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The painting of Mona Lisa was started in 1503.

Though the completion date was never written down, it is said to

be finished 4 years after it was started. Approximately around 1507 Leonardo finished the painting. Painting is so
famous for the fact that the women in this painting is a mystery to Da Vinci. Why was this painted, is a big
question that has no true answer.
The last supper is a masterpiece for the reasoning being that it shows the final meal with Jesus Christs 12
apostles. In the painting it show the emotion on everyones faces. During the last supper it is said in the bible
that Jesus Christ said that one of his disciples will betray him. The painting is a masterpiece because in the
painting Leonardo demonstrates the emotions on each and every one in the painting. It shows how each disciple
is questioning who is the one to betray Jesus.
The painting of Vitruvius has many theories behind it. Vitruvius believed that the human body is similar to a
properly constructed temple that relates to the parts of the human body. Many artists have illustrated Vitruvius
theory before but in Leonardos illustration his is different then others before. This figure demonstrates to
different positions. While the painting of the man is in the circle and the square, body movement is suggested in
this figure. This painting is a masterpiece for many reasons described but with the variety of Da Vinci own way
to bring his own theory into his painting with words surrounding the picture describing and paraphrasing
Vitruvius theory. Painting said to be done in 1490.
Mona Lisa
The Last Supper
Vitruvian Man

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