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Civics State Defence


Definition Of State Defence
Political: Following the law of keeping order in
the community
Economical: State defense as tool to keep
stability of country.
Military: The police needs to keep order and
safety among citizens
State defence impacts us in many different ways,
because everyday we can go to sleep peacefully
knowing that there is someone out there protecting
us from harm. Another example of how state
defence is used, is by comparing it to the
Independence of Indonesia, there were many
soldiers that had fought in the war, many of them
had died, because of trying to protect the
Indonesians, that were terrified by the Invasion of
the Dutch, that took away most freedom in
Indonesia. But there was a spark of light, the state
defence built their way to the top, and revolted
against the Dutch and finally on the year August 17
1945 the got their Independence. This is why it is
important, because, the state defence is important,
because it made Indonesia what it is today.
Background Theory
Political: From a political point of view, we look at the view from a certain
branch of commission such as the National Commissioner of Law (KHN) . The
ranks are more focused on the police, since Indonesia have more
policemen/women than the soldiers that work in the army. The police have
certain duties and amendments that needs to be fulfilled.
Economical: The White Book of Indonesia Defense tells us that a good
economy for the country tells us that we can create relationships with our
country and it will improve our national defense.
Military Power: A duty to protect the citizens and the country.
Differences between Indonesian State defence and Other
countries state defence
What your opinion regarding to Indonesia historical
election?, What the best election system in Indonesia , why ?
In the past Indonesia had many elections, but the one in my opinion
that had mattered the most would have been the first election that
had ever happened in Indonesia, just because, that was the time when
the first president was being elected, but also the time when the first
rules were being invented, that would be used to make indonesia one
whole country stable, once again, also I think that when the rules
were being created, that was the most important part, because these
rules were meant to help the people in indonesia, and make
themselves independent, and this relates to Indonesias State Defence
because, the rules of punishment and the rules of what is right and
what is wrong, was for the sake of the people, so that they would stay
safe, so that everyone, would be able to complain to someone that it
is wrong, or is doing the wrong thing the citizens can complain.
So overall we can say that state defence in Indonesia has helped and
has protected the country significantly, also that we should respect
the state defence, because we must commemorate, the fight of the
Independence of Indonesia, where many soldiers sacrificed
themselves, to save many people, so we should think highly of state
defence, because every night when we go to bed, we can sleep
peacefully because, we know that there is always someone standing 24
hours in the same position to ensure that Indonesia is safe
Works Cited
"KHN: Intelligence Bill Violate Human Potential." SWATT Online. 2010 Swat - Online Original text 2010 Swatt,
n.d. Web. 4 Sept. 2014. <http://www.swatt-online.com/khn-ruu-intelijen-berpotensi-langgar-ham/>.
"The Indonesian flag and the silhouette of a soldier's military salute." The Indonesian Flag And The Silhouette Of A
Soldier'S Military Salute Stock Photo 107579999 : Shutterstock. 2003-2014 Shutterstock, Inc. All rights reserved. ,
n.d. Web. 4 Sept. 2014. <http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-107579999/stock-photo-the-indonesian-flag-and-the-

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