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Mara Fernanda Torres Quirs

Chore : is a task that you must do, but

that you find boring or unpleasant.
Easy chores (Tareas sencillas)
*Walk the dog (Pasear al perro)
*Pay the bills (Pagar las facturas)
*Buy the groceries(Comprar los comestibles)
*Vacuum (Aspirar)
Difficult chores (Tareas difciles)
*Sweep the floor (Barrer el suelo)
*Cut the grass (Cortar la hierba)
*Iron the clothes (Planchar la ropa)
*Put away the clothes (Guarde la ropa)


1. Eaten a. meet
2. Drunk b. tell
3. Swept c. eat
4. Met d. say
5. Said e. speak
6. Spoken f. drink
7. Told g. win
8. Won h. sweep
9. Bought i. read
10. Read j. buy

1. Eaten a. meet
2. Drunk b. tell
3. Swept c. eat
4. Met d. say
5. Said e. speak
6. Spoken f. drink
7. Told g. win
8. Won h. sweep
9. Bought i. read
10. Read j. buy

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