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aniracetam is a best drugs for improving brain function and learning ability.

Aniracetam assists the communication inside the brain which improves the functio
ning and the speed of the mind.
A number of test carried out have proven that currently Aniracetam is one of th
e most powerful smart drugs or nootropics available. In the 1970s Dr Giurgea coi
ned the term 'nootropics', which describes drugs that act on the mind. Nootropic
s are found to have positive effects on concentration, treatment for memory loss
and age related memory decline.
As an analogue of Piracetam it is intended to improve memory recall, detail and
reaction. Just like most other Piracetam analogues only a little Aniracetam is
needed (mg dose per pound of body weight). Aniracetam like Piracetam is almost n
on-toxic with hardly any side effects and contraindictions. In comparison to pir
acetam, Aniracetam has a more powerful AMPA receptor enhancing effect which ensu
res an improved concentration and focus.
A key difference among nootropics and other memory enhancers is that nootropics
enhance communication across the brain's Corpus callosum. This part of the brai
n links the left hemisphere with the right therefore combining the logic side to
the creative side and allowing users to pull out greater brain potential. Remar
kably, Japanese studies have proven how Aniracetam is able to rapidly improve me
mory recall and promote fast mental clarity and learning capacity.
Aniracetam is also regarded as a drug that can adapt the brain's acetylcholine
system. Results reveal that the administration of Aniracetam considerably enhanc
es the cognitive performance in patients who suffer from senile dementia of the
Alzheimer kind. The most probable explanation for this is that regular doses of
Aniracetam have a positive effect on the brain's memory system.
Aniracetam also has positive effects on the whole body with improvements seen i
n immune systems, health and wellbeing and an increased fight against infections
. These results are seen more in the elderly.

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