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Scoring and Data Use Plans

Name_____Tribal Comparrison______ Jacki Olson

Purpose: _______Formal Formative_______
FO FO!"# FO!"T$%& "SS&SS!&NTS:
1. Objective/Learning Target(s) that are being measured by this assessment
Tribal Comparison: LC!.".#$.%&.1' Construct simple charts and graphs (rom data and
). *ormative +ssessment $rocess "trategy
&. ,ho -ill score the assessment. i( scored/
This assessment -ill be scored. but not used (or a grade. #t is a simple chec0
to ma0e sure the student has recorded the correct in(ormation. This -ill help
ensure the student is prepared (or the summative assessment.
1. 2escribe the in(o (data) that -ill be collected.
The data being collected -ill allo- me to see the students understand the
tribes have similarities and di3erences.
4. ,ho -ill use the in(o (data) and ho-/
a. ,hat -ill be the pro5ciency levels/
!6ceeds e6pectations7 has the chart completely 5lled out -ith more than
(our e6amples on both sides and t-o similarities.
+de8uate7 has the chart completely 5lled out -ith (our e6amples on both
sides and t-o similarities.
9eeds -or07 the chart is barely 5lled out -ith e6amples on both sides and
b. ,ill it be used (or grading/ #( so. ho-/
The data collected -ill not be used (or grading. #t is only a chec0 to see i( the
students did their -or0.
'. ,hat is the plan (or students to use the in(ormation collected/
The in(ormation being collected -ill be used (or the student:s summative
assessment. The students -ill be -riting an essay about the tribes and (acts
that pertain to them.
;. "ample document o( ho- the data -ill be recorded.
!2<1)= *+11 2r. >. "ailers
?. 2escribe intentional. possible interventions (or lo- scoring students (those -ho
@don:t get itA) and enrichments (or high scoring students (those -ho @get itA the
5rst time).
There -ill not be high scoring and lo- scoring students because it does not
get a grade. The rubric -ill allo- me to see -hich students are ready to
move onto the ne6t part o( the -ritten assessment.
!2<1)= *+11 2r. >. "ailers

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