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UNIT AUTHOR: Megan Amely

UNIT TOPIC: Lines in the Coordinate Plane

Subject/Content Area: Mathematics
Course: Geometry
Grade Level: 9

Length of Unit: Two weeks/Five days/Five class periods, two hours each


Class Profile: Omitted for confidentiality purposes
Individual Student Information and Differentiation Strategies: Omitted for confidentiality purposes

2. Unit Rationale: Enduring Understandings & Essential Questions
Graphing linear equations is a crucial skill in mathematics. Once students master graphing linear
equations, they will begin to graph inequalities and solve for feasible regions. In geometry, it is especially
important to graph lines in order to construct geometric figures on a coordinate grid.

Enduring Understandings (EU)
Students will understand that by solving a system of equations, they are not only finding the spot on a
graph where the two lines intersect, but more importantly, they are finding a solution that satisfies more
than one condition. When equations represent word problems, students will understand the meaning of
their solution in terms of the word problem.

Essential Questions
How can solving systems of equations help us to solve real-world problems?
In which careers might you most frequently encounter problems dealing with linear equations?
How will the solutions change or stay the same when we work with non-linear functions?
What are the pros and cons to each form of a linear equation?

Content & Common Core Standards
8.EE.5-Graph proportional relationships, interpreting the unit rate as the slope of the graph.
8.F.3-Interpret the equation y = mx + b as dening a linear function, whose graph is a straight line.
8.EE.8b-Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically, and estimate solutions by
graphing the equations.

ELD Standards
Productive ELD Standard 9, Presenting Bridging Level: Plan and deliver a variety of oral
presentations and reports on grade-appropriate topics that express complex and abstract ideas.
ELD Standard: Productive ELD Standard 10b, Writing Bridging Level: Write clear and coherent
summaries of texts and experiences using complete and concise sentences and key words.
ELD Standard: Structuring Cohesive Texts ELD Standard 1, Understanding text structure
Bridging Level: Apply analysis of the organizational structure of different text types to comprehending
texts and to writing clear and cohesive arguments.

Day 1:
#1 Cognitive: After completing their graphic organizer and listening to their peers presentations,
students will be able to graph linear equations given: a point and slope, x and y intercepts, or slope and y
intercept, identifying step-by-step instructions for each method. (8.EE.5)
#1 Language Development: After completing their graphic organizer, students will be able to plan and
deliver an oral presentation describing the process of graphing a linear equation. (ELD Standard 9)

Day 2:
#2 Cognitive: After completing a worksheet, students will be able to convert a given equation in standard
form to slope-intercept form in order to derive a formula for slope of a line in standard form. (8.F.3)
#2 Language Development: After sharing and comparing answers with a partner, students will be able
to contribute to a pair discussion on deriving a formula for the slope of a line in standard form. (ELD
Standard 1)
Day 3:
#3 Cognitive: After completing a worksheet, students will understand the relationship between slopes of
parallel and perpendicular lines in order to create an equation given a point and the slope of a line parallel
or perpendicular to the desired line. (8.EE.5)
#3 Language Development: After discussing conjectures with peers, students will be able to
demonstrate comprehension of their group discussion on the relationship between slopes of parallel and
perpendicular lines by completing a two-question exit ticket. (ELD Standard 5)

Day 4:
#4 Cognitive: After writing a summary describing the three different processes and explaining which
method they prefer, students will be able to solve systems of two linear equations using any of the three
methods. (8.EE.8b)
#4 Language Development: After writing a summary describing the three different processes and
explaining which method they prefer, students will be able to write a clear and coherent summary using at
least 6 vocabulary words and at least 6 sentences. (ELD Standard 10b)

Day 5:
#5 Cognitive: After participating in the activities and assignments from this unit, students will be able to
complete a written exam covering all concepts from 3.6 and 3.7 (8.F.3)
#5 Language Development: After participating in the activities and assignments from this unit, students
will be able to complete a written exam by analyzing the structure of the exam and will be able to
comprehend texts and answer questions using clear arguments 80% of the time. (ELD Standard 1)

Day 1:
G.O. Presentation: Students will present their graphic organizer to the class in groups of 3 or 4. Students
will be evaluated based on their participation in the group presentation, their written instructions, and a
correct graph. (Informal, Summative)
*Assesses cognitive objective #1 and language development objective #1, assesses 8.EE.5 and ELD
Standard 9
Implementation Method: Small group presentation (3 to 4 students)

Day 2:
Day 2 Monitor (Content): While students are working on their worksheets in class, I will monitor the
room checking students understanding and answering questions. (Informal, Formative)
*Assesses cognitive objective #2 and 8.F.3
Implementation Method: Performance
Day 2 Monitor (Language): While students are working on their worksheets in class, I will monitor the
room listening for students contributions to pair discussions. (Informal, Formative)
*Assesses language development standard #2 and ELD Standard 1
Implementation Method: Performance

Day 3:
Day 3 Exit Ticket: After discussing their conjectures, students will complete an exit ticket before leaving
answering two questions: one evaluating the slope of parallel lines and one evaluating the slope of
perpendicular lines. (Informal, Formative)
*Assesses cognitive objective #3 and language development objective #3, assesses 8.EE.5 and ELD
Standard 5
Implementation Method: Written exit ticket, two questions

Day 4:
Solving Systems Summary: Students will turn in their summary at the end of class and will be graded
(based on a rubric) for an accurate written explanation and understanding of the three different methods
to solve a system of two equations. (Formal, Summative)
*Assesses cognitive objective #4 and language development objective #4, assesses 8.EE.8b and ELD
Standard 10b
Implementation Method: Written summary
Evaluation Criteria: Rubric

Day 5:
Unit Exam: Students will take a written exam and turn it in for a grade. (Formal, Summative)
*Assesses cognitive objective #5 and language development objective #5, assesses 8.F.3 and ELD
Standard 1
Implementation Method: Written exam (free response)


See separate document

To begin the unit I will play the following YouTube video. This video is a parody of the song Thrift Shop.
The video explains how to graph using slope-intercept form. This will motivate students by making them
laugh and seeing that math can be fun!

Students will take an exam at the end of the unit to summarize what they have learned. To make meaning
of what they learned, I will show the YouTube video once more. This time around, the students will
understand much more from the video than they did the first time they watched it at the beginning of the
unit. As a final homework project, students will asked to create their own parody to a song of their choice
about one method of solving a system of equations or graphing a line.
To prepare students for the next unit, I will show them an image of a system of inequalities and a graph
showing the feasible region. I will explain that the skills learned in this unit will help us to graph


1. TITLE OF LESSON Graphing given blank - First lesson in a 5-day unit on lines in the coordinate plane

grade Geometry

3. DATE OF LESSON/TIME NEEDED First semester, 70 minutes

YouTube video, Process Chart graphic organizer (1 per student), straightedges, document camera

8.EE.5-Graph proportional relationships, interpreting the unit rate as the slope of the graph.

Productive ELD Standard 9, Presenting Bridging Level: Plan and deliver a variety of oral presentations and
reports on grade-appropriate topics that express complex and abstract ideas.

Students will begin to identify and understand the ways one can graph a line given different sets of information.

How can solving systems of equations help us to solve real-world problems?
In which careers might you most frequently encounter problems dealing with linear equations?

Cognitive: After completing their graphic organizer and listening to their peers presentations, students will be able to
graph linear equations given: a point and slope, x and y intercepts, or slope and y intercept, identifying step-by-step
instructions for each method. (8.EE.5)
Language Development: After completing their graphic organizer, students will be able to plan and deliver an oral
presentation describing the process of graphing a linear equation. (ELD Standard 9)
Summative: Students will present their graphic organizer to the class in groups of 3 or 4. Students will be evaluated
based on their participation in the group presentation, their written instructions, and a correct graph. (Informal)

11. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: What the teacher does 12. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: What the students do
1. Anticipatory Set (5 minutes)
Teacher shows the following YouTube video:
This video is a parody of the song Thrift Shop. The video
explains how to graph using slope-intercept form.

2. State Objective (3 minutes)
Teacher projects the objectives under the document camera
and asks for a student volunteer to read the days objectives
Cognitive: After completing their graphic organizer and
listening to their peers presentations, students will be able
to graph linear equations given: a point and slope, x and y
intercepts, or slope and y intercept, identifying step-by-step
instructions for each method.
Language Development: After completing their graphic
organizer, students will be able to plan and deliver an oral
presentation describing the process of graphing a linear

3. Input Modeling (25 minutes)
Teacher instructs students to get out blank notebook paper
to take notes.
Teacher defines and shows an example of graphing a linear
equation given a point and slope, given x and y intercepts, or
given slope and y intercept.

1. Anticipatory Set (5 minutes)
Students watch the YouTube video.

2. State Objective (3 minutes)
Students observe as teacher projects the
objectives under the document camera.
A student volunteers to read the objectives aloud
while others listen and follow along:
Cognitive: After completing their graphic
organizer and listening to their peers
presentations, students will be able to graph linear
equations given: a point and slope, x and y
intercepts, or slope and y intercept, identifying
step-by-step instructions for each method.
Language Development: After completing their
graphic organizer, students will be able to plan and
deliver an oral presentation describing the process
of graphing a linear equation.

3. Input Modeling (25 minutes)
Students get out blank notebook paper to take
Students listen and ask questions as teacher
defines and shows an example of graphing a linear
equation given a point and slope, given x and y
intercepts, or given slope and y intercept.

4. Check for Understanding (7 minutes)
Teacher hands out graphic organizer to each student.
Teacher instructs students to work at their tables groups (3
to 4 students).
Teacher assigns each group one of the methods: graphing
given a point and slope, graphing given intercepts, or
graphing given a slope and an intercept.
Teacher tells students to discuss the process they have
been assigned as a group and decide how they want to fill in
their graphic organizer.
Teacher asks, What questions do you have?

5. Guided Practice (10 minutes)
Teacher monitors while groups work on their graphic
organizers. Teacher listens to group conversations to make
sure everyone is participating appropriately.

6. Independent Practice (15 minutes)
Teacher calls on a group randomly to present first.
Teacher listens while first group presents and asks
questions to extend their thinking.
Teacher calls on the rest of the groups randomly to present.

7. Closure (5 minutes)
Teacher summarizes the day and reminds students of the
days objectives by reading them out loud.
4. Check for Understanding (7 minutes)
Students receive graphic organizer.
Students listen to teacher give instructions.
Students work at their tables groups (3 to 4
Each group is assigned one of the methods for
graphing a line: graphing given a point and slope,
graphing given intercepts, or graphing given a
slope and an intercept.
Students ask the teacher questions for clarification
on the activity.

5. Guided Practice (10 minutes)
Students discuss the process they have been
assigned as a group and decide how they want to
fill in their graphic organizer.

6. Independent Practice (15 minutes)
One group is randomly chosen to present first.
Groups present their graphic organizers under the
document camera and explain their steps while
others listen and ask appropriate questions.

7. Closure (5 minutes)
Students listen to teacher summarize the day and
read the objectives out loud.

Day 1 Process Chart Graphic Organizer
Day 2 Worksheet: Standard to Slope-Intercept Form
Day 3 Worksheet: Parallel and Perpendicular Slopes
Day 4 Rubric
Day 5 Exam (I do not have permission to attach the Unit Exam)

PROCESS CHART: Graphing a line given

Parallel Lines
Calculate the slope:

m= m= m=

Perpendicular Lines:
Calculate the slope:

m= m= m=

Work with your table to come up with a conjecture for the relationship between slopes of parallel
and perpendicular lines!

Name ______________________________ Period ___________ Date __________________________

1 2 3 4
explanation was
brief, had 1-2
sentences using
1-2 mathematic-
specific words.
explanation was
brief, had 3-4
sentences using
3-4 mathematic-
specific words.
explanation was
concise, had 5
sentences using
5 mathematic-
specific words.
explanation was
clear and
coherent, had at
least 6 complete
and concise
sentences using
at least 6
specific words.
explain methods
for solving a
system of two
correctly explain
one method for
solving a system
of two equations.
correctly explain
two methods for
solving a system
of two equations.
correctly explain
all three methods
for solving a
system of two

Throughout this unit, I differentiated instruction by providing a wide variety of activities to meet the
needs of all my students. I have taken into account my students who need to hear and see directions,
my students who need language support and/or content support, and my students who need to feel
challenged. One strength in my lesson plan is the variety of assessments. One weakness in my
lesson plan is that I do not have a diagnostic assessment. Not having a diagnostic test could possibly
limit what I teach because I may spend time covering unnecessary concepts. To measure the
effectiveness of the unit, I will pay close attention to the writing samples that I collect as well as the
unit exam. I have learned that I am not as comfortable incorporating technology as Id like to be.
Technology is an afterthought rather than a go-to strategy. I will keep this in mind when designing the
next unit.

UNIT RUBRIC Name: Megan Amely
& Criteria
Approaching Meets
(Include criteria for Approaching & Meets)
(Include criteria for
Approaching, Meets &
Unit Context
1 point
Describes the subject/content
area, curse, grade level &
& describes the length of unit, number of class
periods and lengths of periods.
& describe where it fits
within the year plan.
Student Facts
2 points
Provide a complete Class Profile & describe 5 individual students (ELL, Special
Ed, Low Level, Average Level, High Level).
Include the students name, label, grade level,
culture, language, SES, family, affect,
individual education goals, readiness
(reading, writing and subject area level),
interests, & learning profile
& include information about
students affects and needs
for their learning
3 points
Describe the differentiation
strategy(ies) for the 5 individual
& label the strategy (lesson content, process
or product) and the way it addresses the
students identity and developmental needs
(readiness, interest or learning profile)
& provide how the strategy
will be assessed for
effectiveness and altered if
1 point
Explain the importance of unit in
the students big picture of
learning & describes the
enduring understandings - what
students will know and be able
to do at the end of the unit
& articulate what essential questions you will
use to frame the unit
& label the questions based
on the Six Facets of
1 point
Both CA Content, Common
Core and ELD Standards are
identified and each is addressed
in an objective that contains a
condition, verb, and criteria
& each objective is labeled by the type
(cognitive, affective, psychomotor or
language) and number of the standard it
& identify which of the six
facets of understanding it is
designed to address.
2 points
Provide an assessment for each
objective and articulates
& identify the formality, purpose,
implementation method and evaluation
& provide description of how
you will communicate
expectations (rubric), self-
assessment process and
provide a sample of student
1 point
Provide an anticipatory set
activity for unit
& describe in detail the steps the teacher will
take to implement the anticipatory set for the
unit and any needed materials (i.e. graphic
organizer, ppt, model, rubric)
& provide script for teacher
and times for each activity.
2 points
Provide a unit calendar outlining
what is addressed each day
(objectives, standards, student
activity and assessment)
& each activity is student centered with
multiple opportunities for the instructor to
check for understanding
& provide unit calendar
online for students.
1 point
Provide a closure activity for unit

& describe in detail the steps the teacher will
take to implement the closure activities and
any needed materials (i.e. graphic organizer,
ppt, model, rubric)
& provide script for teacher
and times for each activity.
Lesson Plans
4 points
3-5 lesson plans are provided
for one week of the unit
& each lesson meets all the requirements
specified in their perspective rubrics including
all the instructional materials
& A full scripted Lesson is
provided for each day of the
Materials &
1 point
Describe all the materials
needed to implement the
& the materials address a range of student
needs and variety of interests and learning
& provide students multiple
choices for the content,
process and products of the
1 point
Address all the reflection
prompts about differentiation,
strengths and limits of the unit,
& effectiveness of unit
& describe what you learned about yourself
and your students
& identify what you would
keep in mind for the next

5 points will be
deducted if not
Provide a copy of the rubric with
the unit plan
& highlight or circle the criteria for each
& provide hand written
evidence for each criteria
marked and identify what
page the component is
addressed in the unit.

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