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Electronic and Social Media Use Guidelines

Issued: 04-09-2012 Efective: 04-09-2012

Electronic Communication Media are part of Hyperterm!s information asset
"ase# e$uivalent to memos# dra%in&s# reports# and oter similar information' (ll
communications and information transmitted "y# received from or stored in
tese systems are te property of Hyperterm and are to "e used for )o"-related
communications only' *e use of Electronic Communication Media "y (ssociates
sould at all times "e &overned "y &ood "usiness )ud&ment' *e more speci+c
&uidelines "elo% de+ne and e,pand upon tis principle of proper and sound
Applies to
(ll associates %orld%ide
(ll Hyperterm locations
(ll electronic communications includin& email -electronic mail.# pone mail#
and internet usa&e -electronic communication media.'
General Guidelines
*e use of Hyperterm!s Electronic Communication Media "y (ssociates is
considered to "e a non-private# "usiness-related use of Hyperterm resources'
(ssociates sould "e a%are tat use of e-mail and of te Internet are su")ect to
monitorin& and revie% "y autori/ed Hyperterm representatives# %ic may
include accessin& deleted e-mail or pone-mail messa&es and +les recordin&
Internet use' (ssociates sould assume tat Electronic Communication Media#
includin& e-mail and te Internet# are not con+dential or private'
(ll communications trou& any of Hyperterm!s Electronic Communication
Media must "e conducted in a professional tone and manner# and not used to
transmit ofensive# discriminatory or unprofessional messa&es' (ll
communications trou& any of Hyperterm0s Electronic Communication Media
are su")ect to Hyperterm0s 1olicy (&ainst Harassment' 2nder a"solutely no
circumstances is Hyperterm0s Electronic Communication Media to "e utili/ed to
solicit# arass or ofend# or for any oter inappropriate or unla%ful purpose'
3ero&atory# defamatory# o"scene or oter%ise inappropriate messa&es are
strictly proi"ited' *e Electronic Communication Media sould not "e used for
solicitin& outside "usiness ventures# advertisin& for personal enterprises or
solicitin& for non-company related purposes'
(ssociates must not use pass%ords# access a +le or retrieve any stored
communication unless tey ave privile&ed access# or are re$uired to do so "y
Hyperterm' (ll pass%ords are te property of Hyperterm'
(ssociates sould "e a%are tat use of Hyperterm or personal cellular pones
may not "e a secure means of communication' (ssociates sould refrain from
discussin& con+dential information on any cellular pone used for
"usiness-related purposes'
Email (Internal and External) and Phone Mail
1' E-mail and pone mail messa&es are te property of Hyperterm'
2' 2nautori/ed (ssociates may not read and4or retrieve te e-mail or pone
mail messa&es of anoter (ssociate'
5' E-mail and pone mail messa&es sould "e e,pressed clearly# "rie6y# and in
a professional tone and manner'
4' 7ecause of te ease in te unautori/ed and un%anted dissemination of
e-mail messa&es# information tat you %is to remain con+dential sould not
"e transmitted via e-mail'
8' (ssociates sould "e a%are tat e-mail messa&es# even tose tat are
deleted# may "e arcived and recovera"le' *us# (ssociates sould use te
same courtesy and professionalism tat apply to oter forms of %ritten
communications in teir e-mail messa&es' 7ecause Hyperterm!s name and
address %ill "e associated %it any communication sent via e-mail#
commentaries tat are inconsistent %it Hyperterm "usiness practices or
personal opinions tat %ould re6ect poorly on Hyperterm must "e avoided'
9' (ssociates sould cec: teir messa&es fre$uently and respond to all e-mail
and pone mail messa&es %itin an appropriate time frame' *is is
important %it re&ard to "ot internal and e,ternal messa&es'
;' 1one mail &reetin&s sould "e professional# and sould "e updated to re6ect
an (ssociate!s protracted a"sence' <enever possi"le# pone mail &reetin&s
sould desi&nate an individual to andle callers %o %is to spea: %it
someone immediately' It is important tat te desi&nee "e at is4er des:
most of te time so tat callers are not for%arded to anoter pone mail
=' (ssociates sould protect all pass%ords and security codes' (ll pass%ords
sould "e can&ed no less fre$uently tan every si, monts' >or additional
security %en travelin&# dial-up users sould not use te ?(utomatically
@toreAB feature for net%or: pass%ords or I3s'
9' *e Hyperterm e-mail address "oo: includes te &roup names ?Hyperterm
<orld%ideB -every Hyperterm (ssociate %orld%ide.# ?Hyperterm 2@(B -all
2@-"ased (ssociates. and ?Hyperterm HanoverB -everyone in Hanover.' 2se
care in addressin& messa&es to eiter of tese &roupsC te &roups are so
lar&e tat a tremendous amount of resources are needed from te mail
server )ust to deliver tese &roup messa&es'
10'*ry not to send attacments to tese e-mail &roupsC attacments slo% te
system do%n even furter# as %ell as re$uirin& a &reat deal of time for te
recipients to do%nload' *e I@ *eam can assist you in usin& <ord to format
your e-mail messa&es rater tan attacin& a +le'
11'3o not distri"ute virus %arnin&s to e-mail &roups' (lmost all virus %arnin&s
are a oa,C if you receive one and are concerned# contact te I@ *eam' It is
also not appropriate to distri"ute cain letters or oter &eneral# non %or:-
related communications to e-mail &roups'
12'Demem"er tat all e-mail messa&es and scedule items are stored on te
mail server# not on your des:top' Clean your mail"o,es on a daily "asis#
includin& your in"o,# sent items# and tras folders' @torin& an e,cessive
amount of information or istory on te mail server is not an accepta"le
metod of record-:eepin& "ecause of te demand it places on a limited
resource' *e I@ *eam can assist you in esta"lisin& alternate metods of
storin& information'
15'7e sure to lo& of from your %or:station at te close of "usiness every day#
and eiter lo& of or loc: your 1C %en leavin& your %or:station for e,tended
periods of time' *is %ill elp prevent unautori/ed access to your 1C'
Internet Access
1' Eour "est &uide to appropriate %or:-related uses of te Internet is common
sense' 2sers sould "e a%are tat tey are %or:in& in a pu"lic environment
sared "y oters' 2sers are also on notice tat te Hyperterm computer
system contains soft%are %ic automatically trac:s individual 1C access to
individual sites on te Internet'
2' Home or remote access to te Internet for %or:-related activities is su")ect to
tese Fuidelines'
5' (ccess to te Internet must "e trou& a controlled environment via an
approved company security +re%all' *e +re%all protects Hyperterm from
unautori/ed access to its net%or: resultin& in a release of private or
sensitive data' In addition# a +re%all ensures compliance %it e,istin&
security procedures and lo&s Internet usa&e'
4' 3o%nloadin& certain functions from te Internet# suc as music or radio
"roadcasts# overloads our net%or: and sould not "e attempted or may "e
prevented "y internal Hyperterm soft%are'
8' 1rivate Internet accounts -e'&' GalleyHet# (IJ# @e&net. sould not "e added
to Hyperterm computers %itout te prior autori/ation of te I@ *eam'
9' 3o%nloadin& and installin& unautori/ed applications can cause 1C
performance issues# and is not permitted e,cept %en approved "y te I@
*eam' ( list of sanctioned applications is posted on Hyper<e" for (ssociates0
;' 7ecause of te open nature of te Internet# con+dential information &enerally
sould not "e sent or received via te Internet' *e Internet is neiter secure
nor private# and te sites you visit may "e monitored "y Hyperterm and "y
te o%ners of tose sites'
=' *e primary purpose of Internet access is to support te %or: of Hyperterm#
and you are encoura&ed to use te Internet for "usiness purposes' It is also
permissi"le to use te Internet for personal reasons# "ut as %it oter
resources# suc as te telepone# personal use of te Internet sould "e
reserved for "rea:s or oter non-%or: time'
9' 2se of te Internet at Hyperterm to access sites %ic contain material tat
may result in a le&al lia"ility to Hyperterm is a"solutely proi"ited' *is
includes -"ut may not "e limited to. sites depictin& se, or mature temes#
illicit narcotics# &am"lin&# ate and crime# and porno&rapy' (ccessin& tis
cate&ory of site trou& a Hyperterm computer may "e &rounds for
10'(ssociates are e,pected to use &ood "usiness )ud&ment %en
communicatin& trou& te Internet' 7ecause Hyperterm!s name and
address %ill "e associated %it any communication sent on te Internet#
commentaries tat are inconsistent %it Hyperterm "usiness practices# or
te transmittal of any material tat mi&t "e considered ofensive# is
unaccepta"le# sould "e avoided# and may "e &rounds for disciplinary action#
up to and includin& termination of employment'
11'Compliance %it all oter provisions of tese &uidelines relatin& to e-mail and
pone mail also applies to Internet use'
Additional Information
Corrective (ction 1olicy
Kuestions sould "e addressed to your Human Desources Feneralist'

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