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Chignecto-Central Regional School Board

Professional Development Committee (NSTU)


Article 60.41, 60.42:
60.41 The Committee may authorize the payment in part or completely of expenses for pre-approved
teacher or school initiated in-service education for teachers.
60.42 The Committee shall establish the deadline for applications for in-service grants and shall inform the
teaching staff of these dates. Applications for an in-service grant shall be made on an approved
form. All applications requiring the use of school time must have the prior approval of the School
Application Process:
(a) Complete this application form (maximum request of two days per budget year per teacher. Please note
page 2.)
(b) If necessary, attach an APPROVED (by principal or supervisor) Request to be Absent Form (Code 64 - Mini
Study Leave) to this application for each participant.
(c) Send to the Professional Development Committee no later than 5 school days prior to monthly meeting date.

For group situations, one proposal will suffice but EACH teacher MUST submit a Request to be Absent form.

Name: _________________________________ School/Site: __________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Contract Status: _________________________ Professional Number: __________________________
Home Phone # ___________________________ Subjects Taught: ______________________________
Work Phone # ___________________________ E-mail address: ______________________________
Date of In-service: ___________________________________________
Specific details of this self initiated in-service (names of other participants, topic, location, etc. P. D.
Resources): ____________________________________________________________________________

Return to: Professional Development Committee (NSTU)
Chignecto Family Office
84 Church Street, (PO Box 2500C), Springhill, NS B0M 1X0
Phone 597-4206; Fax 597-4220 (Applicant is responsible for obtaining facsimile transaction report for
rushtond@ccrsb.ca future reference if necessary.)
Revised September 2014 (Page 1 of 2)

Teachers Signature: __________________________ Date: ____________________

Principals Signature: _________________________ Date: ____________________


Individual teachers may apply for substitute costs for two (2) days per
budget year to allow a visit to other schools/programs, or to work
collaboratively with others on a professional development goal related to
curriculum, instruction and/or assessment practices.


The purpose of this category is to encourage and support schools that are
engaging in site based Professional Development outside of regular school

It does not include system shut downs.

Schools may apply for a maximum of $500.00 (per school per budget year) to
cover such costs as:
1) Honorarium or expenses for presenter
2) Professional resources

Note: This fund cannot be used to cover costs of refreshments.

Revised September 2014
(Page 2 of 2)

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