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Teleconference Call on August 14, 2014

1. Call to Order
Chair Brown convened the regular meeting at 4:25 pm (Eastern Time).

2. Roll Call
Members present were Tim Brown, Jacqueline Kamp, Robert Hill, Mike
Harper, Dennis Sandquist, Mike Kayes, Royce Maniko and NACo Liaison Jen
Horton. Keith Cubic, Adriana Trujillo-Villa, Charlie Compton, Megan Nelms
and Tracy Hegler were excused. A quorum was confirmed.

3. Approval of June 19, 2014 Teleconference Summary
Robert Hill made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was
seconded by Royce Maniko and approved unanimously.

4. Finance Report Mike Harper
Mike Harper reported that the current balance in the checking account is
$2,381.33. Eleven more members have renewed. Mike Harper moved to
accept the Finance Report. The motion was seconded by Dennis, and
approved unanimously.

5. Proposed 2014/2015 Budget

Mike Harper presented the proposed budget for FY14/15. Robert moved
to approve the proposed budget. The motion was seconded by Royce, and
approved unanimously.

6. NACo Annual Conference Summary
Dennis provided a summary of the NACo Annual Conference.

7. County Innovation Network (COIN)
Peter Watts of Solutionize was giving a presentation on how COIN works
when we lost his audio. He was unable to complete the presentation and
will; therefore, be invited back for our next conference call so he can
complete his presentation.

8. Other Business
There was no other business to report.

9. Schedule Next Executive Committee Meeting Date and Time
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 22
following the meeting of the APA County Planning Division Executive

10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m., Eastern Time.

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