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Vance Elementary School

School Grading Plan

In the Wake County Public School System, we are committed to maintaining rigorous performance and
achievement standards for all students and to providing a fair and consistent process for evaluating and
reporting student progress that is understandable to students and their parents and relevant for instructional

The information below shares specific information about grading at our school


The following are school-wide expectations for homework:

Homework will not exceed 20 minutes for K-2, 60 for grades 3-5.
Homework is an extension of daily learning and reinforcement of skills.
Parents will discuss concerns of homework expectations with the students teacher.
Homework will be checked for completion and will count towards the work habits section on the report

The schools Homework Plan can be found on the Vance Website and Parent Handbook.

Classwork & Assessments

The following are school-wide expectations for classwork and assessments:
The team creates grade level assessments, which could include class work and observational tasks.
Teachers use common expectations to grade using standards based grading.

Missed Work

The following are school-wide expectations for missed work:
If the absence is approved at least a week in advance and/or if the work is assigned by the teacher in
advance, all make-up work for the day of return, is due upon the student's return to school.
Teachers use discretion and may make exceptions in the case of students whose excused absences
were not planned in advance, were beyond the student' control, and the nature of which would not
support make-up work the day of return
Special consideration will be given in the case of extended absences due to injury or chronic illness.

Prevention-Intervention Plan
For students at risk of academic failure, our school seeks to provide a prevention/intervention system that
promotes successful completion and mastery of work. Details of our plan are below.

The following are school-wide expectations for how we support prevention-intervention efforts:
Teachers use data to create an intervention plan that is student specific, based on individual data and
completed in collaboration with the Professional Learning Team.
Tier II plans are created for students who achieve level 1 on report card, or consecutive level 2s.

Extra Credit

Extra credit is not offered for use with Standards Based Grading.

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