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To go
Do Now
Read story on p. 261
Do you recall how to conjugate the verb
Je vais
Tu vas
Il/ elle / on va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils/ elles vont
On repond ensemble
O Monique passe-t-elle ses vacances?
Comment va t-elle?
O va t-elle tous les jours?
Avec qui?
Now, answer the rest on your own.
You will share with your partner in 5
Allez y!
Le futur proche
Je vais aller au cinma plus tard (I am going
to the movies later)
Nous allons travailler demain. (We are going
to work tomorrow).
Je vais.
Write a paragraph about what you might
do later on today
Use any of the following: manger la
cantine (eat in the cafeteria); jouer la
guitarre (play guitar); danser avec mes
amis (dance with my friends); faire mes
devoirs (do my homework); surfer
linternet (surf the internet); regarder la
tl (watch television), couter la radio
(listen to the radio).
Nous allons
Write a paragraph about what you might
do with your friends later this weekend.
Faire les magasins (go shopping); prendre
le metro (take the subway); voir un film
(see a movie); manger au restaurant (eat
at a restaurant); cueillir des pommes (pick
apples :); aider nos mamans la maison
(help our moms at home).
Read the dialogue on p. 266.

Independent Practice
On your own work on section F on p. 264.
Section G on p. 265.
Questions on p. 267.
On a presque finit!
Write down 2 things you learned today.
What are you still confused about?
Take a look at your Homework. Do you
have any questions?
Au revoir!

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