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Maranatha High School 1

Honors Math Analysis

Maranatha High School
Mission Statement
The mission of Maranatha High School is to prepare students for
living lives of purpose and distinction, as reflected by character,
competency and community, by developing the whole student
through relationships, to honor the Lord J esus Christ.
Christian Worldview
My desire to teach comes from a passion to share Christ and also find ways
in which to make mathematics come alive for students. God has a unique
path for students to walk and I love that I have the opportunity to come
alongside them for a short time and journey with them as they discover their
identity in Christ and seek out meaningful and intentional opportunities to
live out their faith in the world.
Honors Math Analysis is designed to build a strong foundation in
pre-calculus and to help students develop a firm grasp of the
underlying mathematical concepts while using algebra as a tool for
solving real-life problems. Topics include functions, series,
sequences, matrices, complex numbers, conic sections, polar and
parametric equations, vectors, applications of trigonometry, and an
introduction to Calculus. Since this course is designed to prepare
students for Calculus, the focus will be on problem solving using
mathematical models to represent real world situations. Scientific
and graphing calculators are used as tools to assist in the
development of concepts.
The primary goal of Honors Math Analysis is to prepare students for the
next level of higher mathematical study. Students will be able to confidently
and competently move forward into higher college level thinking and
concepts after the completion of the coursework meeting the
Common Core and California State Standard requirements.

Instructor: Ms. Van Spronsen
E-Mail: k_vanspronsen@mhs-hs.org
Classroom: G2

Precalculus with
Calculus Previews:
Expanded 5

Every Monday-Friday after
school until 4pm.

Lunch time Tutoring
availability will be posted
weekly on our class website.
Please check for weekly
updates and time based on
need and upcoming quizzes
and tests. If a student needs
additional help please do not
hesitate to arrange an
appointment with me.

And one of [the Pharisees], a
lawyer, asked him a question
to test him. Teacher, which
commandment in the law is
the greatest? He said to him,
You shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and with all
your mind
Matthew 22:35-37

Maranatha High School 2
Classroom Expectations
1) Honor God with all your actions
2) Respect your school, peers, and myself:
a. Be prepared for every class (this includes
but is not limited to having a pencil, paper,
textbook, notebook, and having your
homework completed);
b. Do not leave trash;
c. Be in your seat with the appropriate
materials out when the tardy bell rings to
begin class and when it rings to end class
d. Do not work on any assignments from
other classes;
e. No unauthorized electronic devices; and
f. No food or drinks (other than water with a
3) Technology Policy:
a. Cell phones are not allowed at any time.
iPads may be used for note taking and
teacher sanctioned activities. Any other
use including but not limited to the use of
social media is prohibited at all times.
1. Quizzes, Tests, & Final Exam:
Students will take between 1 and 2 quizzes for each unit to check for understanding of
the concepts and to identify areas of improvement. Pop quizzes may be given
sporadically throughout the semester. A cumulative final exam will be given at the end
of each semester.
Students will take a test at the end of each unit and one cumulative exam at the end of
the semester. Tests & the final exam may include multiple choice, matching,
true/false, and free response questions. Tests may also include some questions from
previous units.

2. Homework:
Throughout the course, you may expect daily homework assignments. These
homework assignments are of paramount importance to help aid in your understanding
and mastery of the content. On occasion additional readings and/or review problems
will be assigned.

3. Projects:
At the completion of each unit students will complete an in class group project
focusing on the application of their new skills in the real world. In addition each
semester will have one larger project that will be completed outside of class. Details
for these projects will be given in the first month of each semester with rubrics and
expectations provided.

Maranatha High School 3

4. Classwork:
93-100% A 73-76% C
90-92% A- 70-72% C-
87-89% B+ 67-69% D+
83-86% B 63-66% D
80-82% B- 60-62% D-
77-79% C+ 0-59% F
Each week students will receive a classwork score out of 10 points. All students start
the week at 5 points. Points are earned for active, positive participation, including but
not limited to coming prepared, asking questions and appropriate classroom behavior.
Points will be deducted for inappropriate behavior, tardiness, a lack of participation,
and a lack of preparedness (this includes not possessing the necessary materials).

Homework 10%
Classwork 5%
Tests/Quizzes/Final 70%
Projects 15%

My attendance policy is consistent with that in the Student Handbook. Pay specific
attention to the following: Students are expected to take quizzes/tests that they missed for an
excused absence on the day they return to my class. I will allow students to turn in work
with an altered due date only if the student contacts me (preferably via email) prior to
returning to school. Failure to do so may result in late credit on any grades missed during
said day(s). If an absence occurs, it is the students responsibility to find out what they
Late Work
1. Assignments submitted late will have the following penalties:
a. Late= 50% off, after the end of the unit test: no credit. Regarding excused absences on
due dates: students must submit work upon their return to class for full credit.

For any policies not addressed here explicitly, my expectations fall in line with those
of the student handbook. My expectation is that you all maintain a high level of
achievement in this course. I believe that by working together, we should all make it
through the year successfully. Schedule and grades will be regularly updated online.
Information online does not supersede information given in class.

This syllabus serves as a rough template for the semester and may be altered when
deemed appropriate. Please check for updates in the weekly curriculum plan posted
both on mathlandinc.weebly.com and on FAWEB.

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