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Lesson 5 The Royle Family

Objectives : demonstrate
understanding of conventions of the
genre and audience pleasures with
specific examples.
Starter -
What would you recommend doing if you were
going to make a socially realistic situation
The Royle Family Analysis
Titles /Credits

of class


Types of shot

Opening Shot

Series 1 Episode 1
Opening shot close up on ash tray change focus to feet being painted and asynchronous sound of fathers phone bill complaints
Father sits separate in his armchair
Handheld camerawork
Representation of Northern working class life through decor, part time job at bakery , discussion of friends coming out of prison,
stolen goods (Twiggy)
Lack of narrative action, focusing on ordinary dialogue, wedding plans, whats on tv, dinner etc, Daves had corned beef hash
No real disruption between opening and end. No narrative conventions rather a slice of life.
Funny they never mentioned it on the news. , checking for Aberdeen call Whose she talking to? Lloyd Grossman. Were up to
our eyes here. Cant seem to get nothing done.
Limited set in the living room and continues in continuous time with characters entering and leaving
Jim has the majority of the one liners
Stereotypes of social class, smoking, indolent and of gender, irritable father, caring mother
Kitchen sink social realism mise-en-scene (outmoded decor), prison references, lack of eventa and deliberate deglamorisation
Of. dialogue and narrative
Titles white on black
Simple transition
Shot in reliastic 16mm
Lacks typical three camera set up

Knowledge Assessment
In what ways is The Royle Family

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