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Ethan Courser

Senior Seminar
Block 3
15 Job Interview Questions
1). Are you the best person for this job? Why? I am best suited or this !ob as a
boilermaker because i am or"ani#ed$ res%onsible so i will alwa&s be on time. I work as hard
as i can in ever&thin" i do. I have been weldin" since m& !unior &ear o hi"h school and i
have an associates de"ree in weldin" o all %rocesses includin" '()*. )lso i have been
Certiied b& +.S.,.) and can %erorm c%r i needed.
-). Are you overqualified for this job? I have been weldin" since m& !unior &ear o hi"h
school and i have an associates de"ree in weldin" o all %rocesses includin" '()*. )lso i
have been Certiied b& +.S.,.) and can %erorm c%r i needed.
3). Describe yourself. I am a hard workin" %erson$ i strive to do the best that i can in
ever&thin" i do ever& da&. I am res%onsible so i "et work and other %ro!ects done on time. I
am also res%onsible enou"h that i won.t miss a da& o work unless i absolutel& need to$ and
i will alwa&s be at work on time.
/). Describe your career goals. 0& "oals are to become the best welder i can be. I want to
"et a !ob doin" what i love and retire doin" what i love. I want to learn ever& as%ect o
weldin" and "o to other %laces to learn what the& do and how the& do it.
5). Describe your work style. I %reer to work alone or the most %art because then i can
sta& ocused on m& task with no distractions. I am however able to work in a "rou% i need
be. I work best with short breaks between lon" %eriods o work.
1). How do you handle pressure? I handle %ressure mainl& b& workin" aster. I the
%ressure becomes too "reat and i start to mess thin"s u% i will sto%$ %ut ever&thin" down$
ste% awa& rom the work and take 5 minutes to i"ure out what is wron" and how to i2 it.
(hen i i2 it.
3). How would you describe the pace at which you work? I tr& to work as ast as i can
without messin" an&thin" u%. I i.m "oin" to slow i will %ut in e2tra time to "et cau"ht u% to
where i need to be. I i.m "oin" to ast and i.m messin" thin"s u% i will slow down and orce
m&sel to work slower.
4). If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired what would they
say? I believe the& would talk about how i.m alwa&s on time or alwa&s where i sa& im "oin"
to be. (he& ma& talk about how i never miss a da& o work unless it is absolutel& necessar&.
5). Is there a type of work environ!ent you prefer? )s i said i %reer to work alone
however i do like a bus& work environment. I would not want to be crammed into a booth to
weld. I would like to be out on the actor& loor or somethin" similar to that.
16). What are you passionate about? I am ver& %assionate about m& work$ i like to look at
m& work and be %roud o it. I am also ver& %assionate about the environment$ i want more
wind turbines and solar %anels so the earth will be health& or m& kids in the uture.
11). "lease describe the ideal job for you. (he ideal !ob or me would be a medium %aced
!ob that is not so slow that i is borin" but not so ast that i have to do slo%%& work. 0& ideal
!ob with have lon" %eriods o work with a ew breaks scattered throu"h the work da&.
1-). Do you have the qualifications and personal characteristics necessary for
success in your chosen career? 7es i do. (o be a welder i have to %atient$ hard workin"$
and %recise. I am "ood with or"ani#ation which will be "ood or a weldin" !ob so i don.t lose
su%%lies. I am alwa&s on time and am never absent8 because it doesn9t matter how "ood o
a welder &ou are unless &ou show u% to do &our !ob.
13). How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict? I deal with conlict b&
avoidin" it in "eneral. I i am conronted with conlict however i will tr& to talk and sto% the
conlict beore it becomes a i"ht$ then tr& and walk awa&. ,owever i i can.t walk awa& i will
i"ht i someone hurts me irst.
1/). What plans do you have for continued study? An advanced degree? I %lan to "o to
:ansin" Communit& Colle"e and "et an associates de"ree in weldin". I will also take
metallur"& classes to better understand the metal i will be weldin" on and their %ro%erties.
15). #ell !e about the salary range you$re seeking. I am not lookin" or outra"eous
%a&ment or m& work. I do however e2%ect to have em%lo&ee beneits and to be %aid well
enou"h that i can %a& m& bills when the& are do. (hat is all i re;uire.

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