do,e an* social Internet is an i,portant part of learning an* co,,unication *uring
leisure ti,e -his brings pupils into contact 'ith a 'i*er range of infor,ation3 the
scope an* nature of 'hich ,ay - or ,ay not - be appropriate
Internet "ccess:
In co,,on 'ith other ,e*ia such as ,agaHines3 boo2s an* vi*eo3 so,e ,aterial
available via the Internet is unsuitable for pupils -he school 'ill supervise pupils
an* ta2e all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate
,aterial Do'ever3 o'ing to the global scale an* lin2e* nature of infor,ation
available via the Internet3 it is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable
,aterial 'ill never appear on a ter,inal ;either the school nor the 0ounty
0ouncil can accept liability for the ,aterial accesse*3 or any conse+uences
thereof -he school an* the 0ounty 0ouncil 7via Up *ata3 contracte* to filter
unsuitable sites/,aterial8 'ill un*erta2e to re,ove unsuitable ,aterial
i,,e*iately if it is encountere*
-he School 'ill 'or2 in partnership 'ith parentsI the @A3 !0>S an* the Internet
Service Provi*er to ensure syste,s to protect pupils are revie'e* an* i,prove*
for both ho,e an* school use
Pupils 'ill be infor,e* that their use of the Internet 'ill be supervise* an*
,onitore* appropriately
>iltering of a school.s Internet access *oes not guarantee the safety of pupils an*
staff3 but it is a necessary first step to ensure this school has ta2en all reasonable
steps to protect our pupils -his school alrea*y appreciates that supervision an*
e*ucation are as i,portant as soft'are solutions
Network Security - IC' system integrity and security:
-he school has a responsibility for ensuring that its capital invest,ent is protecte* an*
secure*3 9ust as there are proce*ures for buil*ing security an* safety
All users shoul* un*erstan* that no changes or ,o*ifications to the har*'are3 net'or2
'iring3 or soft'are configurations 'ill be tolerate* 5nly *esignate* support personnel
shoul* perfor, these functions an* all 'or2 'ill be logge*
;et'or2 traffic across the school local area net'or2 7@A;8 is usually encrypte* for
security reasons an* cannot any'ay be accesse* outsi*e the pre,ises Wireless @A;
broa*casts ,ay be ,onitore* beyon* the school boun*ary an* encrypte* trans,ission
can be configure* to prevent access
>orbi**en changes 'oul* inclu*e intro*ucing soft'are an* co*e fro, outsi*e sources
0onnecting personal e+uip,ent 7such as a P!A or laptop8 to the net'or2 ,ust be agree*
'ith the hea* teacher
-he school ,ust have a security policy to control user per,issions on the net'or2
;et'or2 a*,inistrators ,ust un*erstan* the principles of file level security an* the
conse+uences of access Users 'ho have net'or2 a*,inistration rights ,ust safeguar*
their access an* un*erstan* their responsibilities
A clear net'or2 bac2up an* *ata archiving regi,e ,ust be *efine* an* follo'e* JAtti<
via 0ountyK &esponsibility for perfor,ing bac2up proce*ures an* ,onitoring activity
logs ,ust be clearly *efine* an* be ,anage* at senior level Where Internet an* 'i*e
area net'or2 7WA;8 connectivity is involve*3 security ,easures such as net'or2
fire'alls3 au*it trails an* attac2 alerts shoul* be revie'e* -hese consi*erations 'ill
protect not only the school.s @A; syste, but also beyon* to the e*ucation an* @A
WA; co,,unity
Anti-Virus strategy is vital to all I0- syste,s Site-'i*e virus screening of syste,s
an* e<ternal lin2s 7),ail an* Internet traffic8 is essential All users nee* to be a'are
of virus sources an* ris2s
Po'er supply protection fro, transient voltage surges 'ill prevent servers fro, failing
Un-interruptible Po'er Supplies 7UPS8 units 'ill ensure a controlle* shut*o'n of
servers shoul* a po'er failure occur
&is2 assess,ent L consi*ering all possible I0- *isaster situations an* their
conse+uences shoul* be part of a school.s ,anage,ent policy
+isaster &ecovery !rocedures:
All users nee* to be a'are of loss of I0- services if a *isaster occurs Meeping
everyone infor,e* of the situation 'ill allo' teaching staff to ,o*ify lesson plans
A syste, crash ,ay re+uire recovery fro, recent bac2ups3 operating syste, ,e*ia an*
net'or2 *river *is2s In an i*eal situation3 the bac2up *ata shoul* be store* a'ay fro,
the co,puters so that in the event of total *estruction of the co,puters by say fire3
the syste, can be recreate* on other ,achinery
-hose schools 'hose a*,inistration syste, has been set up by the I- Unit 'ill be able
to restore their a*,in *ata in the event of acci*ental loss or *a,age provi*e* they can
pro*uce a bac2up tape -his is because all a*,inistration syste,s set up by the I- Unit
are part of a stan*ar* operating set up
If curriculu, syste,s contain vital *ata that cannot easily be recreate*3 schools shoul*
test ho' they 'oul* recover the syste, in the event of a *isaster Eac2ing up the *ata
on a regular basis is a vital ele,ent of this process
'raining and su!!ort !rovision:
Schools ,ust provi*e a*e+uate training an* support for all users to gain the best use of
the I0- resources Si,ilarly the syste,s a*,inistrators an* technicians re+uire
appropriate *evelop,ent to enable the, to perfor, their *uties -heir technical an*
strategic un*erstan*ing ,ust be recogniHe* if they are to gui*e the school in
,a<i,iHing the I0- potential an* future path'ays
,ardware and software -uality, maintenance and re!lacement:
All I0- e+uip,ent shoul* be recor*e* an* security-,ar2e* Safety testing an*
,aintenance logs ,ust be 2ept Dar*'are ,aintenance contracts inclu*e net'or2
co,ponents3 hubs an* s'itches
Legal duties and res!onsi#ilities .licensing, +ata Protection and Com!uter
It is a statutory re+uire,ent that all schools be registere* 'ith the !ata Protection
0o,,issioner.s office to process personal *ata In*ivi*uals have a right of access to
personal *ata belonging to the, an* ,ay sue the school3 in*ivi*ual or @)A for *a,ages
if *istress is cause*
-he >ree*o, of Infor,ation Act re+uires all *ata users to have an infor,ation policyI
this *ocu,ent is an integral part of that policy -he >5I Act is sche*ule* to apply to
schools fro, late %""/
Users shoul* un*erstan* that a licence *efines soft'are use Users shoul* carefully
store all their soft'are licenses in a secure place 0learly copying soft'are to an* fro,
a net'or2 is li2ely to be illegal &unning legal *ata on illegal or unlicense* soft'are is
also an offence un*er the !ata Protection Act Euc2ingha,shire 0ounty 0ouncil 'or2s
'ith the >e*eration against Soft'are -heft 7>AS-8 to ensure soft'are use is legal

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