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Pittsburgh, PA

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Seeking a leadership position in human-centered software engineering in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Software has a significant impact on the quality of peoples lives. I drive technical teams
to deliver beautiful, bug-free solutions that people love to use.
Carnegie Mellon University, Master of Human-Computer Interaction, 2014
College of Charleston, Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, 1994
Student of Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University
August 2013 - August 2014 (1 year 1 month)
I returned to campus to learn Human-Centered Design at the top computer science school
in the world. Received Master of Human-Computer Interaction in August 2014.
Director of Technology at Lincoln School
February 2012 - June 2013 (1 year 5 months)
My family shared our talents with a multicultural community in the foothills of the
Himalaya. I taught high school classes in technology, software development, and how to
DJ the school dance.
Vice President for eBusiness at ICF International
September 2001 - July 2011 (9 years 11 months)
From the position of Sr. Consultant (Software Engineer), I moved progressively through
positions of increasing responsibility, including Project Manager and Principal. I became
the youngest ever Vice President of the 3500 person, publicly traded professional
services firm. My team, housed in an office remote from corporate headquarters, was
considered to be the center of excellence for all custom, web-enabled software, and our
work was integral to the company's successful IPO in 2006.

As I moved into corporate leadership, I also continued to consult as a Principal Systems
Analyst with our most important clients. My responsibilities included Requirements
Gathering, Product Definition, Project Estimation, Software Delivery using Scrum,
Software Testing, and Software Support. Also, I owned the conceptual integrity of the
product, contributed significantly to the solution architecture, and developed code (Java
Enterprise Edition) throughout.

Pittsburgh, PA
Founder at Robot6
October 1999 - January 2001 (1 year 4 months)
Founded an Internet consultancy in 1999 with headquarters in San Francisco. Robot6
delivered technology and branding solutions to the booming dot com industry. I
developed our lightweight project management process. We became an early adopter of
the first agile software development process, eXtreme Programming. I also developed
Java and PHP.
Lead Software Engineer at Organic Online
May 1998 - October 1999 (1 year 6 months)
Designed and implemented the emerging technologies of the World Wide Web for clients
including Home Depot, Blockbuster Video, and Rational Software. In the time before
J2EE was released, I was developing the largest server side java implementations to date
using the nascent tools of the time.
Software Engineer at Sun Microsystems (Javasoft Division)
May 1996 - September 1997 (1 year 5 months)
Designed and implemented the user interface of the Java Wallet and portions of the
application framework including a central event dispatcher.
Trained and experienced (10+ years) J2EE Architect
I design elegant J2EE solutions using design patterns to efficiently communicate
with the engineering team.
Trained and experienced (10+ years) process wonk
My teams use standardized processes and tools that maximize the effectiveness of
each software development hour.
Trained and experienced (10+ years) program and project manager
I know how and when to use Trello and/ or Microsoft Project
Experienced (10+ years) consultant
I know how to sell work, service customers, staff projects, and deliver quality
products on time.
Experienced (10+ years) manager of technical personnel
I know how to hire and coach talent, build interdisciplinary teams, manage my
teams careers, and fire when necessary.
Trained and Experienced (1 year) UX Researcher
I know how and when to perform qualitative and quantitative user research
Curious, lifelong learner.
Brief references on linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathanhbrown/
Lengthy references can be provided.

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