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Ortega 1

Alexis Ortega
Economics, Period 2
Grade: 12
10 February 2014
Global Awareness Proect
!omen"s rig#ts are rig#ts t#at $romote legal and social e%uality o& women and men'
(#ese rig#ts try to )ee$ women &ree &rom t#e *iolence and discrimination t#ey ty$ically get
associated wit#' +ost exam$les o& discrimination t#at women are usually connected to #a*e to
deal wit# gender stereoty$es' ,n countries li)e -#ile or .esot#o, women cannot own land' Any
deed #as to #a*e t#e name o& a man on it, w#et#er it is a &at#er or #usband' !omen #a*e no legal
claims in countries li)e t#ese'
(#e main cause &or women"s rig#ts, in my o$inion, is t#e go*ernment o& some countries'
, t#in) t#at some countries ust #a*e t#eir old &as#ioned ways and t#ey do not t#in) anyt#ing
s#ould be c#anged' , could see w#ere t#ey are coming &rom, , guess/ it wor)ed &or so long, w#y
&ix somet#ing t#at is not bro)en0 , guess t#at is true, but , still do not understand w#y t#ey would
not want to grow and t#in) out o& t#e little box t#ey are used to' , am not so sure on #ow we
could $re*ent t#e women"s rig#ts in t#ose countries because it is not li)e t#e leaders would care
about anybody else"s say in anyt#ing' (#e countries are $robably ruled by men, so none o& t#is
would really mean anyt#ing to t#em since t#ey are not t#e ones t#at are being a&&ected'
,& t#ere was any way to get women more rig#ts in t#ese countries, it would mean e%uality
between bot# genders' +ost &emales would #a*e ust as muc# access to education and #ealt# as
men do' 1ut t#at is ust t#e start o& t#e big list o& bene&its t#at would come &rom women"s rig#ts'
+ore bene&its would be t#ings li)e access to #ousing, em$loyment, income, and being in*ol*ed
in courts' E*en little girls get a&&ected by all t#ese t#ings' ,n some $laces, t#ey do not e*en get
Ortega 2
t#e c#oice to go to sc#ool and get an education' ,nstead, t#ey are ex$ected to stay #ome and learn
#ow to do c#ores so t#ey could tend to t#eir #usband"s needs in t#e &uture'
2ome more exam$les o& women"s ine%uality o*er t#e world are t#ings li)e t#e &act t#at
women get denied #ealt# care in certain $laces all o*er t#e world because t#ey are not *iewed as
im$ortant' E*en in c#ildbirt#, women could get denied t#e care t#ey need w#ic# could lead to
#er dying' ,n countries li)e -#ina and ,ndia, women will #a*e t#eir babies aborted i& t#ey )now
it will be a girl' ,& t#ey #a*e t#e baby wit#out )nowing it was going to be a girl in t#e &irst $lace,
t#ey will )ill t#e born baby because t#ey do not t#in) girls are as im$ortant to t#eir society' ,n
Egy$t, along wit# ot#er countries, women are &orced to stay in abusi*e relations#i$s wit# men
t#ey do not lo*e' (#e reason &or t#is is because t#ey #a*e no access to courts in t#eir country, so
t#ey can not &ile &or di*orce' ,n 2audi Arabia, women are not allowed to ride bi)es, dri*e, or
anyt#ing li)e t#at' (#ey would #a*e to ta)e o&& t#eir *eils in order to $er&orm t#ose tas)s, w#ic#
would not be o)ay'

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