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Effect of shilajit on haloperidol induced catalepsy in albino mice

J. S. Salunke, N. M. Jawale, C. D. Solanki, M. S. Nemade and . !. "atil.

T.V.E.Ss College of Pharmacy, Nehru Vidya Nagar, Faizpur, Dist. !algao" #$.S.%
&'(()*, +"dia.
+" the prese"t study, ,e ha-e attempted to e-aluate the protecti-e effect of Shila.it o"
haloperidol #/.) mg01g, i.p.%2i"duced catalepsy i" mice. $ice ,ere allocated to si3
groups co"tai"i"g si3 a"imals i" each. The effect of test drug shila.it #/(, *) a"d ()
mg01g, p.o.% a"d the sta"dard drugs, scopolami"e #/.) mg01g, p.o.% a"d o"da"esetro" #/.)
mg01g, p.o.% ,ere assessed after si"gle a"d repeat dose admi"istratio" for se-e" days, *)
mi". prior to the haloperidol. The results suggest that shila.it ha-e a protecti-e effect
agai"st haloperidol2i"duced catalepsy ,hich is compara4le to the sta"dard drugs used for
the same purpose. +" co"clusio" prese"t study i"dicates that the shila.it could 4e used to
pre-e"t drug2i"duced e3trapyramidal side effects.
Keywords: Catalepsy, 5aloperidol, Shila.it

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