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169 SouLh SalnL !ohn Avenue
asadena, CA 91103
Maln: (626) 817-4000
lax: (626) 817-4040
ALLendance Cfflce: (626) 817-4001



1A8LL CI CCN1LN1S ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2014-201S DAIL 8LLL SCnLDULL ............................................................................................................................................. 4
MnS AkLN1 ASSCCIA1ICN 2014-201S .................................................................................................................................... S
S1UDLN1 AC1IVI1ILS CALLNDAk .............................................................................................................................................. 6
GLNLkAL INICkMA1ICN .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
MlSSlCn S1A1LMLn1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
S1A1LMLn1 Cl lAl1P ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
PlS1C8lCAL lnlC8MA1lCn ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
SCPCCL vL8SL ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
SCPCCL MASCC1 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
SCPCCL CCLC8S ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
SCPCCL SLAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
SCPCCL SCnSC8SPl ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
ACC8Lul1A1lCn .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
lLLA8S Cl WlSuCM ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
LxLC1Lu SCPCCL-WluL LLA8nlnC 8LSuL1S (LSL8'S) ............................................................................................................... 12
CCnlLlC1 8LSCLu1lCn ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
nCn-ulSC8lMlnA1C8? CLlC? ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
DAIL LIIL: LSSLN1IAL INICkMA1ICN .................................................................................................................................... 13
A11LnuAnCL CLlC? ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Philosophy of Discipline..16
8LPAvlC8AL LxLC1A1lCnS ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
ulSClLlnA8? CLlClLS Anu CCnSLCuLnCLS ........................................................................................................................... 19
CAMuS WA8u8C8L CLlC? ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Lx18ACu88lCuLA8 AC1lvl1lLS ............................................................................................................................................ 24
A1PLL1lCS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
DAIL LIIL: kLILkLNCL INICkMA1ICN .................................................................................................................................. 28
CAlL1L8lA ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
CLLL PCnLS, l-CuS, Anu C1PL8 LLLC18CnlC uLvlCLS ............................................................................................................. 29
CPlLu A8uSL 8LC81lnC .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
CLLAn CAMuS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
CCMMunl1? SL8vlCL PCu8S ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
CCunSLLlnC SL8vlCLS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
uAlL? AnnCunCLMLn1S .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
u8uC uCC CAMuS SLA8CPLS .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
LLlCl8lLl1? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
llLLu 18lS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
PALL ASSLS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
PA8ASSMLn1, 8uLL?lnC, Anu CLlClLS ................................................................................................................................. 30
PLAL1P Anu SAlL1? ........................................................................................................................................................................ 31
ln1L8nA1lCnAL S1uuLn1 8CC8AM .................................................................................................................................... 32
LCCkL8S/S1C8ACL .......................................................................................................................................................................... 32
LCS1 Anu lCunu ............................................................................................................................................................................ 32
MAlL ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
MLulClnL........................................................... 32
MuSlC CLlC? ................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Cll-LlMl1 A8LAS Cl CAMuS ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
A8klnC Anu 18AnSC81A1lCn ......................................................................................................................................................... 33

8LSLA8CP CLn1L8 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 33
SCPCCL PCu8S .............................................................................................................................................................................. 34
SLCu8l1? ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
SCClAL MLulA ................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
S1uuLn1 AC1lvl1? 8LCuLS1S Anu lAClLl1lLS .......................................................................................................................... 34
1LCPnCLCC? Anu ln1L8nL1 uSL ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
unllC8M lnlC8MA1lCn ................................................................................................................................................................... 33
vlSl1C8S ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
ACADLMIC LIIL: LSSLN1IAL INICkMA1ICN ............................................................................................................................ 36
ACAuLMlC 8CC8AM ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
SCPLuuLlnC ................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
ACAuLMlC ln1LC8l1? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
S1uu? SklLLS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
W8l1lnC S1AnuA8uS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 39
ACADLMIC LIIL: kLILkLNCL INICkMA1ICN ........................................................................................................................... 40
ACAuLMlC ullllCuL1lLS .................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Auu/u8C CLlC? .......................................................................................................................................................................... 41
AuvAnCLu LACLMLn1 Anu PCnC8S CCu8SLS ....................................................................................................................... 41
AWA8uS Anu PCnC8S ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41
CCLLLCL CCunSLLlnC ...................................................................................................................................................................... 42
CCMMunl1? S1uuLn1 SL8vlCL PCu8S ................................................................................................................................. 42
CCnCu88Ln1 CCLLLCL Ln8CLLMLn1 ................................................................................................................................... 42
LLlCl8lLl1? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Lx18A C8Lul1 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
llnAL LxAMlnA1lCnS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 43
C8AulnC CLlC? ............................................................................................................................................................................. 43
CCLLLCL CuluAnCL Anu CCunSLLlnC uLA81MLn1 ................................................................................................................. 43
lnCCMLL1L C8AuLS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 43
LL11L8S Cl 8LCCMMLnuA1lCn .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
nAvlAnCL ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
nL1CLASS8CCM ............................................................................................................................................................................. 44
P?SlCAL LuuCA1lCn C8Lul1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 44
8C8A1lCn-ACAuLMlC .................................................................................................................................................................... 44
8CC8LSS 8LC81S ......................................................................................................................................................................... 44
S1AnuA8ulZLu 1LS1lnC lC8 CCLLLCL AuMlSSlCn .................................................................................................................... 44
SuMML8 SCPCCL ............................................................................................................................................................................ 43
1Lx18CCkS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
18AnSC8l1S .................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
1u8nl1ln.CCM ............................................................................................................................................................................... 43
WC8k LxL8lLnCL 8CC8AM ............................................................................................................................................................ 43
WC8k L8Ml1S .............................................................................................................................................................................. 43
MnS 8CAkD CI 1kUS1LLS ..................................................................................................................................................... 46


A|ternate be|| schedu|es w||| be announced as needed for spec|a| act|v|t|es]assemb||es, m|n|mum
days, etc.

1|mes MCN 1ULS WLD 1nUkS IkI
7:00-7:S4 0 0 0 0 0
8:00-8:10 nomeroom nomeroom nomeroom nomeroom nomeroom
8:10-9:0S 1 7 3 4 2
9:11-10:06 2 1 6 3 3
10:06-10:21 8reak 8reak 8reak 8reak 8reak
10:27-11:22 3 2 7 6 4
11:28-12:23 4 3 1 Chapel 3
12:23-1:03 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:09-2:04 3 4 2 7 6
2:10-3:0S 6 Larly ulsmlssal 3 1 7
3:0S-3:30 Conference Conference Conference Conference Conference

1he MaranaLha Plgh School arenL AssoclaLlon ls a greaL place Lo geL lnvolved. As a parenL of a sLudenL aL
MaranaLha, you are auLomaLlcally a parL of Lhe arenL AssoclaLlon (A). lL ls a fun and dlverse group of people
commlLLed Lo supporLlng Lhe many acLlvlLles LhaL make MaranaLha a llvely communlLy. !"" $%&'()* are lnvlLed Lo
aLLend arenL AssoclaLlon (A) meeLlngs, coffees, and evenLs. Come [oln us! CeL lnvolved! A meeLlngs and
gaLherlngs provlde opporLunlLles for parenLs Lo geL acqualnLed, sLay lnformed abouL whaL ls golng on aL Lhe school,
and llsLen Lo guesL speakers from our faculLy and admlnlsLraLlon.

$"'%*' +,-( .*... All parenLs are welcome! arenL AssoclaLlon MeeLlngs are held aL 8:00 a.m. ln Lhe 3
Commons ln Lhe Academlc CenLer. ConLlnenLal breakfasL ls served. 1he schedule for Lhe year ls as follows:

Wednesday, August 20th Genera| A Meet|ng and We|come Coffee
Wednesday, September 17th

Genera| A Meet|ng & Coffee
1uesday, Cctober 21 Genera| A Meet|ng & Coffee (Lven|ng Meet|ng |n Student Center)
Wednesday, November 19th Genera| A Meet|ng & Coffee
Wednesday, December 17th Genera| A Meet|ng & Chr|stmas Coffee
Wednesday, Ianuary 21
Genera| A Meet|ng & Coffee
1uesday, Iebruary 17
Genera| A Meet|ng & Coffee (Lven|ng Meet|ng In Student Center
Wednesday, March 18th Genera| A Meet|ng & arents of A|umn| & A|umn| Coffee
Wednesday, Apr|| 1Sth Genera| A Meet|ng & Coffee
Wednesday, May 20th Genera| A Meet|ng & Graduat|ng arents Ce|ebrat|on

1he arenL AssoclaLlon (A) provldes supporL for MaranaLha Plgh School ln 4 dlsLlncL ways:

! 1he A sLrlves Lo bulld communlLy amldsL lLs parenL body. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe monLhly A meeLlngs and
coffees, we have several CommunlLy Coffees and a freshman menLor group Lo lncorporaLe new famllles
lnLo our MaranaLha CommunlLy.

! Care & meal mlnlsLry for our MPS communlLy.
! Weekly prayer opporLunlLles: Cn Campus & rayer Walks!
! arLners ln rayer: SupporL for every sLudenL, faculLy and sLaff member of MPS.

! 1he S program ls deslgned Lo encourage a splrlL of communlLy ln whlch each school famlly acLlvely
parLlclpaLes and supporLs Lhe llfe and developmenL of MaranaLha Plgh School. ?ou wlll earn 1 S hour
for each A meeLlng you aLLend!

! Lach famlly ls requlred Lo supporL Lhe school by glvlng a mlnlmum of 20 hours of servlce durlng Lhe school
year, or pay a $300 fee. lf your famlly has noL fulfllled Lhe requlred 20 parenL servlce hours and reLurned
Lhe compleLed coupon book by March 13, 2013, you wlll auLomaLlcally be bllled $300 on your Aprll 2013
sLaLemenL as a remlnder Lo fulflll your hours. CompleLed S coupon books are due May 22, 2013,
oLherwlse Lhe fee wlll be assessed.

! 1he arenL AssoclaLlon ralses money Lo supporL Lhe needs and wlshes of Leachers and sLaff aL MaranaLha
for lLems such as SmarL 8oards and oLher lnsLrucLlonal needs. 1here are many A lundralsers you can
supporL: 1he used unlform Sale, See's Candles Sale, SC8l, e-Scrlp, lnk CarLrldges for klds, and
CoodSearch.com. lease supporL A fundralsers!

Schoo| Act|v|t|es Ca|endar 2014-201S



urpose: to promote fe||owsh|p and commun|ty amongst Maranatha n|gh Schoo| through the coord|nat|ng
student act|v|t|es, promot|ng schoo| sp|r|t, and estab||sh|ng trad|t|on.



1he mlsslon of MaranaLha Plgh School ls Lo prepare sLudenLs for llvlng llves of purpose and dlsLlncLlon, as reflecLed by
characLer, compeLency and communlLy, by developlng Lhe whole sLudenL Lhrough relaLlonshlps, Lo honor Lhe Lord !esus ChrlsL.


We belleve LhaL falLh ls boLh an acL and a glfL from Cod. lalLh ls a perslsLenL rellance upon Lhe person and promlses of
Cod as revealed Lhrough Pls Word, Pls Church, Pls SplrlL, and Pls Son, !esus ChrlsL. As a communlLy we place Cod
flrsL, seeklng Lo be ChrlsL-cenLered ln each and every word and acLlon. As we passlonaLely llve ouL our falLh, we seek
Lo be sLrengLhened ln characLer, lnLegrlLy, knowledge, wlsdom, and ln our ablllLy Lo love boLh Lhe Lord and our
We deslre as a communlLy Lo unceaslngly pursue LruLh wlLhln a culLure LhaL rlgorously promoLes academlc excellence
wlLhln all deparLmenLs. We work wlLh perseverance Lo galn knowledge, dlsclpllne, lnslghL, and wlsdom, Lo develop
Lhe skllls Lo Lhlnk loglcally, crlLlcally, and masLerfully, and, as leaders, Lo sklllfully communlcaLe Lhese LruLhs Lhrough
Lhe arLs and Lhrough wrlLLen and spoken word. We cherlsh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo lnsplre a love of learnlng ln oLhers LhaL
wlll lasL a llfeLlme.
We courageously seek Lo be a communlLy where love ls prevalenL-Lo love as ChrlsL loved. We belleve LhaL each of
us have been creaLed wlLh Lremendous value. 1herefore, we celebraLe dlverslLy and Lhe dlsLlncL socloeconomlc,
eLhnlc, academlc, and denomlnaLlonal dlfferences and glfLs presenL ln our communlLy, undersLandlng LhaL Lhrough
ChrlsL we are one unlfled body wlLh many parLs, and LhaL our dlfferences can be our greaLesL glfL Lo one anoLher.
As humble sLewards of all Lhe Lord has glven Lo us, we seek Lo love our communlLy, our clLy, and our world by glvlng
of our Llme, LalenLs, and resources. As we have freely recelved love, hosplLallLy, accepLance, grace, and forglveness
from Cod ln abundance, we are lnsplred Lo offer lL Lo oLhers Lhrough servlce ouL of our graLeful hearLs.

1he SLaLemenL of lalLh ls Lhe cenLral sLaLemenL of MaranaLha ln maLLers of ldenLlLy and naLure, core bellefs LhaL gulde our
learnlng, Leachlng and llvlng. ln falLhfulness Lo Cod, we [oyfully and humbly afflrm Lhe followlng arLlcles of falLh.
a. We belleve LhaL tbe 8lble ls tbe wotJ of CoJ.
WrlLLen under lnsplraLlon of Lhe Poly SplrlL, lL ls Lhe only lnfalllble, auLhorlLaLlve word of Cod ln all maLLers
of falLh and conducL.
1he 8lble, conslsLlng of Lhe Cld and new 1esLamenL (66 books), ls Lhe flnal and unchangeable sLandard of
b. We belleve ln CoJ:
As revealed ln Lhe 8lble, Lhere ls one llvlng and Lrue Cod, eLernally exlsLlng ln Lhree person, Lhe laLher, Son
and Poly SplrlL.
Cur Cod ls lnflnlLe and beyond lmaglnaLlon, our mlnds can never fully know Cod nor do our hearLs
compleLely grasp Pls ways.
c. We belleve ln Cod tbe lotbet, 5oo, ooJ noly 5pltlt:
Cod Lhe laLher ls perfecL ln hollness, wlsdom, power and love. Pe ls laLher Lo hls eLernal Son, !esus ChrlsL,
and Lo all who are adopLed as hls sons and daughLers Lhrough falLh ln !esus ChrlsL.
Cod Lhe Son, our Lord !esus ChrlsL, pald Lhe penalLy for our slns and demonsLraLed Cod's love for Lhe world.
We belleve ln Pls vlrgln blrLh, ln Pls slnless llfe, ln Pls mlracles, ln Pls vlcarlous and aLonlng deaLh Lhrough
Pls shed blood, ln Pls bodlly resurrecLlon, and ln Pls ascenslon Lo Lhe rlghL hand of Lhe laLher, ln Pls
perpeLual lnLercesslon for Pls people, and ln Pls personal reLurn Lo power and glory.
Cod Lhe Poly SplrlL who came forLh from Lhe laLher and Son Lo convlcL Lhe world of sln, rlghLeousness, and
[udgmenL, and Lo regeneraLe, sancLlfy, and empower all who belleve ln !esus ChrlsL. We belleve LhaL Lhe
Poly SplrlL lndwells every bellever ln ChrlsL and LhaL Pe ls an abldlng helper, Leacher and gulde.
d. We belleve ln Cod Lhe laLher, Son, and Poly SplrlL, tbe Aotbot of oot solvotloo:

We belleve LhaL Lhose who repenL and forsake sln and LrusL !esus ChrlsL as Savlor are regeneraLed by Lhe
Poly SplrlL and become new creaLures, dellvered from condemnaLlon and recelve eLernal llfe!
1he Poly SplrlL lncorporaLes us lnLo Lhe body of ChrlsL, Pls church, Lhe communlLy of all bellevers ln heaven
and on earLh.
!esus ChrlsL wlll reLurn one day. 1hose who do noL belleve ln Plm wlll be ralsed Lo suffer eLernal
punlshmenL. 1hose who belleve ln Plm wlll be Lransformed, Lhelr bodles ralsed lmperlshable and
lncorrupLlble, Lo llve and relgn wlLh Plm forever ln a new heaven and a new earLh ln whlch Lhere wlll be all
LhaL ls good and Lrue and beauLlful, buL no sorrow, no Lears, and no evll Lhlng.
And so we pray: "Motoootbo"- "come, lotJ Iesos."
MaranaLha Plgh School was founded ln 1963 by a group of ChrlsLlan leaders who shared a vlslon Lo esLabllsh a college
preparaLory hlgh school predlcaLed upon falLh-based prlnclples and an unalloyed commlLmenL Lo !esus ChrlsL. MaranaLha Plgh
School ls Lhe only lnLerdenomlnaLlonal college preparaLory ChrlsLlan hlgh school ln Lhe San Cabrlel valley. WlLh over 160
dlfferenL churches represenLed ln Lhe school communlLy, MaranaLha Plgh School en[oys a dlverse rellglous expresslon. LocaLed
ln asadena, Callfornla, MaranaLha Plgh School provldes an excepLlonal educaLlon for sLudenLs deslrlng an opporLunlLy Lo be
fully equlpped Lo pursue hlgher educaLlon.

1he faculLy provldes a rlgorous currlculum, whlch culLlvaLes wlLhln each sLudenL noL only Lhe knowledge and skllls necessary for
compeLency wlLhln Lhe dlsclpllnes, buL also nurLures ChrlsLlan characLer, and a commlLmenL Lo communlLy servlce.

ln addlLlon, Lhe school ls unlquely commlLLed Lo provldlng noL only an excellenL currlcular program buL also Lhe flnesL posslble
co-currlcular programs, whlch enable sLudenLs Lo dlscover and lmprove Lhelr lndlvldual LalenLs and lnLeresLs. WlLh lLs LradlLlons
and phllosophy rooLed ln Lhe ChrlsLlan falLh, MaranaLha encourages each sLudenL Lo develop an lnformed and personal falLh ln
!esus ChrlsL.
MaranaLha's school verse ls 8evelaLlon 1:8, l am Lhe Alpha and Lhe Cmega," says Lhe Lord Cod, who ls and who was and who
ls Lo come, Lhe AlmlghLy."

1he mascoL or symbol of MaranaLha Plgh School ls Lhe MlnuLeman, chosen Lo represenL Lhose brave
lndlvlduals who foughL for freedom ln Lhe Amerlcan 8evoluLlon. MlnuLemen were noL LradlLlonal soldlers.
1hey were average clLlzens, mosLly farmers, who volunLeered Lhelr servlces Lo Lhe cause of freedom. 1hey
Lralned and drllled Lhemselves Lo be prepared aL a mlnuLe's noLlce". lL ls our deslre, who wlll be adequaLely
Lralned, and who wlll be consLanLly ready Lo assume Lhelr duLles Lo boLh Cod and counLry, as falLhful chlldren
of Cod.
MaranaLha's colors are red, whlLe, grey and navy blue. Slnce earllesL hlsLory, color has been used ln symbollsm. 1he color red
has been used ln rellglous symbollsm as a symbol of flre and blood, and slgnlfles love. 8lue ls a symbol of heaven and slgnlfles
LruLh. WhlLe ls Lhe color of purlLy, peace and sancLlflcaLlon. Cur colors slgnlfy love, LruLh, and sancLlflcaLlon. lL ls our hope LhaL
Lhese quallLles wlll be demonsLraLed ln our relaLlonshlps on and off campus. ln medleval heraldry, red was Lhe symbol of
bravery and courage. 8lue was Lhe symbol of pleLy and slncerlLy. As we conslder our naLlonal herlLage, we can see LhaL Lhese
quallLles were exempllfled ln Lhe mlnuLemen of Lwo cenLurles ago. May Lhe MlnuLemen of MaranaLha also be recognlzed for
Lhelr godllness, slncerlLy, bravery, and courage as we Lake our places ln Loday's world.
MaranaLha's school seal was creaLed ln 1963 when Lhe school was flrsL esLabllshed. 1he seal ls comprlsed of a
clrcle, represenLlng Cod's unbroken and unendlng love for Lhe world Pe creaLed. 1he Lwelve noLches refer Lo
Lhose Lwelve men who gaLhered around our Savlor and carrled Lhe Cospel Lo Lhe world. 1he Lwelve noLches
also slgnlfy Lhe compleLlon of Lwelve years of schoollng upon graduaLlon.

1he shleld ln Lhe mlddle ls dlvlded lnLo four secLlons. 1he upper lefL secLlon shows Lhe Alpha and Cmega (8evelaLlon 1:8), Lhe
flrsL and lasL leLLers of Lhe Creek alphabeL. lL ls our deslre LhaL ChrlsL be flrsL and lasL ln our sLudenLs' llves as Pe ls Lhe AuLhor
and llnlsher of our falLh (Pebrews 12:2). 1he upper rlghL secLlon shows Lhe lamp of learnlng resLlng upon Lhe 8lble, whlch
lllusLraLes Lhe lnLegraLlon of falLh and learnlng, predlcaLed upon Lhe scrlpLures. 1hls plcLures our baslc phllosophy of ChrlsLlan
educaLlon - all LruLh ls Cod's LruLh.


1he lower lefL secLlon deplcLs a MlnuLeman, represenLlng Lhe aLhleLlc programs of Lhe school. Cur mascoL, Lhe MlnuLeman,
sLands ready Lo defend our ChrlsLlan falLh, our values and our naLlon. 1he lower rlghL secLlon shows a Lreble clef a pen and
palnL brush Lo represenL co-currlcular acLlvlLles such as flne arLs and performlng arLs. A promlnenL red cross ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe
seal conflrms our ChrlsLlan falLh and our mlnlsLry.
1he MaranaLha Plgh School AssoclaLlon, a non-proflL corporaLlon organlzed under Lhe laws of Lhe SLaLe of Callfornla, operaLes
our school. 1hls AssoclaLlon ls noL offlclally connecLed wlLh any church, denomlnaLlon or oLher organlzaLlon. 1he AssoclaLlon,
8oard of ulrecLors, faculLy and sLudenLs represenL many denomlnaLlonal and non-denomlnaLlonal churches ln Lhls area.
Membershlp ln Lhe AssoclaLlon ls open Lo parenLs and frlends of Lhe school.
MaranaLha Plgh School ls accredlLed by Lwo educaLlonal organlzaLlons: 1) 1he WesLern AssoclaLlon of Schools and Colleges
(WASC), one of Lhe slx naLlonally recognlzed accredlLlng assoclaLlons across Lhe naLlon. 1hls organlzaLlon manages Lhe
accredlLaLlon of unlverslLles, colleges and secondary schools ln several wesLern sLaLes, and 2) 1he AssoclaLlon of ChrlsLlan
Schools lnLernaLlonal (ACSl), a ChrlsLlan organlzaLlon LhaL provldes naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal accredlLaLlon.
As reflecLed ln Lhe school's Mlsslon SLaLemenL, we sLrlve Lo prepare students for ||v|ng ||ves of purpose and d|st|nct|on, as
ref|ected by character, competency and commun|ty, by deve|op|ng the who|e student through re|at|onsh|ps, to honor the
Lord Iesus Chr|st." lL ls wlLh Lhls alm LhaL we have creaLed Lhe lllars of Wlsdom (Wlsdom has bullL her house: she has hewn
ouL of lLs seven plllars" -roverbs 9:1) and seek Lo weave Lhese characLer quallLles lnLo Lhe very fabrlc of who we are as
lndlvlduals and as a communlLy.

Pere are Lhe seven lllars of Wlsdom, along wlLh Lhelr slogans:
num|||ty: Cod flrsL, oLhers second, me Lhlrd
Integr|ty: uolng whaL ls rlghL even when nobody ls looklng
Stewardsh|p: Cenerous guardlanshlp of whaL we have been glven
D|sc|p||ne: 1ralnlng Lo lmprove sLrengLh and characLer
Courage: uolng whaL ls rlghL ln Lhe face of fear
ass|on: LnergeLlc and unyleldlng devoLlon Lo a cause
erseverance: unwaverlng deLermlnaLlon


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uevelop respecL and appreclaLlon for oLher culLures Lhrough Lhe sLudy of modern and classlcal language/s.
8ecognlze Cod's role ln hlsLory and know how man's vlew of Cod has lnfluenced pollLlcal sysLems and governmenLs.
8ecognlze and solve real world problems loglcally and creaLlvely.
ldenLlfy, propose a soluLlon and parLlclpaLe ln servlce acLlvlLles LhaL help resolve a ma[or need or problem ln Lhe
world Loday.
ConsLrucL wrlLLen expresslons LhaL demonsLraLe a growlng masLery of language convenLlons and sound, loglcal
8especL and care for Lhe physlcal body Lhrough physlcal educaLlon.
1hrough sLudy of hlsLorlcal flne arLs movemenLs, sLudenLs wlll lncorporaLe elemenLs from hlsLory lnLo a personal,
creaLlve pro[ecL.

>-)-?'(*1-23 /)45'()* :,5'"-(6 &'*2,(*-9"' 0-)-?'(*1-2 %(5 2&,2'& &'*2'0) @,& %4)1,&-)A 8-)1 -()'6&-)AB 0,:2%**-,( %(5
>1&-*)-%( ')1-0* 8-""=
uemonsLraLe servanL-leadershlp by conLrlbuLlng Llme, LalenL and resources for Lhe beneflL of oLhers.
LxhlblL senslLlvlLy Lo oLher culLures, groups and races wlLhouL compromlslng blbllcal sLandards.
8ecognlze Lhe posslble uses and abuses of ldeologles and Lechnologles ln our socleLy.
racLlce envlronmenLal and flnanclal sLewardshlp.

>,::4(-0%)-,(3 /)45'()* 0,::4(-0%)-(6 8-)1 2,-*' %(5 '@@'0)-;'('** 8-""=
Lngage ln consLrucLlve crlLlques of Lhelr own work and Lhe works of oLhers.
ulalogue wlLh people from dlfferenL world vlews and relaLe Lhelr experlences Lo oLhers.
8ead wlLh comprehenslon and wrlLe wlLh clarlLy, coherence and good grammar.
Lxpress Lhemselves ln arL, dance, muslc, drama and/or sporLs.
ulscover and use a modern language oLher Lhan Lhelr home language/s.
ArLlculaLe ldeas and convey messages Lo oLhers ln a clear, creaLlve and effecLlve manner.

/2-&-)4%"-)A3 /)45'()* 2&%0)-0-(6 6'(4-(' @%-)1 -( >1&-*) 8-""=
uevelop and arLlculaLe a raLlonale for Cod's Word as Lhe prlmary auLhorlLy ln Lhe sLudenL's llfe.
CrafL a 8lbllcal world vlew LhaL lnLegraLes Lhe splrlLual, academlc, soclal, physlcal and phllosophlcal dlsclpllnes.
8efuLe vlews conLrary Lo Cod's Word wlLh sound reasonlng, genLleness, respecL, and Lhe auLhorlLy of scrlpLure.
racLlce lnLenLlonal, 8lbllcal confllcL resoluLlon uslng Lhe MaLLhew rlnclple" [MaLLhew 18:13-17].
ln Lhe pursulL Lo encourage healLhy relaLlonshlps wlLhln our communlLy, MPS encourages all sLudenLs, parenLs, and sLaff
members Lo seek healLhy resoluLlon Lo all confllcLs. ln an efforL Lo promoLe sLrong communlLy, Lhese sLeps have been creaLed
based on our deslre as a communlLy Lo follow Lhe prlnclples glven Lo us by !esus ln MaLLhew 18:13-20. lf a sLudenL has a
concern or complalnL wlLh a MPS sLaff member (Leacher, coach, admlnlsLraLor, eLc.), Lhe sLudenL ls encouraged Lo follow Lhese
1. AfLer a concern or complalnL has arlsen, lL ls lmporLanL for LhaL sLudenL Lo begln by volclng Lhe concern or complalnL
Lo LhaL parLlcular sLaff member.
2. lf Lhe lssue ls noL resolved, Lhe sLudenL's parenL should dlscuss Lhe maLLer wlLh LhaL parLlcular sLaff member.
3. lf Lhe lssue ls sLlll yeL Lo be resolved, a meeLlng should Lake place wlLh Lhe famlly, Lhe sLaff member, and Lhe
deparLmenL chalr.
4. lf Lhe lssue sLlll cannoL be resolved, a meeLlng should be seL up wlLh Lhe ulrecLor of AssessmenL and laculLy
uevelopmenL and/or rlnclpal. *SLudenLs, parenLs, and sLaff should feel free Lo devlaLe from Lhls 4-sLep approach lf
Lhey do noL feel comforLable wlLh one or more of Lhese sLeps. A complalnL should be flled, mlnlmally, wlLh aL leasL
one admlnlsLraLor aL MPS.
MaranaLha Plgh School admlLs sLudenLs of any race, color, naLlonal and eLhnlc orlgln Lo all Lhe rlghLs, prlvlleges, programs and
acLlvlLles generally accepLed or made avallable Lo sLudenLs aL Lhe school. lL does noL dlscrlmlnaLe based on color, naLlonal or
eLhnlc orlgln ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of lLs educaLlonal or admlsslon pollcles, flnanclal ald, aLhleLlc, or oLher school sponsored




As a college preparaLory hlgh school, MaranaLha sLudenLs are expecLed Lo be ln aLLendance aL all classes, chapels, and
assemblles. SLudenL absences and Lardlness, as well as academlc records, may be monlLored over Lhe lnLerneL by accesslng a
sLudenL's neLClassroom accounL (for furLher lnformaLlon, please see neLClassroom" ln Lhe Academ|c L|fe: keference sect|on
of Lhe handbook).

When lL ls necessary for an MPS sLudenL Lo mlss class, elLher a phone call or a noLe from a parenL/guardlan Lo Lhe aLLendance
offlce musL conflrm Lhe absence wlLhln 24 hours of Lhe absence.

Attendance hone Number and Vo|ce Ma|| System:
(626) 817-4001
lnformaLlon provlded musL sLaLe:
name of sLudenL
uaLe(s) and duraLlon of absence
Speclflc reason for absence
ldenLlfy yourself (l.e. relaLlonshlp Lo sLudenL)

When an absence occurs, Lhe sLudenL ls responslble for any class work mlssed and musL arrange wlLh Lhe Leacher Lo
make up asslgnmenLs, LesLs and qulzzes.

|ease note - dec|ar|ng a student to be unexcused |s an adm|n|strat|ve r|ght of
appropr|ate schoo| personne|, not a student]parent prerogat|ve. 1herefore, [usL because a
parenL calls or sends a noLe Lo reporL a sLudenL's absence, LhaL does noL make Lhe absence excused.

llfLeen (13) absences ln a semesLer from any class, excused or unexcused (excludlng verlfled school funcLlons), may
resulL ln a leLLer grade drop. 1hls lncludes all absences, excused and/or unexcused, excepL school funcLlons
sancLloned by admlnlsLraLlon. LxLenuaLlng clrcumsLances wlll be revlewed by Lhe school admlnlsLraLlon.

Consequences for Lxcess|ve Absences

# of Absences Consequence
Warnlng LeLLer, sLudenL musL conLacL Lhelr Leacher Lo begln Lhe
make-up work process.
MeeLlng wlLh uean of SLudenL Servlces, sLudenL ls puL on an
ALLendance ConLracL.
1he uean of SLudenL Servlces wlll meeL wlLh Lhe famlly Lo obLaln
slgnaLures LhaL all parLles undersLand LhaL absences may lead Lo a
denlal of course credlL.
MaranaLha Plgh School deflnes excused absences as:
lllness (wlLh a phone call or noLe from parenL/guardlan)
rofesslonal appolnLmenLs (medlcal, denLal, legal), Lhese appolnLmenLs should be scheduled ouLslde of
school hours whenever posslble
LxLreme personal maLLer (l.e. bereavemenL)
verlfled school funcLlons (fleld Lrlps, clubs, sporLs, performances, dlsclpllnary suspenslons, and/or sLudenL
exLracurrlcular acLlvlLles approved by admlnlsLraLlon) *
College vlslLs (approved by Lhe Culdance ueparLmenL and cleared by currenL Leachers aL leasL Lwo days
prlor Lo Lhe absence) *


CD,)'3 vetlfleJ 5cbool looctloos ooJ colleqe vlslts wlll (,) 9' 0,4()'5 -( )1' *)45'()E* %9*'(0' )%""AF lot mote
lofotmotloo oo colleqe vlslts, see colleqe vlslts wltblo tbls sectloo of tbe booJbook. lor lnformaLlon abouL how
schoolwork ls affecLed by excused absences, see Lhe Pomework" secLlon of Academ|c L|fe: Lssent|a|s Sect|on.

unexcused absences lnclude absences for all reasons oLher Lhan Lhose llsLed for excused absence. lor lnformaLlon
abouL how schoolwork ls affecLed by unexcused absences, see Lhe Pomework" secLlon of Academ|c L|fe: Lssent|a|s

LxLended absences (3 or more days) requlre a prlor wrlLLen requesL from Lhe parenL/guardlan Lo be submlLLed Lo Lhe
uean of SLudenL Servlces for approval. 1he requesL musL be submlLLed aL leasL Lhree days prlor Lo Lhe exLended
absence. Approved exLended absences may noL exceed more Lhan 3 school days. vacaLlons should be scheduled
when school ls noL ln sesslon. lor lnformaLlon abouL schoolwork ls affecLed by approved exLended absences, see Lhe
Pomework" secLlon of Academ|c L|fe: Lssent|a|s Sect|on.

All sLudenLs are expecLed Lo be ln Lhelr classroom on Llme, ln Lhelr asslgned seaLs and prepared for class when Lhe Lardy bell
rlngs. A sLudenL wlll be marked Lardy lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe Lardy bell rlngs. A sLudenL arrlvlng LwenLy mlnuLes afLer Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe class perlod wlll be marked absenL for LhaL perlod and could be consldered LruanL lf noL cleared by a noLe or
call from parenL or school offlclal. 1ardlness wlll be cumulaLlve (perlods 1
) for each quarLer of Lhe academlc year. Any
unexcused Lardy LhaL should be excused due Lo Lhe reasons sLaLed below musL be verlfled by a parenL/guardlan noLe or phone
call w|th|n 24 hours from Lhe Lardy daLe, oLherwlse Lhe sLaLus of unexcused Lardy wlll remaln.
rofesslonal appolnLmenLs (medlcal, denLal, legal), Lhese appolnLmenLs should be scheduled ouLslde of
school hours whenever posslble
LxLreme personal emergencles (l.e. deaLh ln lmmedlaLe famlly, bereavemenL)
verlfled unexpecLed ma[or Lrafflc problems or car fallure (parenL/guardlan noLe or phone call, noLe LhaL
sLandard Lrafflc back-ups are noL excused)
8lder ln car pool ls excused because drlver ls laLe (unless rlder ls reason for Lhe Lardy)
noLe from Leacher, admlnlsLraLor or counselor

CverslepL or alarm clock dld noL work
unverlfled or sLandard Lrafflc problems
Car pool drlver laLe (unless rlder ls Lhe reason for Lhe Lardy)
ersonal lssues/Llme managemenL (l.e. car needed gas, plumblng problems, eLc.)

# of Unexcused 1ard|es Consequence Iee
Warnlng 0
- 10
ueLenLlon *lallure Lo serve wlll resulL ln auLomaLlc SaLurday
11 or more SaLurday School $60
lurLher Lardlness AdmlnlsLraLlve revlew


Any absence recorded for Lhe enLlre day or for any class perlod(s) (more Lhan 13 mlnuLes) wlLhouL Lhe knowledge and consenL
of Lhe parenL or school offlclals ls consldered LruanL. SLudenLs wlll noL have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo make up any asslgnmenLs,
qulzzes or LesLs, whlch occur durlng Lhe Lruancy. 1ruancles wlll be dealL wlLh ln Lhe followlng manner.



lf a sLudenL ls LruanL, Lhe resulL ls an lmmedlaLe conference wlLh Lhe uean of SLudenL Servlces LhaL could resulL ln
AdmlnlsLraLlve revlew and addlLlonal consequences.

ln order Lo be ellglble for pracLlces, conLesLs/games, sLudenL acLlvlLles, dances and performances, a sLudenL musL noL
mlss more Lhan Lwo classes Lhe day of Lhe evenL.
lf a sLudenL ls absenL from school or lf Lhe sLudenL has any unexcused absences ln a glven day, he/she cannoL
parLlclpaLe ln a pracLlce, game, sLudenL acLlvlLy, dance, or performance LhaL day.
lf a sLudenL ls suspended from school, Lhe sLudenL cannoL parLlclpaLe LhaL day ln pracLlces, aLhleLlc conLesLs/games,
sLudenL acLlvlLles, or performances.
A sLudenL who has been dlsmlssed or who has wlLhdrawn for dlsclpllnary reasons may noL reLurn Lo Lhe campus or
parLlclpaLe furLher ln MPS acLlvlLles unless he or she has been granLed permlsslon by Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon.
A sLudenL musL malnLaln a 2.3 or hlgher CA ln order Lo parLlclpaLe ln any exLra-currlcular acLlvlLles, lncludlng, buL noL
llmlLed Lo, aLhleLlc pracLlces, conLesLs/games, sLudenL acLlvlLles, dances, LheaLer performances, sprlng or summer
mlsslon Lrlps, and any oLher MPS organlzed Lrlps.
Note. lot mote lofotmotloo oo extto-cottlcolot pottlclpotloo, pleose tefet to xttocottlcolot Actlvltles ooJ/ot Atbletlcs
lo tbls sectloo of tbe booJbook.

SLudenLs are encouraged Lo vlslL colleges and unlverslLles LhroughouL Lhelr hlgh school years. Cnly Senlors and second-
semesLer !unlors are allowed Lo mlss class Lo do so. Approval musL be arranged Lhrough Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng
ueparLmenL and cleared wlLh Lhelr currenL Leachers aL leasL Lwo school days prlor Lo Lhe vlslL. 1he parenL and/or sLudenL musL
also noLlfy Lhe ALLendance Cfflce of Lhe planned absence. A sLudenL lo qooJ ocoJemlc ooJ otteoJooce stooJloq ls allowed
Lhree approved college vlslLs per academlc year.


MaranaLha Plgh School ls commlLLed Lo provldlng our sLudenLs an educaLlon of excellence ln a safe envlronmenL. As a
communlLy, we sLrlve Lo follow Lhe words of !esus ChrlsL, lncludlng Lhose found ln Mark 12:30-31. 'Love Lhe Lord your Cod
wlLh all your hearL and wlLh all your soul and wlLh all your mlnd and wlLh all your sLrengLh.' 1he second ls Lhls: 'Love your
nelghbor as yourself.' 1here ls no commandmenL greaLer Lhan Lhese." We belleve Lhese words should gulde our communlLy ln
our dally lnLeracLlons wlLh one anoLher. Lach member of MPS ls expecLed Lo LreaL every person wlLh Lhe uLmosL of respecL,
dlgnlLy, klndness, and love.

All classrooms, sLudenL evenLs, and aLhleLlc acLlvlLles are under Lhe supervlslon of Lhe school. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo be
responslble and cooperaLlve aL any acLlvlLy as ouLllned ln Lhe SLudenL Pandbook and arenL Pandbook.

MPS vlews dlsclpllne as a redempLlve Lool ln Lhe process of bulldlng characLer, lnLegrlLy, wlsdom, and self-dlsclpllne. As
sLudenLs maLure and grow ln characLer, ln maLurlLy, and ln Lhelr falLh ln Lhe Lord, Lhey wlll ulLlmaLely become less dependenL
on rules, pollcles, and consequences, and wlll become more dependenL on Lhelr own personal lnLegrlLy. MPS deslres LhaL our
sLudenLs become men and women LhaL llve wlLh Lhe uLmosL of lnLegrlLy.

AL Lhe same Llme, we should be remlnded LhaL each of us have a sln naLure and are capable of becomlng caughL up ln slnful
behavlor. lf a sLudenL flnds hlmself/herself caughL ln desLrucLlve behavlor (l.e. drug or alcohol use, sexual promlsculLy, eLc.), Lhe
sLudenL should have Lhe freedom Lo come dlrecLly Lo Lhe school for help ln managlng Lhese lssues. ln dolng so, a sLudenL may
choose Lo approach an MPS sLaff member Lo ask for help. Where a sLudenL proacLlvely seeks help wlLh a problem of Lhls
naLure, punlLlve dlsclpllnary measures wlll noL be Laken by Lhe school (however, Lhe school may be requlred by law Lo reporL
such maLLers Lo Lhe proper auLhorlLles). lnsLead, wlLh admlnlsLraLlve overslghL, Lhe school wlll help provlde supporL, prayer,
and a sLraLegy for Lhe sLudenL wlLh Lhe purpose of flndlng Lhe freedom LhaL only Lhe Lord provldes. Powever, bellevlng LhaL Lhe
school ls ln a parLnershlp wlLh each sLudenL's famlly, Lhe school musL conLacL Lhe lndlvldual's famlly/guardlans.


MPS also belleves sLrongly ln a concepL called eer AccounLablllLy. Pebrews 10:24 says And leL us conslder how we may spur
one anoLher on Loward love and good deeds." And ln l 1hessalonlans 3:11, we are asked Lo, ".encourage one anoLher and bulld
each oLher up." ln Lhls llghL, MPS expecLs lLs sLudenLs Lo encourage each oLher ln love when self-dlsclpllne breaks down. 8uL,
when a sLudenL exerclses poor [udgmenL, lL becomes necessary for school personnel Lo admlnlsLer dlsclpllne. lL ls crlLlcal for our
communlLy Lo undersLand Lhe value of dlsclpllne wlLhln Lhls framework. Led by Lhe uean of SLudenL Servlces ln con[uncLlon wlLh
Lhe rlnclpal, MPS seeks Lo work wlLh parenLs LhroughouL Lhe dlsclpllnary process.


MPS sLudenLs should respecL oLhers aL all Llmes. CerLaln rules and expecLaLlons have been creaLed ln order Lo help make sure
Lhls happens wlLhln our communlLy. Powever, beyond Lhese boundarles, Lhere ls a hlgh degree of responslblllLy placed upon
our sLudenLs Lo behave ln such a way LhaL demonsLraLes Lhelr commlLmenL Lo Lhls communlLy. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo
demonsLraLe courLeous behavlor, such as saylng, please" and Lhank you," excuse me", knocklng on a closed door and
walLlng Lo be lnvlLed ln, eLc. 1hey are expecLed Lo follow Lhe dlrecLlons glven Lo Lhem by any of Lhe sLaff members of
MaranaLha Plgh School wlLhouL complalnL or commenL. ln chapels and assemblles, sLudenLs are expecLed Lo glve Lhelr full
aLLenLlon Lo Lhe speaker, applaud approprlaLely, and Lo leave wlLhouL pushlng and shovlng. MPS sLudenLs should never be
dlsrupLlve, wheLher ln class, ln chapel, or ln an assembly.

MaranaLha Plgh School ls commlLLed Lo provldlng a learnlng envlronmenL LhaL ls free from bullylng and harassmenL ln any form
(verbal, physlcal, sexual, elecLronlc, eLc.). ln keeplng wlLh Lhe splrlL of our phllosophy, bullylng and harassmenL of any
MaranaLha Plgh School sLudenL and/or employee ls prohlblLed. 1he school wlll LreaL allegaLlons of bullylng and harassmenL
serlously and wlll revlew and lnvesLlgaLe such allegaLlons ln a prompL, confldenLlal, and Lhorough manner. 1hls lncludes
bullylng or harassmenL LhaL may occur ln person, ln wrlLlng, Lhrough emall or LexLlng, by Lelephone, on a soclal neLworklng slLe,
and/or Lhrough Lhe lnLerneL. lor more lnformaLlon abouL harassmenL, read ParassmenL and 8ullylng ollcles" under Lhe Da||y
L|fe: keference Sect|on.

ulsrespecL shown Lowards sLudenLs, Leachers, sLaff, vlslLors, parenLs, eLc., ls prohlblLed and could resulL ln furLher dlsclpllnary
acLlon LhaL could lnclude suspenslon or dlsmlssal.

L|ectron|c Dev|ces Cell phones, lods, and oLher elecLronlc devlces musL be deacLlvaLed durlng school hours from (8:00 a.m.
Lo 3:03 p.m.) excepL:

under Lhe supervlslon and permlsslon of Lhe lnsLrucLor durlng Lhe class perlod
non-lnsLrucLlonal perlods whlch lnclude break, lunch, before and afLer school

Cell phones and oLher elecLronlc devlces unauLhorlzed by Lhe lnsLrucLor durlng Lhe lnsLrucLlonal perlod wlll resulL ln dlsclpllnary
acLlon, lncludlng deLenLlons, SaLurday School and suspenslons. lor famlly communlcaLlons durlng Lhe class perlod, please call
Lhe fronL offlce (626) 817-4000 and a message wlll be senL Lo Lhe sLudenL durlng Lhe class perlod. ln case of emergencles, Lhe
sLudenL can be lmmedlaLely called ouL of class.
lor more lnformaLlon, see Cell hones, l-ods, and oLher LlecLronlc uevlces" ln Lhe Da||y L|fe: keference Sect|on.

lnapproprlaLe dlsplays of affecLlon wlll noL be permlLLed on campus aL any Llme or aL any school funcLlons (anyLhlng beyond
hand holdlng ls consldered lnapproprlaLe).

kLSLC1 ICk kCLk1
ln addlLlon Lo LreaLlng oLhers wlLh respecL, lL ls also expecLed LhaL sLudenLs wlll LreaL Lhe properLy of oLhers and of Lhe school
wlLh Lhe uLmosL of respecL and care. 1he followlng behavlor ls prohlblLed and could resulL ln furLher dlsclpllnary acLlon LhaL
could lnclude suspenslon or dlsmlssal:
1hefL of or damage Lo properLy of MaranaLha Plgh School or personal properLy of any lndlvldual ln aLLendance aL an
auLhorlzed school funcLlon.
knowlngly recelvlng or purchaslng sLolen school or prlvaLe properLy.
unauLhorlzed enLry, occupaLlon, or use of any school faclllLles (lncludes all bulldlngs and properLy on campus).
lnapproprlaLe use of school compuLers or Lechnology.


Schoo| Adm|n|strat|on may conduct a search of the student's person and persona| effects, |nc|ud|ng the student's ce|| phone,
back pack and]or |ocker, based on reasonab|e susp|c|on that the search w||| d|sc|ose ev|dence that the student |s v|o|at|ng or
has v|o|ated the |aw or a schoo| ru|e.

MPS sLudenLs are expecLed Lo use approprlaLe language LhaL ls conslsLenL wlLh our call as followers of ChrlsL. ln !ames 3:9-10,
Lhe Word says, WlLh Lhe Longue we pralse our Lord and laLher, and wlLh lL we curse men, who have been made ln Cod's
llkeness. CuL of Lhe same mouLh come pralse and curslng. My broLhers, Lhls should noL be." And aul wrlLes ln Colosslans 3:17,
And whaLever you do, wheLher ln word or deed, do lL all ln Lhe name of Lhe Lord !esus, glvlng Lhanks Lo Cod Lhe laLher
Lhrough hlm." MPS sLudenLs are expecLed Lo communlcaLe LruLhfully, poslLlvely, and respecLfully Lo all MPS sLudenLs and sLaff
members. Cbscene acLs (verbal or wrlLLen) lncludlng profanlLy, vulgarlLy, soclally offenslve language wlll noL be LoleraLed aL
MaranaLha and wlll resulL ln dlsclpllnary acLlon.

Cur hope and prayer for each of our sLudenLs ls LhaL Lhey choose Lo honor Lhe Lord by remalnlng sexually absLlnenL unLll
marrlage. ScrlpLure ls clear LhaL sexual lmmorallLy ls a sln. ScrlpLure ls also clear LhaL all have slnned. AlLhough we sLrlve and
deslre Lo be ChrlsL-llke, we someLlmes acL ln slnful and self-servlng ways. Such ls Lhe case wlLh sexual lmmorallLy. lf a pregnancy
resulLs from Lhe sexual acLlvlLy of a MaranaLha sLudenL, Lhe sancLlLy of llfe wlll be honored. MaranaLha does noL condone sex
ouLslde Lhe conflnes of marrlage nor does lL condone aborLlon. Llfe ls a glfL from Cod and should be Lreasured as such. Llfe
should always be celebraLed, preserved, and proLecLed.

lL ls Lhe pollcy of Lhe school Lo lnLervene when a sLudenL becomes pregnanL or causes a pregnancy, and Lo make resulLlng
declslons on a case-by-case basls. A pregnancy wlll noL necessarlly preclude a sLudenL from compleLlng hls/her course work aL
MaranaLha Plgh School. 1he school's lnLervenLlon, deslgned Lo be resLoraLlve ln naLure, ls lnLended Lo encourage an
aLmosphere of compasslon and supporL so LhaL a sLudenL ls sLrengLhened ln Lhe declslon Lo preserve Lhe pregnancy. 1hls pollcy
and any resulLlng lnLervenLlon wlll govern boLh male and female sLudenLs ln a slmllar manner.

MaranaLha follows blbllcal prlnclples on all maLLers as lL relaLes Lo holy llvlng. ln LevlLlcus 20:13 Lhe 8lble clearly sLaLes LhaL lL ls
a sln for genders of Lhe same klnd Lo engage ln sexual relaLlons. ln Lhe same maLLer, fornlcaLlon (sex ouLslde of marrlage) ls
aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe same llnes of sexual lmmorallLy as menLloned before. noneLheless, we wanL all of our sLudenLs Lo engage ln
healLhy relaLlonshlps whlle absLalnlng from all klnds of sexual lmmorallLy regardless of preference.

ln Lhe maLLer of preference, lf a sLudenL flnds hls or herself sLruggllng wlLh lnLlmaLe feellngs Lowards a person of Lhe same sex
and Lhe school flnds ouL abouL lL, Lhe school wlll lnLervene and Lake counsellng measures. A sLudenL's preference, as lL perLalns
Lo sexual orlenLaLlon, wlll noL prohlblL Lhem from aLLendlng MaranaLha. Powever, Lhe counselors and Lhe uean of SLudenL
Servlces wlll be proacLlve ln helplng sLudenLs undersLand Lhe LC8u's dlrecLlves Lowards us regardlng sexual orlenLaLlon. ln Lhe
same respecL, we are asklng sLudenLs noL Lo exhlblL any behavlor or form of lnordlnaLe affecLlon Lowards each oLher regardless
of preference.


Any person, sLudenL, or vlslLor who commlLs and/or aLLempLs Lo commlL any of Lhe followlng acLs of mlsconducL could recelve a
suspenslon, wlLhdrawal, expulslon, and/or posslble legal acLlon:
use or possesslon of Lobacco or Lobacco producLs on or near school properLy or aL school funcLlons (lncludes
SexLlng, whlch ls deflned as Lhe sendlng, possesslon, dlsplaylng or dlsLrlbuLlon of LexL messages and plcLures of an
expllclL sexual naLure.

lf alcohol and/or chemlcal subsLance abuse are suspecLed, referral wlll be made Lo Lhe school's AdmlnlsLraLlon and Lhe parenLs
wlll be conLacLed, Lhe sLudenL wlll be requlred Lo submlL Lo LesLlng procedures wlLh resulLs Lo be made known Lo school

Any oLher acL LhaL ls deemed by Lhe school AdmlnlsLraLlon Lo be ln[urlous, deLrlmenLal, or dangerous Lo Lhe healLh, safeLy,
splrlLual welfare, and physlcal well-belng of persons on or ln Lhe vlclnlLy of school properLles or presenL aL any auLhorlzed
school funcLlon or evenL could resulL ln dlsclpllnary acLlon by Lhe admlnlsLraLlon up Lo and lncludlng dlsmlssal.


MaranaLha Plgh School has ZL8C Lolerance for Lhe followlng acLlons:

use or possesslon on or ln Lhe vlclnlLy of school properLy or school funcLlon of flrearms or repllcas Lhereof,
ammunlLlon, knlves or oLher dangerous weapons, subsLances, or ob[ecLs.
uesLrucLlon/uefacemenL of school properLy.
1he possesslon and/or use of any lncendlary devlce(s) on school properLy or aL any school funcLlon.
use of and/or possesslon, dlsLrlbuLlon, or sale of alcohol or lllegal subsLances (lncludlng drug paraphernalla) ls sLrlcLly
prohlblLed on or near school properLy or aL any school funcLlon.
lmproper use of and/or possesslon, dlsLrlbuLlon or sale of legal or prescrlpLlon subsLances ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed on or
near school properLy or aL any school funcLlon.


MA? lnCLuuL 1PL lCLLCWlnC 8u1 A8L nC1 8LCul8Lu 1C 8L AuMlnlS1L8Lu ln An? 8CC8LSSlvL C8uL8.

DL1LN1ICN]SA1UkDA SCnCCL ls a perlod of Llme LhaL a sLudenL ls requlred Lo serve aL a deslgnaLed locaLlon under sLaff
supervlslon for non-compllance of school/classroom pollcles. A noLlflcaLlon wlll be made Lo Lhe parenL/guardlan lf
ueLenLlon/SaLurday School ls asslgned. ueLenLlon and SaLurday School wlll be served as prescrlbed by SLaff and/or
Lach sLudenL wlll be noLlfled of Lhe asslgnmenL of ueLenLlon/SaLurday School. nC CS1CnLMLn1S WlLL 8L
SLudenLs wlLh an excused absence from school on Lhe day of deLenLlon wlll be reasslgned Lo serve Lhe nexL avallable

Students who rece|ve S or more Detent|on]Saturday Schoo| ass|gnments are sub[ect to adm|n|strat|ve rev|ew, suspens|on,
probat|on, and poss|b|e d|sm|ssa| from Maranatha n|gh Schoo|.

SLudenLs who demonsLraLe a lack of concern for Lhe expecLaLlons and rules of MaranaLha Plgh School may have Lhelr prlvlleges
resLrlcLed or removed.

SLudenLs who are suspended may noL aLLend class, school evenLs and/or parLlclpaLe ln school acLlvlLles on Lhe day(s) of Lhe ln
school suspenslon. 1he ulLlmaLe declslon for suspendlng a sLudenL resLs wlLh Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon. Suspenslons wlll be glven for
Lhe followlng acLlons (noLe: Lhls ls noL an exhausLlve llsL): excesslve absences, excesslve Lardles, on campus Lruancles, excesslve
dress code vlolaLlons, and sLudenLs who accumulaLe more Lhan 3 dlsclpllnary lnfracLlons. ln School Suspenslons may be noLed
on Lhe sLudenL's offlclal LranscrlpL. SLudenLs wlll compleLe all dally asslgnmenLs durlng ln School Suspenslon. SLudenLs who
have ln School Suspenslon are only Lo be on campus durlng school hours (8:00am-3:03pm) and are noL allowed Lo parLlclpaLe ln
school evenLs or exLra-currlcular acLlvlLles on Lhe days ln whlch Lhey are suspended. lallure Lo comply may resulL ln furLher
dlsclpllne, lncludlng posslble dlsmlssal from MaranaLha Plgh School.

SLudenLs who are suspended may noL aLLend class, school evenLs and/or parLlclpaLe ln school acLlvlLles on Lhe day(s) of Lhe
suspenslon. 1he ulLlmaLe declslon for suspendlng a sLudenL resLs wlLh Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon. Suspenslons wlll be glven for Lhe
followlng acLlons (noLe: Lhls ls noL an exhausLlve llsL): physlcal alLercaLlons, repeaLed lncldenLs of academlc dlshonesLy,
dlsrespecL, or oLher behavloral lssues, off-campus Lruancles, possesslon and/or use of Lobacco or Lobacco producLs on or near
school properLy or aL school evenLs. ln regards Lo homework, suspenslons wlll be LreaLed as verlfled school funcLlons (for more
lnformaLlon, see Schoolwork for an Lxcused Absence under Lhe ALLendance ollcy). SLudenLs who are suspended and who
appear Lo be on campus or aL a school evenL wlll be sub[ecL Lo furLher dlsclpllne, lncludlng posslble dlsmlssal.

A sLudenL may be dlsmlssed from Lhe school for any vlolaLlon of school pollcy, for unaccepLable behavlor, or when a sLudenL's
conducL ls deemed deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe school's successful lmplemenLaLlon of lLs mlsslon and/or lLs repuLaLlon ln Lhe communlLy.
llnal and blndlng deLermlnaLlon ln Lhe maLLer of separaLlon/dlsmlssal from Lhe school resLs wlLh Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon ln lLs
dlscreLlon, and ls predlcaLed upon Lhe naLure of Lhe clrcumsLances and recommendaLlon from Lhe approprlaLe AdmlnlsLraLor Lo
Lhe rlnclpal. lf a sLudenL's parenL/guardlan deslres Lo appeal a recommendaLlon for dlsmlssal from school, a conference wlLh
Lhe rlnclpal may be requesLed, however, Lhe rlnclpal's flnal declslon ls blndlng. lamllles may elecL Lo appeal Lhe declslon Lo
Lhe School 8oard.
AddlLlonally, a famlly may conLlnue Lo have a flnanclal obllgaLlon Lo Lhe school followlng dlsmlssal or wlLhdrawal.

1he MaranaLha Plgh School AdmlnlsLraLlon has Lhe rlghL Lo govern and rule regardlng all maLLers of lnapproprlaLe sLudenL
behavlor whlle represenLlng Lhe school.

1he sLandard of dress aL MPS has been deslgned Lo help malnLaln a hlgh level of personal characLer, modesLy, and appearance,
whlch are conduclve Lo creaLlng a poslLlve, safe learnlng envlronmenL for our sLudenLs. We belleve LhaL our sLudenLs'
performance and aLLlLudes are affecLed by sLyles of dress and personal groomlng. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo wear cloLhlng as
llsLed below whlle on campus durlng school hours (from 7:00am unLll 3:30pm) or whlle represenLlng Lhe school off campus.
SLudenLs found Lo be ln vlolaLlon of Lhe Campus Wardrobe ollcy wlll be requlred Lo go Lo Lhe fronL offlce Lo obLaln approprlaLe
aLLlre and a laLe pass before reLurnlng Lo class.

1he followlng campus wardrobe guldellnes are for all sLudenLs. A|| po|os, b|ouses, pants, shorts, sk|rts, b|azers, card|gans,
oxford sh|rts, and t|es must be |n good cond|t|on (no un|form |tem may be frayed, torn, ro||ed, p|nned, knotted, or a|tered |n
any way) and must be purchased from M|||s Un|form (www.maranathastore.com). |ease a||ow at |east S-7 days for
CAMUS WAkDkC8L (llne rlnL)

Undersh|rts musL be solld whlLe ln color wlLhouL any wrlLlng, plcLures, eLc.

Co||ege Sweatsh|rts may be worn by Senlors only.

(Note. tbe followloq ls o slmpllfleJ vetsloo of oot Jtess coJe pollcles wltb tbe potpose of qlvloq o qeoetol ovetvlew, pleose
see tbe floe ptlot sectloo fot mote Jetolls os oeeJeJ)
1he Lad|es' Wardrobe conslsLs of a unlform polo or blouse as well as, a unlform khakl, navy, or plald sklrL (wlLh approprlaLe
leg wear-see below), navy blue A-llne skorL, khakl shorLs or panLs, as well as navy panLs.
1he Men's Wardrobe conslsLs of a unlform polo and khakl or navy unlform shorLs, or khakl or navy panLs.
Cuterwear o||cy: Solld navy or cardlnal red sweaLers/sweaLshlrLs wlLhouL logos or wrlLlng or any MPS logo wear. Cnly
offlclal MaranaLha ouLerwear may be worn as parL of our Campus Wardrobe. All sweaLers, sweaLshlrLs, and cardlgans musL
be purchased from Mllls or Lhrough a sLudenL club or aLhleLlc Leam wlLh prlor approval from Lhe ulrecLor of SLudenL
Servlces. lf Lhere ls raln ln Lhe forecasL, or lf Lhe weaLher ls uncharacLerlsLlcally cold (day's hlgh LemperaLure below 30
degrees) sLudenLs may wear waLerproof [ackeLs (musL be solld black, navy blue, whlLe, gray, red, or khakl ln color). Mllls
unlform Lop musL be worn under all ouLerwear aL all Llmes.


Waterproof Iackets are deflned as garmenLs made from a waLerproof maLerlal, have a llnlng, and musL be able Lo be
opened aL Lhe fronL elLher by zlpper or buLLons. Colors are Lo be solld red, navy blue, khakl, or black, lengLh should be
no longer Lhan above Lhe knee. !ackeLs wlLh exLreme logos, wrlLlng or lmages are noL allowed. A Mllls unlform Lop
musL be worn under [ackeLs aL all Llmes.

Shoes are Lo be aLhleLlc or casual ln sLyle, closed-Loe and closed-heel. no heels hlgher Lhan 1 x", exLreme sLyle shoes
or booLs, sllppers, sandals or sandal sLyle shoes are allowed.

Any excesslve ornamenLaLlon (e.g., sunglasses, non-prescrlpLlon glasses, heavy [ewelry, chaln walleLs, long key chalns
exLendlng ouLslde of Lhe panLs or shorLs, ecL.) LhaL ls deemed lnapproprlaLe ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon ls
prohlblLed. 8lankeLs are noL allowed Lo be worn.

1attoos LhaL are vlslble are noL allowed.

neadwear such as haLs, caps, beanles, and bandanas are noL Lo be worn on campus whlle school ls ln sesslon 8:00
am- 3:03 pm dally. SweaLshlrL and [ackeL hoods may be worn ouLdoors only lf warranLed by weaLher condlLlons. All
hoods musL be down whlle lndoors.

8|ouses may only have Lhe Lop Lwo buLLons unbuLLoned.

Shorts musL be no shorLer Lhan mld-Lhlgh lengLh when sLandlng and worn aL Lhe naLural walsLllne. Clrls wlll forfelL
Lhelr prlvllege Lo wear shorLs afLer Lhelr 3

Sk|rts musL be worn wlLh legglngs or LlghLs ln solld navy blue, black, gray or whlLe (see leg wear below). As a general
guldellne, sklrLs musL be no shorLer Lhan Lhe flngerLlps aL arm's lengLh when sLandlng and musL be worn aL Lhe walsL.
Clrls wlll forfelL Lhelr prlvllege Lo wear sklrLs afLer Lhelr 3rd sklrL vlolaLlon and wlll be requlred Lo wear panLs or shorLs
for a perlod of Llme Lo be deLermlned by Lhe uean of SLudenL Servlces. lnnlng or rolllng of sklrLs ls noL allowed.

Sk|rts and Skorts musL be no shorLer Lhan Lhe flngerLlps aL arm's lengLh when sLandlng and musL be worn aL Lhe

ants musL noL be alLered Lo flL sklnny" sLyle. Clrls wlll forfelL Lhelr prlvllege Lo wear panLs afLer Lhelr 3

Leg wear such as LlghLs and legglngs are Lo be solld colors of whlLe, black, gray or navy blue. Legglngs musL be worn
under sklrLs, buL cannoL be worn under shorLs. Sheer, see-through, frayed, and]or patterned hose and th|gh h|gh
socks]stock|ngs are not a||owed.

na|rsty|es ln general prlnclple are Lo be neaL and slmple. LxLreme halrsLyles and halr colors (oLher Lhan Lhose
naLurally occurrlng) are unaccepLable.

Make-up]Iewe|ry]Accessor|es lf worn, are Lo be slmple and ln good LasLe. Peavy make-up or [ewelry LhaL ls offenslve
or dlsLracLlng ls noL accepLable. Larrlngs are allowed, buL no oLher plerclngs are permlsslble. lugs or ear sLreLchlng
lmplemenLs of any Lype are noL permlsslble. Any unaccepLable [ewelry worn Lo school wlll be conflscaLed.
na|rsty|es are Lo be neaL and slmple. LxLreme halrsLyles and halr colors (oLher Lhan Lhose naLurally occurrlng) are
unaccepLable. Palr should fall no furLher Lhan Lhe boLLom of Lhe collar, above Lhe boLLom of Lhe earlobes, and above
Lhe eyes. ony Lalls are noL permlLLed. PalrsLyles [udged excesslve by Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon wlll noL be permlLLed.

Iac|a| ha|r ls Lo be shaved, no goaLees, musLaches or beards are allowed. Sldeburns are Lo be no longer Lhan Lhe
boLLom of Lhe earlobes.

Iewe|ry lf worn, ls Lo be slmple and ln good LasLe. no oLher plerclngs are permlsslble. !ewelry LhaL ls offenslve or
dlsLracLlng ls noL accepLable and wlll be conflscaLed. Larrlngs, plugs or ear-sLreLchlng lmplemenLs of any Lype are noL


Cn cerLaln occaslons, Lhe admlnlsLraLlon may choose Lo allow sLudenLs Lo wear Lhelr uprlslng shlrLs (currenL year) and [eans
(musL be blue or black, musL be full lengLh-no sklrLs, shorLs or caprls, [eans musL be ln good condlLlon). Senlors may wear
uprlslng L-shlrLs and [eans on Senlor 88C uays.

CloLhes worn aL all sLudenL acLlvlLles, lncludlng sporLlng evenLs and dances, are Lo reflecL an aLLlLude of agreemenL wlLh
MaranaLha's values of modesLy and approprlaLeness. CloLhes should be neaL, clean and ln good repalr. CloLhlng wlLh emblems
LhaL exalL groups or movemenLs conLrary Lo 8lbllcal sLandards ls noL accepLable. 8equesLs for permlsslon Lo wear non-unlform
dress shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe uean of SLudenL Servlces and revlewed and/or granLed ln hls/her sole dlscreLlon. 1hls lncludes
non-unlform dress by all groups, clubs, classes, aLhleLlc Leams, eLc. See also Speclal uress and Came uay uress on Lhe followlng

CloLhes wlLh low-cuL neckllnes (fronL or back), open-mesh or sheer fabrlc are noL Lo be worn
Mldrlff and sLomach musL be covered aL all Llmes
SklrLs musL be no shorLer Lhan Lhe flngerLlps aL arm's lengLh when sLandlng and musL be worn aL Lhe walsL.
Cn Spec|a| Dress Days, sk|rts cannot be worn dur|ng the schoo| day
ShorLs musL be no shorLer Lhan Lhe flngerLlps aL arm's lengLh when sLandlng
ollcles regardlng headwear, LaLLoos, plerclngs, and halrsLyles sLlll apply
Cverslzed shorLs or panLs are noL Lo be worn
ollcles regardlng headwear, LaLLoos, plerclngs, halrsLyles, faclal halr sLlll apply.
Came day dress can be worn on game days or speclal ALhleLlc dress days. SLudenLs who parLlclpaLe on an aLhleLlc Leam have
Lwo opLlons lf Lhey choose Lo wear game day dress. Approved opLlons wlll be deLermlned afLer meeLlng wlLh capLalns, coaches,
and Lhe ALhleLlc ulrecLor. SLudenLs are Lo wear Lhe enLlre school unlform lf any of Lhe below opLlons are noL posslble. 1he Lwo
opLlons are as follows: 1eam decldes Lhe opLlon for all.
1. Men: SulL and 1les (approprlaLe colors approved Lhrough currenL ulrecLor of SLudenL Servlces).
2. lemales: uress ln 8ed or 8lue or a Leam may choose khakl boLLoms wlLh whlLe blouse and Lle.




nab|tua| Un|form V|o|at|ons w||| resu|t |n arent conference w|th the Dean of Student Serv|ces.

Genera| Appearance for Non Un|form Days]Lvents: MaranaLha Plgh School sLudenLs are expecLed Lo dress modesLly and ln a
manner beflLLlng self-respecL and Lhe ChrlsLlan values seL forLh by our Core values. 1he AdmlnlsLraLlon reserves Lhe rlghL Lo
dlscern whaL ls accepLable over any ouLflL, accessory, halr sLyle, bag, backpack, purse, eLc. Chosen by a MPS sLudenL durlng Lhe
school day or a school sponsored evenL.

Sen|or 88 Days - Senlors may wear Lhelr uprlslng ShlrLs or oLher MPS club or Leam 1-shlrLs wlLh full lengLh !eans. !eans may
noL be low rlse, Loo LlghL, Loo reveallng, or slmply noL ln good LasLe. !eans may noL be rlpped, frayed, scuffed, LaLLered, or
frayed. no shorLs, legglngs, or yoga panLs allowed.

Do||a no||a Days-SLudenLs musL follow Lhe color" Lheme cholce for Lhe day and wear full lengLh !eans. no shorLs, legglngs, or
yoga panLs allowed.

- Ieans may noL be low rlse, Loo LlghL, Loo reveallng, or slmply noL ln good LasLe. !eans may noL be rlpped, frayed,
scuffed, LaLLered, or frayed.
- Sh|rts]1ops musL be ln good condlLlon and noL promoLe gangsLer", goLh", or offenslve sLaLemenLs ln relaLlonshlp Lo
drugs and/or alcohol, gender blas, or anLl-ChrlsLlan sLaLemenLs. ShlrLs or Lops may noL be rlpped open aL Lhe sldes or
show Lhe mldrlff. PalLer, sLrapless, off Lhe shoulder, Lank and spagheLLl sLrapped Lops are never allowed.
- Iootwear, such as fllp-flop sandals, backless sandals, sllppers, heels hlgher Lhan 1 x lnches, or oLher shoes LhaL lmpalr
moblllLy should noL be worn on campus for Lhe sLudenL's safeLy and Lhe safeLy of oLhers.
I|e|d 1r|ps-SLudenLs are expecLed Lo follow Lhe guldellnes of Lhe supervlslng Leacher for Lhe Lrlp ln regards Lo approprlaLe aLLlre
for Lhe evenL. lf non-unlform aLLlre ls Lo be worn, sLudenLs musL dress modesLly ln keeplng wlLh Lhe Core values of MPS.

Iema|es: uresses and sklrLs should be modesL and aL a lengLh LhaL ls no shorLer Lhan Lhe open hand flngerLlps when arms are aL
one's slde. ShorLs musL be ln good repalr, noL frayed, Lorn or scuffed, and Lhe lengLh musL be mld-Lhlgh when worn aL Lhe
naLural walsLllne. 1ops/8louses should be modesL: no low plunglng neckllnes, bare mldrlffs, halLer Lops, backless or sLrapless
Lops should be worn Lo a MPS evenL. 1lghLs/sLocklngs LhaL are rlpped or have runs may noL be worn.

Ma|es: CloLhlng should noL be overslzed. anLs should be worn aL Lhe naLural walsLllne and noL Lhe boLLom of Lhe buLLocks.
1ank Lops should noL be worn. CloLhlng should be ln good condlLlon and noL frayed, LaLLered, or sLalned.

Lveryone: Lar sLreLchlng lmplemenLs/plugs or faclal [ewelry should noL be worn aL MPS evenLs. CloLhlng LhaL ls dlrecLly relaLed
Lo gangsLer", goLh" or offenslve sLaLemenLs ln relaLlonshlp Lo drugs and/or alcohol, gender blas, or anLl-ChrlsLlan sLaLemenLs.

Sport|ng Lvents - SLudenLs aLLendlng sporLlng evenLs as a specLaLor musL remember LhaL Lhey represenL MaranaLha Plgh
School and are expecLed Lo dress modesLly.

Iema|es: uresses and sklrLs should be modesL and aL a lengLh LhaL ls no shorLer Lhan aL one's open hand flngerLlps. ShorLs musL
be ln good repalr, noL frayed, Lorn or scuffed and Lhe lengLh musL be mld-Lhlgh 1ops/8louses should be modesL: no low
plunglng neckllnes, bare mldrlffs, halLer, backless or sLrapless Lops. 1lghLs/legglngs/nylons/sLocklngs LhaL are rlpped or have
runs may noL be worn.

Ma|es: CloLhlng should noL be overslzed. anLs should be worn aL Lhe naLural walsLllne. 1ank Lops should noL be worn.
CloLhlng LhaL ls ln good repalr and noL frayed, LaLLered, or sLalned should be worn.

Lveryone: Lar sLreLchlng lmplemenLs/plugs or faclal [ewelry should noL be worn aL MPS evenLs. CloLhlng LhaL ls dlrecLly relaLed
Lo gangsLer", goLh" or offenslve sLaLemenLs ln relaLlonshlp Lo drugs and/or alcohol, gender blas, or anLl-ChrlsLlan sLaLemenLs
should noL be worn.

MnS Dances - SLudenLs are expecLed Lo choose modesL aLLlre LhaL wlll represenL Lhem as Lhe ChrlsLlan young men and women
LhaL Lhey are. All aLLlre should be ln keeplng wlLh Lhe expecLaLlons of MPS for non unlform uays and LvenLs. Speclal uances
such as WlnLer lormal and rom have speclflc guldellnes for dress, whlch wlll be glven Lo sLudenLs ln Lhe MPS uance ConLracL
prlor Lo purchaslng LlckeLs. Cn-slLe dances requlre Lhe followlng aLLenLlon Lo dress:

Iema|es: uress and sklrLs should be modesL and aL lengLh LhaL ls no shorLer Lhan aL one's open hand flngerLlps. ShorLs musL be
ln good repalr, noL frayed, Lorn or scuffed, and Lhe lengLh musL be mld-Lhlgh. 1ops/8louses should be modesL: no low plunglng
neckllnes, bare mldrlffs, halLer, backless or sLrapless Lops.

Ma|es: CloLhlng should noL be overslzed. anLs should be worn aL Lhe naLural walsLllne. 1ank Lops should noL be worn.
CloLhlng LhaL ls ln good repalr noL frayed, LaLLered, or sLalned should be worn.

Lveryone: Lar sLreLchlng lmplemenLs/plugs, faclal [ewelry, or vlslble LaLLoos should noL be worn aL MPS evenLs. CloLhlng LhaL ls
dlrecLly relaLed Lo gangsLer", goLh" or offenslve sLaLemenLs ln relaLlonshlp Lo drugs and/or alcohol, gender blas, or anLl-
ChrlsLlan sLaLemenLs should noL be worn.


Sp|r|t Week Att|re - MaranaLha Plgh School sLudenLs are expecLed Lo dress modesLly and ln a manner beflLLlng self-respecL and
Lhe ChrlsLlan values seL forLh by our Core values. 1he AdmlnlsLraLlon reserves Lhe rlghL Lo dlscern whaL ls accepLable over any
cosLume, ouLflL, accessory, halr sLyle, bag, backpack, purse, eLc. chosen by a MPS sLudenL durlng Lhe SplrlL Week LvenL/uay.
SLudenLs musL wear closed Loed shoes durlng all evenLs. CloLhlng chosen musL clearly be ln keeplng wlLh Lhe Lheme of Lhe day.
unlform vlolaLlons can be lssued for sLudenLs who are noL parLlclpaLlng buL choose Lo wear cloLhlng LhaL ls non-unlform LhaL


1he AssoclaLed SLudenL 8ody (AS8) plays an lmporLanL role ln Lhe developmenL of sLudenL leadershlp wlLhln our school
communlLy. A SLudenL Councll ls elecLed each academlc year. 1he SLudenL Councll meeLs under Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe SLudenL
AcLlvlLles ulrecLor. 1he purpose of AS8 ls Lo encourage a relaLlonal envlronmenL LhaL sLrengLhens Lhe ChrlsL-cenLered and
unlfled communlLy of MPS Lhrough splrlL, servlce and lnLegrlLy. Lach academlc year Lhe AS8 ls esLabllshed ln accordance wlLh
Lhe by-laws of Lhe AS8 ConsLlLuLlon. SLudenLs musL malnLaln a 2.3 CA Lo parLlclpaLe ln AS8. AS8 serves as a vlLal llnk ln Lhe
communlcaLlon beLween sLudenLs and admlnlsLraLlon.

MaranaLha encourages Lhe lnLerpersonal growLh of our sLudenLs Lhrough clubs and organlzaLlons. 1he followlng are
represenLaLlve of Lhe Lypes of clubs and organlzaLlons aL MPS: AdvenLure Club, Ambassador Club, ArL Club, Callfornla
Scholarshlp lederaLlon, Aslan luslon Club, 8rlLlsh CulLure Club, Chess Club, PablLaL for PumanlLy, MaLh Club, naLlonal Ponor
SocleLy, and Lhe SporLs Medlclne Club.

School sponsored dances are vlewed as an lmporLanL soclal aspecL of Lhe MPS communlLy. ln order Lo promoLe a poslLlve and
safe envlronmenL aL Lhese dances, sLudenLs are expecLed Lo ablde by all school pollcles. SLudenLs are also expecLed Lo dress
accordlng Lo Lhe guldellnes glven Lo Lhem for each dance, buL sLudenLs musL always follow Lhe guldellnes for Speclal uress
llsLed ln Lhe Campus Wardrobe secLlon of Lhls Pandbook. AL each MPS dance, sLudenLs and Lhelr parenL/guardlan musL
compleLe and ablde by Lhe pollcles of Lhe dance conLracL. 1hose sLudenLs LhaL dance lnapproprlaLely or ln a sexually
provocaLlve manner (grlndlng, Lwerklng, freaklng, moshlng, body surflng or as deemed by Lhe school admlnlsLraLlon or
deslgnee) wlll be glven a warnlng for Lhe flrsL offense and wlll be senL home afLer Lhe second offense (however, lmmedlaLe
removal from Lhe dance and/or oLher dlsclpllnary measures may occur ln Lhe sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon of Lhe school
admlnlsLraLlon or deslgnee).

lor some dances, Lhe school may allow MPS sLudenLs Lo brlng a non-MPS sLudenL as a guesL, guesLs musL be no younger or
older Lhan hlgh school age. All guesLs wlll need Lo show school ldenLlflcaLlon or a drlver's llcense and musL compleLe all MPS
paperwork ln order Lo galn enLrance lnLo Lhe dance. necessary paperwork lncludes a dance conLracL, a guesL permlsslon sllp, a
parenL/guardlan slgnaLure, a recommendaLlon from an admlnlsLraLor from Lhe guesL's hlgh school, and Lhe approval from Lhe
MPS ulrecLor of SLudenL Servlces. 1hese forms musL be reLurned Lo Lhe uean of SLudenLs aL leasL one week before Lhe dance.
MPS sLudenLs are responslble aL all Llmes for Lhe behavlor of Lhelr guesLs and musL ensure LhaL Lhelr guesLs follow all MPS
pollcles. 1he admlnlsLraLlon reserves Lhe rlghL Lo deny admlsslon of a guesL Lo a school dance.

**lease revlew Lhe MaranaLha Plgh School dance conLracL carefully below, as your slgnaLure on Lhe flnal page of Lhe
handbook acknowledges your undersLandlng and agreemenL Lo Lhe pollcles llsLed below.


|ease read th|s contract carefu||y. our s|gnature on the |ast page of the handbook |nd|cates comp||ance w|th each of the
gu|de||nes stated be|ow.

In add|t|on to your handbook s|gnature, a|| off-campus Guests must turn |n a comp|eted Maranatha Guest Contract (ava||ab|e
1 month pr|or to the dance) at |east 1 week before the dance. No |ate guest contracts w||| be accepted. If your off-campus
guest contract |s not turned th|s |n on t|me, your off-campus guest w||| not be a||owed to attend the dance.

We undersLand LhaL Lhe sLandards and procedures as seL forLh by MaranaLha Plgh School and Lhe SLudenL Pandbook wlll be ln
effecL aL Lhe uance, along wlLh Lhe followlng lncluslons.

1. oung |ad|es musL wear modesL seml-formal/formal dresses. Any young lady dressed lmmodesLly or lnapproprlaLely
wlll noL be admlLLed Lo Lhe dance, and wlll be asked Lo leave Lhe evenL lf Lhe proper ad[usLmenLs cannoL be made Lo
her aLLlre. 1he followlng lnclude more speclflc resLrlcLlons Lo ensure modesLy for Lhe evenlng:
a. Cown lengLh musL be no hlgher Lhan 2 lnches above Lhe mlddle of Lhe knee,
b. Cowns musL noL have plunglng neckllnes (gowns musL noL reveal cleavage),
c. Cowns musL noL have low cuL backs dropplng below Lhe mlddle of Lhe back,
d. Cowns LhaL reveal Lhe sLomach or sldes below Lhe armplL are noL allowed.
Note. lf tbete ote ooy poestloos teqotJloq tbe moJesty of o Jtess, poestloos most be oJJtesseJ wltb 1be ueoo of
5toJeot 5etvlces ot leost 1 week befote tbe Jooce.
2. oung men musL wear approprlaLe seml-formal wear (sulLs, eLc). underwear may noL be showlng aL any Llme. Any
young man dressed lnapproprlaLely wlll noL be admlLLed Lo Lhe dance and wlll be asked Lo leave Lhe evenL lf proper
ad[usLmenLs cannoL be made Lo hls aLLlre.
3. Guests: All guesLs ln aLLendance musL be beLween Lhe ages of 14 and 18. Any guesL exceedlng Lhe age of 18 aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe dance wlll noL be admlLLed wlLhouL prlor approval from MPS AdmlnlsLraLlon. CuesLs musL also Lurn ln a
compleLed MaranaLha CuesL ConLracL Lo Lhe AS8 Cfflce at |east 1 week before the dance.
4. Anyone who dances ln an lnapproprlaLe manner (grlndlng, Lwerklng, freaklng, moshlng, or body surflng) wlll be
removed from Lhe dance floor and wlll be glven a warnlng for Lhelr flrsL offense. Cn a second offense,
sLudenLs/guesLs wlll be removed from Lhe dance and parenLs/guardlans wlll be called. ln addlLlon, sLudenLs may
recelve furLher dlsclpllnary acLlon aL Lhe dlscreLlon of admlnlsLraLlon.
3. A|| students and guests musL behave Lhemselves wlLh respecL Lowards all oLhers. All sLudenLs/guesLs who behave
Lhemselves lnapproprlaLely (klsslng, slLLlng on laps, lnapproprlaLe Louchlng) could be asked Lo leave Lhe dance
lmmedlaLely wlLh parenLs/guardlans belng called by a chaperone.
6. Chaperones wlll be aL Lhe door Lo check all purses, bags, eLc., and Lo admlnlsLer a 8reaLhalyzer LesL Lo randomly
selecLed sLudenLs.
7. Anyone who appears ln Lhe [udgmenL of Lhe sLaff chaperones Lo be under Lhe lnfluence of alcohol or drugs wlll be
lmmedlaLely dealL wlLh by Lhe admlnlsLraLlon. lalllng Lo cooperaLe and/or verlflcaLlon LhaL a sLudenL ls lnLoxlcaLed ln
any way wlll resulL ln Lhe lmmedlaLe removal from Lhe dance as well as parenLs belng conLacLed and asked Lo come
escorL Lhelr sLudenL home lmmedlaLely.
8. l undersLand LhaL lf l (or my guesL) am lnvolved wlLh any problems LhaL brlng negaLlve aLLenLlon Lo MPS or me as a
resulL of my behavlor, dlsclpllnary acLlon wlll be Laken.
9. All sLudenLs/guesLs musL arrlve Lo Lhe dance wlLhln one hour from Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe dance. Cnce sLudenLs/guesLs
arrlve aL Lhe dance, Lhey are requlred Lo remaln ln Lhe deslgnaLed evenL area unLll Lhe evenL ends.
10. All of Lhe above menLloned sLandards wlll apply Lo boLh MaranaLha sLudenLs and guesLs. Any sLudenL or guesL LhaL
does noL comply or cooperaLe wlLh any of Lhe above wlll noL be allowed Lo remaln aL Lhe dance. ln Lhls case, no
money wlll be refunded and furLher dlsclpllnary acLlon may be Laken by admlnlsLraLlon. ln cerLaln cases,
parenLs/guardlans wlll be called Lo escorL Lhelr son/daughLer home from Lhe evenL locaLlon.
11. l reallze LhaL ln addlLlon Lo Lhls form l also musL Lurn ln a medlcal release form.
12. l undersLand LhaL l musL be aL school for Lhe enLlre day ln order Lo be ellglble Lo aLLend Lhe dance.

1o parLlclpaLe ln exLra-currlcular acLlvlLles, sLudenLs musL remaln academlcally ellglble (for more lnformaLlon go Lo Lhe
Academ|c L|fe: 8eference secLlon under LllglblllLy"). lor conLlnued ellglblllLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln any exLra-currlcular program
assoclaLed wlLh MaranaLha Plgh School, or Lo recelve school prlvlleges, sLudenLs musL meeL Lhe requlred academlc sLandards,
exhlblL personal responslblllLy, comply wlLh school pollcles, and fulflll all guldellnes for Lhe appllcable club, aLhleLlc Leam, or
sLudenL acLlvlLy.


ALhleLlcs aL MaranaLha Plgh School provldes a co-currlcular opporLunlLy for sLudenL-aLhleLes who meeL our school's baslc
sLandards of splrlLual, academlc and physlcal well-belng, Lo represenL our school ln aLhleLlc compeLlLlon. lL ls our sLaLed goal Lo
use Lhe varlous sporL acLlvlLles noL only Lo develop Lhe aLhleLlc skllls and ablllLles of our aLhleLes, buL also Lo emphaslze splrlLual
growLh and llfe skllls (self-dlsclpllne, endurance, perseverance, personal lnLegrlLy, cooperaLlon, eLc.). MPS aLhleLes sLrlve Lo be
boLh CnkIS1-LIkL ln LIICk1 and ln A11I1UDL aL all Llmes. ALhleLlcs provldes Lhe avenue for whlch we develop Lhese lmporLanL
areas of our sLudenL-aLhleLes' llves. Cur aLhleLes are Lo be commlLLed Lo Lhelr Leams, acL wlLh lnLegrlLy, and compeLe wlLh
sporLsmanshlp, characLer and prlde aL all Llmes. MaranaLha Plgh School aLhleLlcs lnclude buL are noL llmlLed Lo Lhe followlng

Scho|ar Ath|etes: lnLerscholasLlc aLhleLlcs are a valuable parL of Lhe MPS co-currlcular experlence. MPS ls a college
preparaLory hlgh school, academlcs are Lhe flrsL and foremosL prlorlLy for each sLudenL. Whlle lL may be challenglng aL
Llmes, Lhose who parLlclpaLe ln Leam compeLlLlons have a responslblllLy Lo manage Lhelr Llme and commlL fully Lo
Lhelr Leams and obllgaLlons.

Integr|ty: MPS scholar aLhleLes compeLe eLhlcally, falrly and wlLh respecL Lo Lhemselves, LeammaLes, opponenLs, and
offlclals. MPS pursues Cll's goal of vlcLory wlLh honor and dlsmlsses a wln aL all cosL" aLLlLude.

Sportsmansh|p: SporLsmanshlp and falr play are lnvaluable componenLs of Lhe MPS aLhleLlc program. Coaches,
aLhleLes, and parenLs are expecLed Lo represenL MPS ln a manner LhaL ls respecLful of oLhers, boLh on and off Lhe
fleld of play. lL ls Lhe ob[ecLlve of all parLlclpanLs Lo develop and malnLaln Lhe hlghesL sLandards of courLesy,
emoLlonal dlsclpllne, and good sporLsmanshlp.

Character: 1hrough parLlclpaLlon ln aLhleLlcs, MPS scholar aLhleLes learn lessons ln sporLsmanshlp, Leamwork, goal
seLLlng, compeLlLlon, overcomlng adverslLy, and ln wlnnlng and loslng wlLh proper decorum. MPS recognlzes LhaL Lhe
purpose of lnLerscholasLlc aLhleLlcs ls Lo promoLe Lhe physlcal, menLal, moral, soclal and emoLlonal well-belng of Lhe
aLhleLe. arLlclpaLlon ln MPS aLhleLlc programs ls a prlvllege, noL a rlghL. 1o earn LhaL prlvllege, sLudenL aLhleLes musL
ablde by Lhe rules and Lhey musL conducL Lhemselves, on and off Lhe fleld, as poslLlve role models who exempllfy
CP8lS1-LlkL characLer.

r|de: ALhleLlc compeLlLlon provldes a venue Lhrough whlch our communlLy comes LogeLher ln supporL of each
lndlvldual aLhleLe and Leam. Cur aLhleLlc program commlLs Lo excellence and Lakes prlde ln lLs growLh, parLlclpaLlon
and success. 1he Callfornla lnLerscholasLlc lederaLlon (Cll) has many pollcles and procedures governlng
lnLerscholasLlc aLhleLlc evenLs. All seLs of Cll guldellnes are kepL on flle ln Lhe ALhleLlc Cfflce and can be found on
www.clfss.org. 1he followlng pollcles and procedures summarlze lmporLanL Cll and MPS sysLems regardlng boLh
aLhleLlc evenLs and Lhe ALhleLlc ueparLmenL.

1o be ellglble Lo parLlclpaLe ln MPS aLhleLlcs, a sLudenL musL meeL boLh Lhe sLandards seL by Cll SouLhern SecLlon and Lhe
sLandards requlred by MPS. ALhleLes musL malnLaln an accepLable academlc record durlng Lhe season. Cll requlres LhaL
sLudenLs malnLaln aL leasL a 2.3 grade polnL average (CA) ln Lhe prevlous gradlng perlod Lo be ellglble Lo parLlclpaLe ln
lnLerscholasLlc sporLs. SLudenLs who parLlclpaLe ln school sancLloned exLra-currlcular sporLs Leams wlll recelve a ass or lall
grade raLher Lhan a LradlLlonal leLLer grade (A, 8, or C). AddlLlonally, Lhls grade wlll noL be flgured lnLo Lhe calculaLlon of a
sLudenL's grade polnL average. lor more lnformaLlon regardlng academlc ellglblllLy, go Lo Lhe Academ|c L|fe: keference secLlon
and look under LllglblllLy".

MaranaLha Plgh School expecLs everyone lnvolved ln compeLlLlon, lncludlng sLudenLs, parenLs, specLaLors, and all auxlllary
groups, Lo honor Lhe LradlLlons of Lhe sporL and Lo LreaL oLher parLlclpanLs wlLh respecL. 1hose LhaL choose Lo behave ln
unsporLsmanllke behavlor wlll be asked noL Lo aLLend or parLlclpaLe ln MPS aLhleLlc evenLs. Coaches have a speclal
responslblllLy Lo model respecLful behavlor and Lhe duLy Lo demand LhaL Lhelr sLudenL-aLhleLes and parenLs refraln from
dlsrespecLful conducL lnvolvlng verbal abuse of opponenLs and offlclals, profane or belllgerenL language, LaunLlng and
lnapproprlaLe celebraLlons. lurLhermore, MPS endorses Cll's Code of LLhlcs, and urges all concerned wlLh MPS aLhleLlcs Lo
adhere Lo Lhe guldellnes of LhaL code as follows:

1o sLress Lhe values derlved from playlng Lhe game falrly
1o show cordlal courLesy Lo vlslLlng Leams and offlclals
1o esLabllsh a poslLlve relaLlonshlp beLween vlslLors and hosLs
1o emphaslze Lhe proper ldeals of sporLsmanshlp, eLhlcal conducL and falr play
1o ellmlnaLe all pracLlces whlch Lend Lo desLroy Lhe besL values of Lhe game
1o respecL Lhe lnLegrlLy and [udgmenL of sporLs offlclals
1o achleve a Lhorough undersLandlng and accepLance of Lhe rules of Lhe game
1o encourage leadershlp, use of lnlLlaLlve and good [udgmenL by Lhe players on Lhe Leam
1o recognlze LhaL Lhe purpose of educaLlonal aLhleLlcs ls Lo promoLe Lhe physlcal, menLal, moral, soclal and emoLlonal
well-belng of Lhe lndlvldual players
1o remember LhaL an aLhleLlc conLesL ls only a game - noL a maLLer of llfe and deaLh for Lhe players, coaches, or

All sLudenL aLhleLes are expecLed Lo malnLaln conducL ln accordance wlLh Lhe SLudenL Pandbook. 1he followlng rules govern
MaranaLha aLhleLlcs:

1hree dlsclpllne referrals wlLhln a season of sporL may resulL ln a Lwo-week suspenslon, and/or removal from LhaL
Leam aL Lhe ALhleLlc ulrecLor's dlscreLlon
lf an aLhleLe Lrles ouL for and ls placed on a Leam rosLer and he/she elecLs noL Lo parLlclpaLe, Lhe aLhleLe ls lnellglble Lo
parLlclpaLe ln anoLher sporL for LhaL season
An aLhleLe who elecLs Lo leave a sporL afLer Lhe flrsL conLesL of Lhe season ls lnellglble Lo parLlclpaLe ln any oLher MPS
aLhleLlc program for one calendar year
lf an aLhleLe ls removed by Lhe coach or ALhleLlc ulrecLor from an aLhleLlc program, Lhe aLhleLe ls lnellglble pendlng
revlew and relnsLaLemenL by Lhe ALhleLlc ulrecLor/AdmlnlsLraLlon
ln order Lo be ellglble for pracLlces, conLesLs and/or games, a sLudenL musL be ln aLLendance 60 or 4 perlods of Lhe
school day
lf a sLudenL ls absenL from school because of lllness, he/she cannoL parLlclpaLe ln a pracLlce or a game LhaL day
lf a sLudenL ls suspended from school, he/she cannoL parLlclpaLe ln pracLlce(s) or Lhe nexL conLesL or game
ueLenLlon ls Lo be served on Lhe daLe requlred and Lakes precedence over any pracLlce, conLesL or game.


ln order for a sLudenL-aLhleLe Lo parLlclpaLe ln MPS aLhleLlcs, all forms musL be compleLed ln Lhelr enLlreLy and Lurned
lnLo Lhe ALhleLlc Cfflce. 1hese forms lnclude emergency release forms, aLhleLlc handbook conLracLs, and physlcal
examlnaLlons. hyslcal examlnaLlons are valld for one calendar year and Lhey musL be compleLed prlor Lo
parLlclpaLlon ln aLhleLlc evenLs. MaranaLha offers physlcals ln !une of every summer and we hlghly encourage
famllles Lo compleLe physlcals/forms aL LhaL Llme.

MPS deslres Lo provlde LransporLaLlon for all aLhleLes boLh Lo and from all aLhleLlc evenLs for Lhose parLlclpaLlng ln
Lhe aLhleLlc evenL. Powever, on occaslon, prlvaLe famlly LransporLaLlon wlll be needed. Cur van and bus rules and
regulaLlons musL be followed aL all Llmes or Lhe prlvllege of LransporLaLlon wlll be forfelLed. lf lL ls necessary for a
llcensed sLudenL Lo drlve Lo an aLhleLlc evenL, Lhls sLudenL cannoL drlve oLher MPS or non-MPS sLudenLs.





SLudenLs may brlng food Lo campus or Lhey may buy food aL Lhe cafeLerla whlch ls open aL break and aL lunch. lrulL, beverages, snacks, bagels,
mufflns, or a hoL breakfasL may be purchased aL break. AddlLlonally, an enLree or cholce of sandwlch or salad ls served aL lunch. 1he CafeLerla
menu ls updaLed weekly and may be vlewed on our webslLe. 1o purchase lLems from Lhe cafeLerla, sLudenLs musL pay ln cash. Iood brought to
campus by students and]or fam|||es may not be so|d. SLeallng food from Lhe cafeLerla ls a serlous breach of school rules. 1he employees who
serve food deserve respecL aL all Llmes, Lhe responslblllLy for keeplng Lhe aLmosphere pleasanL belongs Lo Lhe sLudenLs. SLudenLs musL Lhrow away
all Lrash before leavlng Lhelr Lable and/or eaLlng area.

Cell phones, lods, and oLher elecLronlc devlces musL be deacLlvaLed durlng school hours from (8:00am Lo 3:03pm) excepL:
under Lhe supervlslon and permlsslon of Lhe lnsLrucLor durlng Lhe class perlod
non-lnsLrucLlonal perlods whlch lnclude beLween classes, break, lunch, before and afLer school
Cell phones and oLher elecLronlc devlces unauLhorlzed by Lhe lnsLrucLor durlng Lhe lnsLrucLlonal perlod wlll be conflscaLed. 8epeaLed conflscaLlon
wlll resulL ln dlsclpllnary acLlon, lncludlng deLenLlons, SaLurday Schools and suspenslons. lor famlly communlcaLlons durlng Lhe class perlod, please
call Lhe fronL offlce (626) 817-4000 and a message wlll be senL Lo Lhe sLudenL durlng Lhe class perlod. ln case of emergencles, Lhe sLudenL can be
lmmedlaLely called ouL of class.

1he SLaLe of Callfornla requlres MaranaLha Plgh School Lo reporL any reasonable susplclon of chlld neglecL or abuse (verbal, emoLlonal, physlcal, or
sexual) Lo Lhe ueparLmenL of Chlldren and lamlly Servlces (uClS) (see Callfornla enal Code SecLlons 11164-11174).

MPS sLrlves Lo keep our beauLlful campus llLLer-free aL all Llmes ln order Lo help provlde a safe, learnlng envlronmenL for all members of our
communlLy. ln order Lo do Lhls, please follow Lhese guldellnes:
1. lease deposlL all Lrash lnLo Lrash cans.
2. AL no Llme should sLudenLs brlng food lnLo naLaLorlum/pool area, or onLo Lhe fooLball fleld.
3. lf posslble, deposlL all recyclable lLems lnLo Lhe approprlaLe recycllng recepLacles.
lor more lnformaLlon, reference 8especL for roperLy" under 8ehavloral LxpecLaLlons" ln Lhe Da||y L|fe: Lssent|a|s Sect|on.

1he SLudenL Servlce ro[ecL ls a vlLal componenL ln our commlLmenL Lo be a communlLy ln and of servlce Lo !esus ChrlsL and our 'nelghbors'. Cur
hope and prayer ls LhaL we wlll culLlvaLe a cllmaLe wlLhln our sLudenLs where personal passlons meeL deep deslres and needs wlLhln our asadena
communlLy. All CommunlLy Servlce Pours musL be submlLLed for approval each year Lo Lhe sLudenL's 1heology lnsLrucLor wlLh flnal auLhorlLy
resLlng wlLh Lhe uean of MlnlsLrles. Lach yearly Servlce ro[ecL ls a requlremenL for credlL and advancemenL ln all 1heology classes, and for
graduaLlon from MPS.

Servlce hours requlremenL:
10 hours per year for grades 9 & 10
All 10 hours for grade 9 musL be compleLed Lhrough a church or churches
20 hours per year for grades 11 & 12

A sLudenL lacklng full compleLlon of servlce hours wlll noL recelve a dlploma unLll requlred hours are compleLed and verlfled. 1he uean of MlnlsLrles
and AdmlnlsLraLlon reserves Lhe rlghL Lo resLrlcL parLlclpaLlon ln senlor acLlvlLles for sLudenLs noL meeLlng graduaLlon requlremenLs.

1he College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL provldes academlc supporL and college counsellng Lo sLudenLs and famllles durlng Lhelr four
years aL MaranaLha. lor sLudenLs needlng emoLlonal counsellng, Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL can provlde a llsL of local
llcensed, ChrlsLlan LheraplsLs ln Lhe San Cabrlel valley.

MaranaLha Plgh School provldes ually AnnouncemenLs LhaL are posLed and read Lo Lhe sLudenLs Monday Lhrough lrlday. 1he ually
AnnouncemenLs conLaln offlclal school noLlces as well as announcemenLs concernlng exLracurrlcular acLlvlLles and soclal evenLs. SLudenLs should
llsLen and/or read Lhe ually AnnouncemenLs each day. 8ulleLlns are posLed elecLronlcally on Lhe school's webslLe www.maranaLha-hs.org, aL Lhe
fronL desks of Lhe SLudenL CenLer and Academlc CenLer, and senL elecLronlcally vla emall Lo all sLaff and faculLy members. LnLrles for Lhe nexL day's
bulleLln musL be broughL Lo Lhe SLudenL CenLer fronL offlce by 3:00pm and musL be slgned and approved by an MPS sLaff member.


1o help ensure safeLy and securlLy on Lhe campus, as well as Lo malnLaln a drug free envlronmenL, MPS uses lnLerquesL ueLecLlon Canlnes Lo
provlde rouLlne searches of Lhe MPS Campus (lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo lockers/sLorage, classrooms, baLhrooms, publlc spaces, and Lhe parklng
sLrucLure). 1he ulrecLor of SecurlLy and/or a deslgnaLed member of MPS sLaff wlll accompany Lhe handler and Lhe drug dog on campus aL all Llmes.

AL MaranaLha, sLudenLs are glven opporLunlLles Lo parLlclpaLe ln aLhleLlcs, clubs, and performances LhaL furLher Lhe school's mlsslon. lor conLlnued
ellglblllLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln any exLra-currlcular program assoclaLed wlLh MaranaLha Plgh School, or Lo recelve school prlvlleges, sLudenLs musL meeL
Lhe requlred academlc sLandards, exhlblL personal responslblllLy, comply wlLh school pollcles, and fulflll all guldellnes for Lhe appllcable club,
aLhleLlc Leam, or sLudenL acLlvlLy. (lor more lnformaLlon, please refer Lo LllglblllLy" ln Lhe Academ|c L|fe: keference Sect|on).

lor parLlclpaLlon ln any class Lrlp, a slgned healLh and emergency form and emergency lnformaLlon card musL be on flle aL Lhe Academlc CenLer
fronL offlce. ln addlLlon, slgned permlsslon forms are mandaLory for each off-campus sLudenL acLlvlLy. lf a sLudenL wlll mlss any classes, all Leachers
musL be noLlfled ln advance. All sLudenLs musL be ln good academlc and aLLendance sLandlng Lo be excused from classes Lo parLlclpaLe ln a school
fleld Lrlp. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo comply wlLh Lhe rules and regulaLlons of Lhe place Lhey are vlslLlng, as well as Lhe rules of MaranaLha Plgh
School, and Lo respecL Lhe rlghLs of oLhers. All dlsclpllne pollcles apply on all lleld 1rlps.

lL ls expecLed LhaL all MPS sLudenLs remaln ln class aL all Llmes. lf lL becomes necessary for a sLudenL Lo leave a classroom, Lhe sLudenL musL flrsL
obLaln permlsslon from Lhelr Leacher (wrlLLen hall pass or classroom hall pass). SLudenLs ouLslde of Lhe classroom durlng class Llmes wlLhouL
permlsslon can resulL ln an lmmedlaLe deLenLlon.

MaranaLha Plgh School ls commlLLed Lo provldlng a learnlng envlronmenL LhaL ls free from harassmenL, bullylng, and hazlng of any form. ln keeplng
wlLh Lhe splrlL of our phllosophy, harassmenL, bullylng, and/or hazlng of any MaranaLha Plgh School sLudenL and/or employee ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed.
1he school wlll LreaL allegaLlons of harassmenL, bullylng, and/or hazlng serlously and wlll revlew and lnvesLlgaLe such allegaLlons ln a prompL,
confldenLlal, and Lhorough manner.

!(A -(*)%(0'* ,@ 1%&%**:'()B 94""A-(6B %(5G,& 1%?-(6 *1,4"5 9' -::'5-%)'"A &'2,&)'5 ), % )'%01'&B 0,%01B *01,," 0,4(*'",&B H-&'0),& ,@ /'04&-)AB
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A charge of harassmenL, bullylng, and/or hazlng wlll noL, ln and of lLself, creaLe Lhe presumpLlon of wrongdolng. Powever, subsLanLlaLed acLs of
harassmenL, bullylng, or hazlng wlll resulL ln dlsclpllnary acLlon, up Lo and lncludlng, dlsmlssal. SLudenLs found Lo have flled false or frlvolous
charges wlll also be sub[ecL Lo dlsclpllnary acLlon, up Lo and lncludlng dlsmlssal.

ParassmenL ls sLrlcLly forbldden and can be deflned as occurrlng when an lndlvldual ls sub[ecLed Lo a hosLlle or lnLlmldaLlng school or work
envlronmenL. 1hls harassmenL may be due Lo Lhe lndlvldual's race, creed, color, naLlonal orlgln, physlcal dlsablllLy or gender, eLc. ParassmenL
ls prohlblLed durlng school or school-relaLed acLlvlLles and prohlblLed durlng ouLslde acLlvlLles lf such conducL has an adverse lmpacL upon Lhe
school envlronmenL. ParassmenL may lnclude, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe followlng slLuaLlons:
Submlsslon Lo or re[ecLlon of such conducL ls used as a condlLlon of sLudenL academlc sLaLus, progress, or declslons.
Submlsslon Lo or re[ecLlon of such conducL by a sLudenL ls used as Lhe basls of academlc declslons affecLlng Lhe lndlvldual.
Such conducL has Lhe purpose or effecL of unreasonable lnLerference wlLh an lndlvldual's academlc performance or of creaLlng an
lnLlmldaLlng, hosLlle, or offenslve educaLlonal envlronmenL.

verbal ParassmenL lncludes spoken and wrlLLen harassmenL ln person, Lhrough gosslp and Lhrough elecLronlc means, such as over Lhe phone,
Lhrough LexLlng, lnsLanL messaglng, Lhrough a soclal neLworklng slLe, eLc. verbal harassmenL lncludes, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo, derogaLory
commenLs and [okes, LhreaLs, heckllng, eLc.
hyslcal ParassmenL lncludes unwanLed physlcal Louchlng, conLacL, assaulL, dellberaLe lmpedlng or blocklng movemenLs, or any lnLlmldaLlng
lnLerference wlLh normal work or movemenL. hyslcal abuse or Lhe LhreaL of physlcal abuse agalnsL any person aL school or aL any school
auLhorlzed evenL, or oLher conducL LhaL LhreaLens or endangers Lhe healLh, safeLy, or physlcal well-belng of any such person wlll noL be
vlsual ParassmenL lncludes derogaLory, demeanlng, or lnflammaLory posLers, carLoons, wrlLLen words, drawlngs, or gesLures. 1hls, Loo, can be
done Lhrough elecLronlc means.
Sexual ParassmenL lncludes unwelcome sexual advances, requesLs for sexual favors, leerlng aL a person's body, and oLher verbal or physlcal
conducL of a sexual naLure.
SexLlng lncludes Lhe sendlng, possesslon, dlsplaylng or dlsLrlbuLlon of LexL messages and plcLures of an expllclL sexual naLure


lf one or more of Lhe aforemenLloned slLuaLlons occurs, lL ls each sLudenL's responslblllLy Lo:
ConducL hlm/herself ln a manner LhaL conLrlbuLes Lo a poslLlve envlronmenL.
Conslder lmmedlaLely lnformlng anyone harasslng hlm/her LhaL Lhe behavlor ls offenslve and unwelcomed.
8eporL all lncldenLs of dlscrlmlnaLlon or harassmenL Lo a Leacher, counselor and Lhe uean of SLudenL Servlces, or rlnclpal.
ulsconLlnue lmmedlaLely any conducL LhaL ls percelved as dlscrlmlnaLory, lnLlmldaLlng, harasslng, or unwelcomed.

Any lnsLances of harassmenL should be lmmedlaLely reporLed Lo Lhe uean of SLudenL Servlces or Lhe rlnclpal.

8ullylng ls sLrlcLly forbldden and deflned as a consclous, wlllful, dellberaLe, hosLlle and repeaLed behavlor by one or more people, whlch ls
lnLended Lo harm oLhers (lndependenL School ManagemenL)."

Any form of bullylng (lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo verbal, physlcal, relaLlonal, exLorLlon, sexLlng or cyber bullylng) ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed. 8ullylng
lncludes harasslng messages vla emall, phone, LexL, or soclal medla, any form of lnLlmldaLlon, and/or offenslve, unwanLed physlcal conLacL,
[okes, commenLs, or verbal assaulLs.

Any lnsLances of bullylng should be lmmedlaLely reporLed Lo a Leacher, securlLy, coach, school counselor, uean of SLudenL Servlces, ALhleLlc
ulrecLor, or rlnclpal.

Pazlng ls sLrlcLly forbldden and ls descrlbed ln Lhe Callfornla LducaLlon Code (48900.2) as a meLhod of means, a meLhod of lnlLlaLlon, or pre-
lnlLlaLlon lnLo a pupll organlzaLlon or body, wheLher or noL Lhe organlzaLlon or body ls offlclally recognlzed by an educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon, whlch
ls llkely Lo cause serlous bodlly ln[ury or personal degradaLlon or dlsgrace resulLlng ln physlcal or menLal harm Lo a former, currenL, or
prospecLlve pupll."

lorms of hazlng may lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo: physlcal bruLallLy, physlcal acLlvlLy LhaL may negaLlvely affecL Lhe menLal or physlcal healLh
of a sLudenL, or any acL LhaL mlghL LhreaLen, harass or lnLlmldaLe a sLudenL.
Any sLudenL who belleves Lhey may have been a vlcLlm of hazlng or perhaps may know of an lncldenL ln whlch hazlng allegedly Look place
should lmmedlaLely lnform a coach, Leacher, ulrecLor of SLudenL Servlces, ALhleLlc ulrecLor, or rlnclpal.

MaranaLha possesses a Crlsls ManagemenL lan, whlch ls a cenLral componenL of comprehenslve school safeLy. 1he mosL lmporLanL conslderaLlon
ln Crlsls ManagemenL ls Lhe healLh, safeLy, and welfare of MaranaLha Plgh School sLudenLs and sLaff. Cur Crlsls ManagemenL lan places a sLrong
emphasls on prevenLlon uslng sLraLegles, whlch range from bulldlng deslgn Lo dlsclpllne pollcles and programs, whlch lmprove Lhe school cllmaLe.
lor more lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe Crlsls ManagemenL lan, please conLacL Lhe ulrecLor of SecurlLy.

SLudenLs should famlllarlze Lhemselves wlLh Lhe evacuaLlon procedures posLed ln Lhe classrooms and oLher faclllLles on campus. upon noLlflcaLlon
of an emergency requlrlng evacuaLlon, sLudenLs should be aware of Lhe nearesL exlL from Lhelr classroom and should proceed Lo Lhelr deslgnaLed
assembly area where aLLendance wlll be Laken. SLudenLs are expecLed Lo demonsLraLe approprlaLe behavlor due Lo Lhe serlousness of Lhe drllls and
Lo cooperaLe fully wlLh faculLy, sLaff, AdmlnlsLraLlon, and/or emergency personnel.

uurlng a flre, earLhquake or oLher emergency, all sLudenLs are requlred Lo follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons of Lhe faculLy and sLaff. All sLudenLs and sLaff are
requlred Lo parLlclpaLe and cooperaLe ln regularly scheduled drllls as mandaLed by Lhe SLaLe of Callfornla. SLudenLs are Lo remaln on campus and
expecLed Lo follow pracLlced dlsasLer drlll guldellnes and procedures. ln Lhe evenL of an earLhquake, sLudenLs are safer aL school unLll plcked up by
Lhelr famlly/guardlan.

CLher campus safeLy drllls may lnclude lock down drllls and speclflc evacuaLlon drllls coordlnaLed and dlrecLed by Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon.

ln Lhe evenL of a sLudenL and/or school slLe emergency, please conLacL Lhe school's maln offlce aL (626) 817-4000 for lnformaLlon and speclflc
dlrecLlons for parenLs. MaranaLha Plgh School wlll work and parLner wlLh local emergency and law enforcemenL agencles Lo ensure Lhe safeLy and
proLecLlon of lLs sLudenLs.

Immun|zat|ons: SLudenL lmmunlzaLlon records musL be ln compllance wlLh local, sLaLe and federal guldellnes. lallure Lo comply wlll resulL ln
Lemporary removal from school.
rescr|pt|ons: 1he deslgnaLed personnel aL Lhe SLudenL CenLer lronL uesk musL dlspense all prescrlpLlon or non-prescrlpLlon drugs. All
sLudenLs musL presenL medlcaLlon Lo Lhe lronL uesk wlLh a slgned leLLer glvlng permlsslon Lo admlnlsLer drug. All prescrlpLlons musL be
prescrlbed Lo Lhe sLudenL.
Commun|cab|e d|seases: Local, SLaLe, and lederal guldellnes wlll apply.
Acc|dents: All accldenLs musL be reporLed Lo a school represenLaLlve and proper documenLaLlon compleLed.



MaranaLha Plgh School has a global vlslon Lo brlng ChrlsL Lo Lhe world. ln Lhls regard, MaranaLha does accepL sLudenLs from dlfferenL counLrles. lL ls
our hope LhaL exchanges beLween sLudenLs wlll fosLer greaLer undersLandlng of dlfferenL culLures. lL ls our prayer LhaL Lhese sLudenLs wlll be
exLended ChrlsL's love durlng Lhelr Llme aL MaranaLha.


MaranaLha Plgh school asslgns lockers Lo lLs sLudenLs for Lhelr convenlence and Lemporary use. 8ags/Cear/8ooks/8elonglngs musL be sLored ln
lockers aL all Llmes. unaLLended bags on campus wlll be removed for Lhe safeLy of Lhe communlLy aL large. SLudenLs are Lo use lockers excluslvely Lo
sLore school-relaLed maLerlals and auLhorlzed personal lLems such as ouLer garmenLs, fooLwear, groomlng alds, aLhleLlc equlpmenL or lunch.
SLudenLs are solely responslble for Lhe conLenLs of Lhelr lockers and should noL share Lhelr lockers wlLh oLher sLudenLs, nor glve locker
comblnaLlons Lo oLher sLudenLs, unless auLhorlzed by Lhe rlnclpal or hls/her deslgnee. no lllegal subsLances, weapons or oLher prohlblLed or
offenslve maLerlals are Lo be placed ln school lockers or sLorage areas. ermlsslon Lo use Lhe school lockers or sLorage areas may be LermlnaLed
when a sLudenL does noL comply wlLh Lhe condlLlons of use.

8andom searches of school lockers and sLorage areas have a poslLlve lmpacL on deLerrlng vlolaLlons of school rules and regulaLlons, ensure proper
malnLenance of school properLy, and provlde greaLer safeLy and securlLy for sLudenLs and personnel. Accordlngly, MaranaLha Plgh School
auLhorlzes Lhe rlnclpal or hls/her deslgnee Lo search lockers, locker conLenLs and sLorage areas aL any Llme, wlLhouL noLlce, and wlLhouL
parenL/guardlan or sLudenL consenL. 1he rlnclpal or hls/her deslgnee shall noL be obllgaLed, buL may requesL Lhe asslsLance of a law enforcemenL
offlcer ln conducLlng a search. 1he rlnclpal or hls/her deslgnee shall supervlse Lhe search. ln Lhe course of a search, Lhe rlnclpal or hls/her
deslgnee shall respecL Lhe prlvacy rlghLs of Lhe sLudenL regardlng any lLems dlscovered LhaL are noL lllegal or agalnsL school pollcy and rules.

SLudenL CenLer lreshman 708-791
C8 lreshman 361-436
109 Sophomore 437-304
208 Soph/!unlor 303-380
CuLslde AC Slde !unlor/Senlor 1-200
CuLslde lleld Slde !unlor/Senlor 201-360


lf any lLems are lefL unaLLended, Lhey may be placed ln Lhe losL-and-found secLlon aL Lhe SLudenL CenLer fronL offlce. LosL properLy may be plcked
up aL any Llme durlng regular school hours 7:30am Lo 4:00pm. Small lLems, such as glasses, [ewelry, and keys, are kepL aL Lhe fronL desk of Lhe
SLudenL CenLer. All lLems, excepL for school unlforms, are donaLed Lo charlLy afLer Lwo monLhs.

Any mall or dellverles for sLudenLs are Lo go Lhrough Lhe SLudenL CenLer fronL offlce Lo be dlsLrlbuLed durlng school hours. lor Lhe safeLy of our
sLudenLs, any dellverles for sLudenLs wlll be sub[ecL Lo lnspecLlon by Campus SecurlLy or fronL offlce sLaff.

Med|cat|on at Schoo|____________________________________________________________________________

lease noLe LhaL Lhese pollcles apply Lo all prescrlpLlon and nonprescrlpLlon medlcaLlon lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo 1ylenol, lbuprofen, MoLrln or
over Lhe counLer allergy medlcaLlons. 1hese pollcles are ln place for Lhe proLecLlon of your chlld and Lhe resL of Lhe sLudenL body.

1he school shall noL furnlsh medlcaLlons. All medlcaLlons admlnlsLered aL school shall be provlded by parenLs. A release sLaLlng Lhe naLure of Lhe
medlcaLlon, slgned and daLed by a docLor and also slgned by Lhe parenL, musL be provlded Lo Lhe schools fronL offlce.

MedlcaLlons admlnlsLered aL school musL be ln Lhe orlglnal conLalner and labeled. 1he day's dosage musL be sealed, labeled and have Lhe sLudenL's
name aLLached. lL shall be ln an approprlaLe conLalner, and kepL ln Lhe schools fronL offlce.

1he sLudenL musL come Lo Lhe offlce Lo Lake all medlcaLlons. SLudenLs may noL Lake medlcaLlon on Lhelr own, ln Lhe resLroom or elsewhere.
8ecause of Lhe rlsk of sLudenLs sharlng medlcaLlons, sLudenLs may noL carry medlcaLlon of any klnd Lo be self-admlnlsLered aL school. ln Lhe evenL
a sLudenL ls serlously aL rlsk wlLhouL an epl-pen or lnhaler on hls or her person, conslderaLlon wlll be glven for a varlance upon submlsslon of Lhe
slgned medlcal release from provlded and slgned by Lhe parenL and docLor of Lhe sLudenL.

SLudenLs ln possesslon of any Lype of medlcaLlon wlLhouL proper parenL auLhorlzaLlon and followlng proper procedure are sub[ecL Lo dlsclpllnary


Muslc ollcy

AoJ wbotevet yoo Jo, wbetbet lo wotJ ot JeeJ, Jo lt oll lo tbe oome of tbe lotJ Iesos, qlvloq tbooks to CoJ tbe lotbet tbtooqb nlm. colossloos

1he MaranaLha Plgh School communlLy sLrlves Lo use approprlaLe language LhaL ls conslsLenL wlLh our call as followers of ChrlsL. ln Lhe same
manner, muslc LhaL ls played aL aLhleLlc evenLs, sLudenL acLlvlLles, or aL any oLher MaranaLha sponsored acLlvlLy should be reflecLlve of our deslre
Lo follow ChrlsL ln all LhaL we do. 8ecause of Lhls, our cholce of muslc should noL lnclude foul or profane language, raclal slurs, reference Lo drugs
or Lhe drug culLure, reference Lo alcohol, or reference Lo vlolence. Cur hope ls LhaL Lhe muslc LhaL we llsLen Lo as a communlLy encourages Lhe
frulLs of Lhe SplrlL: love, [oy, peace, longsufferlng, klndness, goodness, falLhfulness, genLleness, and self-conLrol.

lf Lhere ls a quesLlon as Lo Lhe approprlaLeness of a song Lo be played aL a MaranaLha sponsored acLlvlLy, Lhe ALhleLlc ulrecLor wlll make Lhe flnal
declslon for all aLhleLlc evenLs, and Lhe ulrecLor of SLudenL AcLlvlLles wlll make Lhe flnal declslon for all oLher sLudenL acLlvlLles and school-
sponsored evenLs.

WlLh Lhe purpose of malnLalnlng a safe and secure campus, sLudenLs are prohlblLed Lo be ln any area on campus wlLhouL faculLy/sLaff supervlslon.
1hese areas lnclude (buL are noL llmlLed Lo) Lhe parklng sLrucLure, SouLh Lawn (uel Mar and SL. !ohn), pool, or Lhe gym and gym lobby. lf sLudenLs
are ln Lhese areas and are unsupervlsed, dlsclpllnary acLlon wlll be Laken.

AppllcaLlons for a parklng permlL musL be obLalned Lhrough Lhe ulrecLor of SecurlLy. SLudenLs wlll be lssued a parklng permlL for a fee of $33 per
semesLer. rlorlLy wlll be glven Lo Lhose who carpool. Cnly [unlors and senlors wlll recelve parklng permlLs.

urlvlng and parklng are prlvlleges aL MaranaLha Plgh School and are sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng procedures and regulaLlons:
1. 1he valld sLudenL-parklng permlL musL be dlsplayed on Lhe lower lefL corner of Lhe wlndshleld on Lhe drlver's slde.
2. SLudenLs are Lo ablde by Lhe legal speed llmlLs.
3. Students w||| on|y park |n the|r ass|gned spaces. No street park|ng. No off-s|te park|ng.
4. vehlcles musL be locked aL all Llmes whlle parked aL school.
3. SLudenLs are noL allowed ln Lhe parklng loLs durlng Lhe school day wlLhouL permlsslon from Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon. Any sLudenL wlLhouL
permlsslon Lo be ln Lhe parklng loL durlng school hours wlll be glven an auLomaLlc deLenLlon.
6. SLudenLs ln vlolaLlon of Lhe aforemenLloned regulaLlons wlll also recelve Lhe followlng consequences:
v|o|at|on: A warnlng wlll be lssued
v|o|at|on: arklng prlvlleges wlll be suspended for one week
v|o|at|on: arklng prlvlleges wlll be suspended for Lhe semesLer
SLudenL drlvlng and parklng prlvlleges may be suspended aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon aL any Llme.

All sLudenLs are Lo be plcked up and dropped off ln Lhe underground parklng sLrucLure on SL. !ohn Ave. urop-offs aL Lhe vlslLors' parklng area and
surroundlng sLreeLs (Creen SL., SL. !ohn Ave. or uel Mar Ave) are absoluLely prohlblLed and are sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng consequences:
v|o|at|on: Warnlng*Iurther v|o|at|ons may resu|t |n Detent|on or Sat. Schoo|.

SLudenLs are noL allowed Lo slL ln cars or lolLer ln Lhe parklng sLrucLure aL any Llme. SLudenLs should make Lhelr way lnLo Lhe school bulldlng
lmmedlaLely afLer arrlvlng on Lhe MaranaLha campus. Students are not a||owed |n the park|ng structure dur|ng the schoo| day w|thout a pass.
AfLer school ls dlsmlssed, sLudenLs musL leave Lhe parklng sLrucLure as soon as posslble. LolLerlng wlll noL be permlLLed. All sLudenLs vehlcles musL
be reglsLered and ln compllance wlLh Lhe parklng regulaLlons. II A S1UDLN1 NLLDS 1C LLAVL SCnCCL DUkING 1nL SCnCCL DA WI1n A LkSCNAL VLnICLL AkkLD IN


1he mlsslon of Lhe MaranaLha Plgh School 8esearch CenLer ls Lhreefold: Lo supporL and enhance Lhe phllosophy of Lhe school and currlculum, Lo
provlde a varleLy of approprlaLe resources Lo sLlmulaLe Lhe developmenL of lnLellecLual curloslLy and splrlLual growLh, and Lo encourage a love of
readlng. 1he goal of Lhe MaranaLha Plgh School 8esearch CenLer ls Lo embrace Lhe school's mlsslon Lo prepare sLudenLs for llvlng llves of purpose
and dlsLlncLlon by encouraglng sLudenLs Lo develop crlLlcal Lhlnklng skllls ln evaluaLlng and uLlllzlng lnformaLlon resources. SLudenLs uslng Lhe
8esearch CenLer Lo sLudy lndlvldually or ln groups need Lo be conslderaLe of oLhers around Lhem, keeplng volce levels Lo a mlnlmum.


MaranaLha Plgh School offers a varleLy of resources accesslble for Lhe sLudenLs and subscrlbes Lo onllne daLabases LhaL are accesslble elecLronlcally
on campus or from home. 1hese onllne resources glve sLudenLs access Lo a broad range of rellable peer revlewed academlc [ournals, onllne books,
reference maLerlals, and medla.

neLworked compuLers are avallable for sLudenL use. 1helr use ls resLrlcLed Lo school work only.

1he School can and does search all compuLer conLenLs and usage. no sLudenL has any expecLaLlon of prlvacy ln any maLerlal accessed, recelved,
senL or vlewed on any School compuLer sysLem of any klnd.


MaranaLha sLudenLs are only allowed on campus beLween 7:00am and 3:30pm on school days unless under Lhe dlrecL supervlslon of MaranaLha
auLhorlzed personnel or coachlng sLaff. arenLs should arrange for Lhelr sLudenLs Lo be dropped off no earller Lhan 7:00am and plcked up no laLer
Lhan 3:30pm.


MaranaLha Plgh School's AdmlnlsLraLlon values Lhe safeLy, well-belng, and proLecLlon of each member of Lhe MaranaLha Plgh School communlLy.
1he uean of SLudenL Servlces and Lhe ulrecLor of Campus SecurlLy coordlnaLe campus safeLy and securlLy. Any unusual acLlvlLy or LhefL should be
lmmedlaLely reporLed Lo Lhe uean of SLudenL Servlces or Lhe ulrecLor of SecurlLy.


1hese pollcles, sLandards, and procedures apply Lo all users of Lechnology wheLher adulL, chlld or youLh, wheLher Lhey are pald or volunLeer,
wheLher Lhey are sLaff, Leacher, or admlnlsLraLor.

MaranaLha Plgh School undersLands Lhe lmporLance of sLudenLs and parenLs engaglng, collaboraLlng, learnlng and sharlng ln Lhe fasL-movlng world
of Lhe lnLerneL and soclal medla"- such as lacebook, 1wlLLer, blogs, and many oLher onllne Lools Lhrough whlch people connecL and share
lnformaLlon. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd, MaranaLha Plgh School has developed guldellnes Lo provlde dlrecLlon for parenLs and sLudenLs when parLlclpaLlng
ln onllne soclal medla acLlvlLles.
1he declslon Lo parLlclpaLe ln blogs, lacebook, or oLher onllne soclal neLworks ls up Lo Lhe parenL's/sLudenL's own dlscreLlon. 8y creaLlng or
parLlclpaLlng ln soclal medla for Lhe classroom, school acLlvlLles, or personal use, user agrees Lo ablde by Lhese guldellnes. Anyone from MaranaLha
parLlclpaLlng ln soclal medla should refraln from use of vulgar language, lnapproprlaLe plcLures/graphlcs/vldeos, bullylng, derogaLory commenLs, or
anyLhlng LhaL ls consldered non-ChrlsLlan from a moral and eLhlcal sLandard. Whlle MaranaLha Plgh School accepLs Lhe uses of soclal medla, lL ls of
upmosL lmporLance LhaL sLudenLs, sLaff, faculLy and parenLs conducL Lhemselves accordlng Lo MaranaLha's core values (falLh, scholarshlp,
communlLy, and servlce).
vlolaLlons of Lhls pollcy wlll resulL ln dlsclpllnary acLlon, lncludlng LermlnaLlon of employmenL, suspenslon, expulslon, and referral Lo law
enforcemenL when approprlaLe and necessary.


1he school's faclllLles are avallable for club meeLlngs, class acLlvlLles, and oLher school-sponsored gaLherlngs. All sLudenL acLlvlLles musL be
approved 20 days prlor Lo Lhe evenL by Lhe ulrecLor of SLudenL AcLlvlLles. 1he school does noL make lLs faclllLles avallable for acLlvlLles unrelaLed Lo
MaranaLha Plgh School unless speclal arrangemenLs have been made wlLh Lhe ClC.


MPS offers sLudenLs, sLaff, and faculLy a range of Lechnologles deslgned Lo supporL excellence ln Leachlng and learnlng. 1he use of MPS Lechnology
ls a prlvllege LhaL musL be used ln an eLhlcal manner.

SLudenL may choose Lo brlng Lhelr personal lapLop compuLers Lo campus for school use. SLudenLs wlshlng Lo use Lhe wlreless lnLerneL for
academlcs can galn Lhe user name and assword from Lhe sLaff ln Lhe Academlc CenLer Lobby or from Lhe ulrecLor of 1echnology.

1he use of Lhe compuLers, lnLerneL, LelecommunlcaLlons or any Lechnology aL MPS shall be ln supporL of educaLlonal goals, conslsLenL wlLh school
pollcles, and musL ensure Lhe use of compuLers ln a responslble, efflclenL, eLhlcal and legal manner LhaL wlll promoLe only Lhe hlghesL sLandards
and supporL Lhe school's mlsslon. ersonal (non-school relaLed) use of Lechnology ls Lo be mlnlmlzed.

Sendlng or seeklng Lo recelve messages LhaL conLaln or suggesL raclsm, sexlsm, lnapproprlaLe language, pornography, and/or lllegal
sollclLaLlon of lnformaLlon.
Accesslng webslLes or flles LhaL conLaln sexually expllclL maLerlals and/or offenslve language.
ueleLlng or changlng any appllcaLlon or flle belonglng Lo Lhe neLwork or anoLher person. 1hls lncludes dellberaLely aLLempLlng Lo bypass
securlLy sofLware, obLalnlng or sharlng passwords belonglng Lo oLhers, and aLLempLlng Lo access oLher lndlvldual's or oLher lnsLlLuLlon's
flles or e-mall. uo noL modlfy or copy any flles/daLa of oLher users wlLhouL Lhelr consenL.
lorwardlng anoLher user's communlcaLlon wlLhouL Lhe auLhor's prlor consenL.
Malllng chaln leLLers or any oLher lllegal acLlvlLy LhaL would vlolaLe sLandard mall pracLlce.
Copylng commerclal sofLware or personal lnLellecLual properLy ln vlolaLlon of copyrlghL laws.
uesLroylng, modlfylng, or abuslng Lhe hardware or sofLware ln any way.
uLlllzlng school compuLers for commerclal purposes deflned as offerlng or provldlng producLs or servlces".
urchaslng of unauLhorlzed producLs or servlces, furLhermore, Lhe school wlll noL be responslble for flnanclal obllgaLlons arlslng from
such purchases.
ulsLrlbuLlng or dlssemlnaLlng unauLhorlzed global e-mall or engaglng ln chaL-room" or lnsLanL messaglng communlcaLlon.
Note. fot pollcles teqotJloq cybet bollyloq, pleose see notossmeot ooJ 8ollyloq lollcles lo H%-"A I-@'3 J'@'&'(0'.

MPS, ln lLs sole and absoluLe dlscreLlon, reserves Lhe rlghL Lo revlew any flles (lncludlng emall communlcaLlons and lnLerneL usage) sLored on Lhe
school's compuLers or servers. MPS ls noL responslble for any lnformaLlon LhaL may be LransmlLLed or recelved vla global e-mall or lnLerneL usage.
1he school reserves Lhe rlghL Lo llmlL or suspend Lechnology access prlvlleges Lo any user who ls noL uLlllzlng Lhe school's Lechnologlcal resources ln
a responslble and eLhlcal manner, or oLherwlse ln Lhe sole dlscreLlon of Lhe School. lnapproprlaLe use of MPS Lechnology ls sub[ecL Lo dlsclpllnary

MaranaLha ls noL responslble for acLlvlLy of enrolled MPS sLudenLs ln Lhe off campus use of LelecommunlcaLlons (compuLer, cell phone, eLc.). 1he
school expecLs parenLal supervlslon ln Lhelr sLudenL's uLlllzaLlon of such devlces LhaL would be ln agreemenL wlLh Lhe school's mlsslon. SLudenLs,
who ln Lhelr use of Lechnology/LelecommunlcaLlon, compromlse Lhe school's lnLegrlLy and/or members assoclaLed wlLh Lhe lnsLlLuLlon by
presenLaLlon of maLerlal ln cyberspace, LhaL ls uneLhlcal, lnapproprlaLe, or deemed unaccepLable by Lhe school's AdmlnlsLraLlon, may recelve
dlsclpllnary acLlon.


1he Mlllswear campus wardrobe for MaranaLha Plgh School may be vlewed and can only be purchased onllne aL www.maranaLhasLore.com.


Cnly MPS Alumnl and famlly members of currenL MPS sLudenLs are allowed Lo vlslL Lhe campus durlng school hours. 1he v|s|t must
be arranged through the D|rector of Secur|ty (626.817.4091) at |east 24 hours |n advance. vlslLors wlll only be allowed Lo vlslL
durlng lunchLlme and musL remaln ln Lhe SLudenL CenLer. All vlslLors musL check ln Lhrough Lhe SLudenL CenLer lronL uesk or wlLh
Lhe ulrecLor of SecurlLy and wlll recelve ldenLlflcaLlon Lo wear whlle on campus.





MaranaLha Plgh School ls a college preparaLory lnsLlLuLlon provldlng a rlgorous course of sLudles Lo prepare sLudenLs for enrollmenL ln lnsLlLuLlons
of hlgher educaLlon.

4 years 40 unlLs
4 years 40 unlLs
MaLh 3 years 30 unlLs
Sclence 2 years 20 unlLs
1 year - hyslcal Sclence
1 year - Llfe Sclence
PlsLory/Soclal Sclence
3 years 30 unlLs
Modern Languages
(needs Lo be same language) 2 years 20 unlLs
hyslcal LducaLlon
(2 years or 4 sporL seasons) 2 years 20 unlLs
vlsual/erformlng ArLs 1 year 10 unlLs
LlecLlves (any courses beyond requlremenLs) 4 years 40 unlLs
1oLal unlLs 8equlred for CraduaLlon 260 unlLs

5toJeots most be eotolleJ lo oo Mn5 oqllsb ooJ 1beoloqy closs eocb yeot
lot tbe closses of 2014, ooJ beyooJ, stoJeots coo toke J yeots (J0 oolts) of 5oclol 5cleoce closses to meet tbe qtoJootloo tepoltemeots ooJ
wlll oot oeeJ to toke ltesbmeo loooJotloos.

A sLudenL earnlng a C or hlgher ln each class llsLed wlLhln Lhe MPS CraduaLlon 8equlremenLs wlll meeL or exceed Lhe sub[ecL requlremenLs for Lhe
uC and/or Lhe CSu sysLems. lurLher, our graduaLlon sub[ecL requlremenLs generally meeL and/or exceed Lhe admlsslon requlremenLs of publlc and
prlvaLe lnsLlLuLlons of hlgher learnlng across Lhe counLry. lease consulL your College Counselor for lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe remedlaLlon of u's
and l's.

SLudenLs who have saLlsfled Lhe MPS graduaLlon requlremenLs wlll parLlclpaLe ln Lhe annual commencemenL ceremony. SLudenLs who earn an l ln
one requlred course may parLlclpaLe ln Lhe commencemenL ceremony, buL wlll noL recelve a dlploma or be deslgnaLed as a graduaLe on offlclal
records unLll Lhe requlred course ls reLaken and passed wlLh a u- or beLLer. SLudenLs who recelve more Lhan one l ln requlred courses may noL
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe commencemenL ceremony and musL reLake courses and pass wlLh a u- or beLLer Lo recelve a dlploma from MPS.

lurLher requlremenLs for sLudenLs Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe MPS CommencemenL Ceremony Lhe compleLlon of all CommunlLy Servlce Pours (more
lnformaLlon, reference CommunlLy Servlce Pours" ln Lhe Academ|c L|fe: keference Sect|on).


CLASS SCnLDULING: ln Lhe Sprlng of each year, reLurnlng sLudenLs selecL courses for Lhe followlng school year. 8ased on Lhese selecLlons, a
schedule ls creaLed for each sLudenL and ls avallable on neLClassroom. SLudenLs who deslre Lo make changes Lo Lhelr schedule may do so ln
accordance wlLh Lhe MPS Add/urop pollcy. Space ln classes ls llmlLed and Lherefore some schedule change requesLs are noL posslble. ln Lhls case,
Lhe MPS College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL wlll work Lo flnd a soluLlon LhaL meeLs Lhe needs of Lhe sLudenL.


Lvery sLudenL aL MaranaLha Plgh School ls expecLed Lo malnLaln Lhe hlghesL sLandards of academlc lnLegrlLy, boLh ln and ouL of Lhe classroom.
Cases of academlc dlshonesLy wlll be consldered ma[or lnfracLlons of Lhe school's rules and wlll sub[ecL Lhe sLudenL Lo serlous penalLles LhaL may
lnclude fallure ln Lhe course (wlLh a noLaLlon on Lhe sLudenL's LranscrlpL) as well as dlsmlssal from school and/or oLher sancLlons.

A sLudenL's lack of undersLandlng, characLer, moLlve or lnLenL ls noL a valld defense Lo a charge of academlc dlshonesLy. SLudenLs musL famlllarlze
Lhemselves wlLh each lnsLrucLor's guldellnes, school-wlde LesL-Laklng proLocol, and proper wrlLlng and referenclng procedures. SLudenLs are
accounLable for any accldenLal or lnLenLlonal lnfrlngemenLs of Lhese pollcles.

A sLudenL who ls ln doubL regardlng sLandards of academlc honesLy should consulL wlLh Lhe Leacher responslble for Lhelr course or asslgnmenL
before submlLLlng Lhe work. 1eacher expecLaLlons may dlffer, sLudenLs are responslble Lo undersLand each Leacher's expecLaLlons.


1he followlng are examples of academlc dlshonesLy:
|ag|ar|sm ls Lhe use of anoLher person's maLerlal (words or ldeas) ln a paper or presenLaLlon wlLhouL glvlng proper credlL Lo Lhe auLhor. A
sLudenL's name on any submlLLed work (l.e. examlnaLlon, reporL, paper, drafL, asslgnmenL, laboraLory reporL, compuLer program, eLc.), or ln
assoclaLlon wlLh an oral presenLaLlon, consLlLuLes a represenLaLlon LhaL Lhe work ls Lhe resulL of LhaL sLudenL's own sLudy and LhoughL and ls sLaLed
ln Lhe sLudenL's own words. A sLudenL's work musL be produced wlLhouL Lhe asslsLance of oLhers, excepL as quoLaLlon marks, references, and
fooLnoLes, whlch accuraLely acknowledge Lhe use of Lhese oLher sources (lncludlng sources found on Lhe lnLerneL). Lvery student |s respons|b|e for
understand|ng the def|n|t|on and scope of p|ag|ar|sm and |s expected to confer w|th h|s]her |nstructor |f there |s a need for c|ar|f|cat|on. Any
s|m||ar|ty over 1S or h|gher on 1urn-It-In |s cons|dered p|ag|ar|sm and w||| be dea|t w|th through the D|rector of Student Serv|ces and]or
D|rector of Assessment and Iacu|ty Deve|opment.

1a|k|ng dur|ng an exam|nat|on, regardless of wheLher or noL Lhe sLudenL was exchanglng answers wlLh anoLher sLudenL and may be consldered

Cheat|ng can be copylng someone else's homework and presenLlng lL as one's own or dlshonesLly acqulrlng lnformaLlon abouL a LesL. CheaLlng also
lncludes asslsLlng anoLher sLudenL ln elLher of Lhese acLlvlLles.

ossess|on or use of unauthor|zed mater|a|s durlng an examlnaLlon (l.e. a sLudenL brlngs ln a llsL of formulas Lo an exam LhaL ls prohlblLed by Lhe
lnsLrucLor - regardless of Lhe sLudenL's mlsLaken bellef LhaL such formula sheeL was permlsslble). lL ls essenLlal LhaL Lhe sLudenL conLacL Lhe
lnsLrucLor for clarlLy ln Lhls maLLer, lf Lhere are quesLlons.

Students are expected to adhere str|ct|y to the U.S. copyr|ght |aws. CreaLlon or use of unauLhorlzed coples of sofLware or oLher prlnLed maLerlals
ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed.

1he followlng are consequences perLalnlng Lo vlolaLlons of academlc lnLegrlLy and are cumulaLlve LhroughouL enrollmenL:

offense: 1he sLudenL wlll recelve a zero on Lhe parLlcular asslgnmenL wlLh a mandaLory parenL/sLudenL/Leacher conference
offense: 1he student w||| rece|ve an add|t|ona| zero on the part|cu|ar ass|gnment. In add|t|on the student w||| serve a 4 hr.
Saturday Schoo| ass|gned by the Dean of Students.
Cont|nued offenses: 1he sLudenL wlll recelve an addlLlonal zero on Lhe parLlcular asslgnmenL. ln addlLlon Lhe sLudenL may be sub[ecL Lo
academlc probaLlon, suspenslon, mandaLory dlsclpllnary probaLlon and may [eopardlze Lhe sLudenL's conLlnued enrollmenL
aL MaranaLha.

MaranaLha AdmlnlsLraLlon reserves Lhe rlghL, aL any Llme and ln lLs sole dlscreLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe approprlaLe consequences for Lhe sub[ecL
behavlor based on Lhe clrcumsLances and may place a sLudenL on academlc probaLlon, and/or deLermlne a sLudenL's conLlnued enrollmenL aL MPS
based on Lhe sLudenL's academlc record. laculLy and/or admlnlsLraLlon do noL have an obllgaLlon Lo conslder Lhe sLudenL's moLlve, characLer, or
lnLenL when an lnfrlngemenL of academlc lnLegrlLy has occurred or when academlc maLerlals are compromlsed.

MPS uLlllzes an lnLerneL based program called 1urnlLln.com whlch helps Leachers and admlnlsLraLlon ldenLlfy poLenLlal plaglarlsm ln work
submlLLed by sLudenLs. Any documenL uploaded Lo 1urnlLln.com wlll be consldered formally submlLLed (unless glven pre-approval by an lnsLrucLor
Lo do so lnformally) and sub[ecL Lo Lhe same academlc lnLegrlLy guldellnes as menLloned above.


Advanced lacemenL 90 mlnuLes per day
Ponors 30-43 mlnuLes per day
College rep 20-30 mlnuLes per day

lor unanLlclpaLed excused absences, Lhe sLudenL wlll have an equal number of days Lo make up dally homework as Lhe number of days absenL. lf
LesLs or qulzzes were asslgned before Lhe absence, sLudenLs are expecLed Lo make Lhem up on Lhe day he/she reLurns Lo class unless oLherwlse
deLermlned by Lhe Leacher. revlously asslgned homework, papers, and pro[ecLs wlll be due when Lhe sLudenL reLurns Lo school. Students are
respons|b|e to |n|t|ate arrangements w|th the|r teachers to make up any m|ssed ass|gnments, tests, or qu|zzes.

Ver|f|ed Schoo| Iunct|ons: Schoolwork and asslgnmenLs for sLudenLs mlsslng class due Lo verlfled School luncLlons (aLhleLlcs,
performances, fleld Lrlps, college vlslLs, eLc.) wlll be due on Lhe day of or Lhe day prlor Lo Lhe excused absence. CLherwlse, Lhe
asslgnmenL wlll be deemed laLe. lor LesLs, qulzzes, and presenLaLlons, sLudenLs are expecLed Lo make prlor arrangemenLs wlLh Leachers.
1eacher and admlnlsLraLlve prerogaLlve wlll be used as necessary ln Lhe schedullng or accepLance of laLe work.

Suspens|ons: SLudenLs who have been suspended are expecLed Lo compleLe all class work whlle on suspenslon and are Lherefore Lhe
excepLlon Lo Lhe above menLloned pollcy. Suspended sLudenLs are responslble Lo conLacL Lhe Leacher Lhrough emall or by phone Lo
recelve Lhelr asslgnmenLs and Lo Lurn Lhose ln on Lhe day of Lhe sLudenL's reLurn Lo school or on anoLher daLe Lo be deLermlned by Lhe

All homework asslgned before Lhe absence musL be Lurned ln on Lhe day Lhe sLudenL reLurns Lo class and wlll be consldered laLe. A sLudenL wlll
recelve no credlL for dally class work, asslgnmenLs, qulzzes, LesLs, or pro[ecLs durlng Lhe unexcused absence unless oLherwlse deLermlned by Lhe
Leacher and admlnlsLraLlon.


WCkk SMAk1Lk, NC1 IUS1 nAkDLk!
Crganlze and schedule sLudy Llme. ?ou are ln conLrol of resulLs so plan ahead.
CreaLe a sLudy aLmosphere free from dlsLracLlons. Supply Lhe area wlLh all needed maLerlals.
AcLlvely read by flrsL surveylng Lhe Lable of conLenLs, plcLures, capLlons, graphs, charLs, eLc.
WrlLe down several quesLlons abouL Lhe surveyed conLenL.
8ead wlLh Lhe lnLenL of dlscoverlng Lhe answers Lo Lhe posed quesLlons.
8ecall Lhe conLenL by wrlLlng answers Lo Lhe posed quesLlons or developlng an ouLllne of Lhe conLenL.
8evlew Lhe wrlLLen noLes, quesLlon responses and Lhe ouLllne.


Cood wrlLlng demonsLraLes good educaLlon. ln all academlc dlsclpllnes Lhe followlng wrlLlng sLandards apply:
WrlLe wlLh a purpose and make a polnL.
WrlLe wlLh clarlLy and be speclflc.
WrlLe loglcally and make sense.
WrlLe wlLh accuracy of conLenL.
WrlLe wlLh preclslon and use words wlsely and well.
WrlLe wlLhln Lhe rules and follow Lhe rubrlc requlremenLs.
WrlLe your own paper, plaglarlsm ls sLeallng.

AsslgnmenLs, qulzzes, LesLs, and ma[or pro[ecLs mlssed durlng an approved exLended absence musL be coordlnaLed prlor Lo Lhe absence wlLh each
of Lhe sLudenL's Leachers and could be due prlor Lo Lhe sLudenL's deparLure.





lor sLudenLs experlenclng academlc dlfflculLles, Lhe flrsL sLep should be Lo Lalk wlLh your Leacher one-on-one Lo see whaL Lhey recommend for you
personally. Also, flnd ouL when your Leacher ls avallable Lo help you ouLslde of class and make lL a prlorlLy Lo go Lo Lhose sesslons. Second, Lake
advanLage of MPS peer LuLorlng or arrange wlLh your parenLs Lo geL ouLslde LuLorlng. 8eferrals are avallable ln Lhe College and Culdance
Counsellng CenLer. 1hlrd, Lake a look aL your sLudy skllls (for more lnformaLlon, see SLudy Skllls ln Lhe Academ|c L|fe: keference Sect|on). Are you
spendlng adequaLe Llme on homework and preparlng for LesLs? uo you use sLudy sLraLegles llke creaLlng noLe cards, ouLllnlng Lhe LexL, or drafLlng
an ouLllne for an essay before you begln wrlLlng? As always, Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL ls avallable Lo asslsL sLudenLs who
are sLruggllng academlcally. lease conLacL your Culdance Counselor for asslsLance: (626) 817-4031.

lree LuLorlng ls avallable Lo all sLudenLs ln all sub[ecL areas. 1o seL up a sesslon, sLudenLs should locaLe Lhe llsL of LuLors ln Lhe Academlc CenLer or
College and Culdance Counsellng CenLer, flnd someone who LuLors ln Lhelr area of need, and conLacL LhaL LuLor uslng Lhe lnformaLlon llsLed. 1hls
requlres lnlLlaLlve and follow-up by Lhe sLudenL seeklng LuLorlng buL can be a valuable experlence.


AL Lhe compleLlon of Lhe reglsLraLlon process, sLudenLs wlll enLer lnLo an add/drop perlod where llmlLed schedule changes are allowed. 1he
add/drop perlod wlll begln aL Lhe concluslon of Lhe reglsLraLlon process and end Lhree weeks afLer Lhe flrsL day of Lhe fall school year. A sLudenL
may requesL one schedule change durlng Lhls add/drop perlod. AfLer a sLudenL requesLs one schedule change durlng Lhe add/drop perlod, or afLer
Lhe add/drop perlod explres, no furLher schedule changes wlll be permlLLed, excepL under Lhe followlng clrcumsLances:
1eacher recommendaLlon
Lack of ablllLy Lo pass a course afLer exhausLlng all avallable resources
AdmlnlsLraLlve dlscreLlon
A sLudenL may recelve a W (wlLhdrawn) on Lhelr LranscrlpL for a non-placemenL-relaLed change made afLer Lhe Lhree week perlod.


Advanced lacemenL ls a College 8oard program conslsLlng of college level courses and exams for hlgh school sLudenLs. SLudenLs recelvlng a C or
hlgher wlll recelve an addlLlonal grade polnL ln deLermlnlng Lhe sLudenL's CA due Lo Lhe lncreased academlc demands of Lhese classes. A sLudenL
quallfles for A courses by demonsLraLlng proflclency ln Lhe appllcable sub[ecL area and maybe coupled wlLh Leacher and/or deparLmenL
recommendaLlon (please see Lhe currenL Course CaLalog for speclflc course pre-requlslLes). All sLudenLs enrolled ln an A Course are requlred Lo
Lake Lhe correspondlng A LxamlnaLlon. A fee of $90 for each A exam wlll be asslgned Lo your accounL aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe second semesLer.

SLudenLs recelvlng a C or hlgher wlll recelve an addlLlonal grade polnL ln deLermlnlng Lhe sLudenL's CA due Lo Lhe lncreased academlc demands of
Lhese classes. A sLudenL quallfles for Ponors courses by demonsLraLlng proflclency ln Lhe appllcable sub[ecL area and maybe coupled wlLh Leacher
and/or deparLmenL recommendaLlon. CurrenL MPS procedure for new sLudenL placemenL lnLo Ponors Lngllsh and Ponors PlsLory depends upon
Lhe sLudenL's lSLL scores, Ponors Lngllsh and PlsLory placemenL requlre a score of 3 or above ln each of Lhe verbal reasonlng and readlng
comprehenslon caLegorles on Lhe lSLL LesL. Language Ponors placemenL ls deLermlned by a language proflclency LesL. MaLh placemenL lnLo Ponors
CeomeLry and Ponors Algebra ll ls deLermlned by dlagnosLlc LesLs prepared ln supporL of Lhe uC-CSu sysLems ln maLhemaLlcs.

ln order for a sLudenL Lo remaln ln an A or Ponors level course, Lhe sLudenL ls Lo malnLaln a mlnlmum grade of C or beLLer. SLudenLs noL
malnLalnlng a mlnlmum C- grade or beLLer may be Lransferred Lo Lhe sLandard level of Lhe course aL Lhe end of Lhe flrsL quarLer or Lhe end of Lhe
flrsL semesLer. lf a sLudenL has earned a C- aL Lhe end of Lhe second semesLer, Lhe sLudenL may be encouraged Lo noL progress ln Lhe A or Ponors

1he A exams are glven durlng Lhe flrsL Lwo weeks of May. 1he exacL schedule wlll be publlshed ln advance of Lhe exam daLes. An A reglsLraLlon
assembly ls held yearly Lo asslsL sLudenLs wlLh Lhe reglsLraLlon process.


AL Lhe end of each semesLer, a welghLed academlc CA scale ls used Lo deLermlne Lhe uean's LlsL. 1here are Lhree caLegorles dlsLlngulshlng Lhose
on Lhe uean's LlsL: Ponors, Plgh Ponors and PlghesL Ponors. 1hose placed on Lhe uean's LlsL wlLh PlghesL Ponors" are Lhose earnlng a 4.1 or
hlgher CA, Lhose placed on Lhe uean's LlsL wlLh Plgh Ponors" are Lhose earnlng a CA of 3.83 or hlgher, and Lhose on Lhe uean's LlsL wlLh
Ponors" are Lhose earnlng a CA of 3.3 or hlgher. 1o be ellglble, a sLudenL may noL have an lncompleLe grade or a grade below a C".


1he Lwo senlor sLudenLs wlLh Lhe hlghesL and second hlghesL welghLed, cumulaLlve CA aL Lhe concluslon of Lhe flrsL semesLer wlll be honored as
Lhe valedlcLorlan and SaluLaLorlan accordlngly. CA values wlll be rounded Lo Lhe nearesL Len-LhousandLh of a polnL. lf Lhe Lop Lwo sLudenLs have
Lhe exacL same CA when Lhe flrsL semesLer concludes, Lhey wlll be honored as co-valedlcLorlans and Lhe senlor sLudenL wlLh Lhe nexL hlghesL CA
wlll be Lhe saluLaLorlan. ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lwo senlor sLudenLs Lle for Lhe second hlghesL CA aL Lhe concluslon of flrsL semesLer, Lhey wlll be
honored as co-saluLaLorlans. ln order Lo be ellglble for valedlcLorlan or SaluLaLorlan Ponors, sLudenLs musL be enrolled aL MPS for a mlnlmum of 4
semesLers ln 11
and 12

All senlor Ponors sLudenLs are recognlzed aL CraduaLlon based on Lhe followlng cumulaLlve academlc CA (based on a 3.0 scale).
Ponors 3.3 and hlgher
Plgh Ponors 3.83 and hlgher
PlghesL Ponors 4.10 and hlgher


1he College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL aL MaranaLha provldes a varleLy of opporLunlLles for famllles Lo prepare for Lhe college
admlsslon process. Counselors meeL wlLh freshmen Lo creaLe an lndlvlduallzed four-year plan of courses LhaL help allgn sLudenL performance wlLh
sLudenL and famlly goals for hlgh school, college, and beyond. 1hls four-year plan wlll help gulde sLudenLs and famllles Loward ellglblllLy for
compeLlLlve colleges and unlverslLles. uurlng Lhe sophomore year, sLudenLs and famllles wlll agaln meeL lndlvldually wlLh a counselor ln order Lo
assess sLudenL progress and goals, as well as Lo help gulde each famlly Lhrough college preparaLlon and early exploraLlon. ln Lhe [unlor and senlor
years, sLudenLs and parenLs meeL wlLh Lhelr counselor a number of Llmes Lo revlew Lhe sLudenL's academlc and college proflle, develop a personal
college plan, and recelve guldance and supporL navlgaLlng Lhe college search and appllcaLlon process. 1he counselors ln Lhe College and Culdance
Counsellng ueparLmenL are always avallable by addlLlonal appolnLmenLs for famllles who have quesLlons LhroughouL Lhelr four years aL MaranaLha.
AddlLlonally, evenLs such as College nlghLs for each class, college campus Lours, college represenLaLlve vlslLs Lo MPS, and college-falrs, expose
sLudenLs Lo a varleLy of colleges, unlverslLles, and admlsslons represenLaLlves.


SLudenL servlce hours are a componenL of Lhe Servlce ro[ecL LhaL musL be submlLLed each year for approval by Lhe sLudenL's 1heology lnsLrucLor.
Servlce pro[ecLs are requlred for credlL ln all 1heology classes, and for graduaLlon from MPS. lreshmen are requlred Lo serve all 10 hours Lhrough a
church or churches.

SLkVICL nCUk'S kLUIkLMLN1: 10 hours per year for grades 9 & 10
20 hours per year for grades 11 & 12

A sLudenL lacklng servlce hours wlll noL recelve a dlploma unLll requlred hours are compleLed. 1he AdmlnlsLraLlon reserves Lhe rlghL Lo resLrlcL
parLlclpaLlon ln senlor acLlvlLles for sLudenLs noL meeLlng graduaLlon requlremenLs.

ConcurrenL college enrollmenL ls a program LhaL allows sLudenLs Lo enroll ln college classes. 1hls ls sLrongly encouraged as sLudenLs' academlc
proflles are sLrengLhened for college admlsslons. Whlle classes Laken aL Lhe college level can be placed on a sLudenL's MPS LranscrlpL, honors credlL
ls noL awarded ln Lhe calculaLlon of CA. lease noLe LhaL lf a sLudenL recelves hlgh school credlL for a college class by placlng lL on Lhe MPS
LranscrlpL, Lhey cannoL also recelve college credlL for Lhe class. SLudenLs deslrlng Lo noLlfy college admlsslons personnel of college coursework
Laken durlng hlgh school LhaL ls noL reflecLed on Lhe MPS LranscrlpL should requesL LhaL offlclal LranscrlpLs be senL dlrecLly from Lhe local college Lo
Lhe college Lo whlch Lhey seek admlsslon. rlor approval musL be glven by Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL for all courses LhaL a
sLudenL plans Lo Lransfer onLo Lhelr MPS LranscrlpL.


1o be ellglble Lo parLlclpaLe ln exLra-currlcular acLlvlLles (aLhleLlcs, sLudenL acLlvlLles, eLc.), a sLudenL musL meeL boLh Lhe sLandards seL by Cll
SouLhern SecLlon and Lhe sLandards requlred by MPS. 1he followlng rules govern exLra-currlcular ellglblllLy:

L||g|b|||ty - Any sLudenL, whose grades for Lhe currenL gradlng perlod (quarLer) fall below a 2.3 CA, ls lmmedlaLely lnellglble for
parLlclpaLlon ln sporLs and sLudenL acLlvlLles LhaL would remove Lhe sLudenL from classroom acLlvlLles durlng Lhe school day. SLudenLs wlll
be glven a Lwo-week probaLlonary perlod Lo ralse Lhelr grade Lo a mlnlmum 2.3 CA and musL be relnsLaLed by Lhe ALhleLlc ulrecLor
and/or ulrecLor of AssessmenL and laculLy uevelopmenL before parLlclpaLlon can be resumed.

robat|on - Any sLudenL whose CA aL Lhe end of any gradlng perlod falls below 2.0 ls lmmedlaLely lnellglble for lnLerscholasLlc aLhleLlcs
(lncludes pracLlces and games) and exLracurrlcular acLlvlLles lncludlng all sLudenL acLlvlLles LhaL would remove Lhe sLudenL from classroom
acLlvlLles durlng Lhe school day.

nardsh|p - A hardshlp ls deflned as an unforeseeable, unavoldable, and uncorrecLable acL, condlLlon or evenL LhaL causes Lhe lmposlLlon
of a severe and non-aLhleLlc burden on Lhe sLudenL or hls/her famlly. ConslderaLlon of any hardshlp requlres documenLaLlon. Such
documenLs may lnclude, buL noL llmlLed Lo coples of currenL LranscrlpLs, flnanclal documenLs, medlcal sLaLemenLs, and or supporLlve
sLaLemenLs from Lhe parLles affecLed. lor more lnformaLlon, conLacL Lhe uean of College and Culdance Counsellng.

Lk1kA CkLDI1

ln order Lo recelve an academlc grade, MaranaLha Plgh School sLudenLs are expecLed Lo fulflll all course requlremenLs and Lo compleLe all course
asslgnmenLs. LxLra credlL ls noL lnLended Lo Lake Lhe place of a requlred asslgnmenL. As deLermlned by Lhe Leacher, exLra credlL may be sparlngly
asslgned accordlng Lo Lhe academlc rlgor and requlremenLs of Lhe course.


SemesLer flnal exams are scheduled durlng Lhe lasL week of each semesLer. 1here are no scheduled flnal exam make-up days. lease do noL
schedule docLor appolnLmenLs, vacaLlons, eLc. LhaL wlll requlre a sLudenL Lo mlss a flnal exam.


non-welghLed grade polnL averages are calculaLed based on a 4.0 scale (l.e. A=4, 8=3, C=2, u=1, l=0). A welghLed CA ls calculaLed based on a 3.0
scale (l.e. A=3, 8=4, C=3, u=2, l=0) and ls used ln Lhe deLermlnaLlon of award selecL, graduaLlon honors, and selecL college and unlverslLy

Crades wlLh plus or mlnus are shown for lnformaLlon only. A plus or mlnus allows sLudenLs Lo deLermlne Lhe sLrengLh of Lhelr grade. A sLudenL wlLh
a 8- on a progress reporL may recognlze LhaL efforL or asslsLance could make a dlfference beLween a 8 and a C. Powever, ln Lhe calculaLlon of Lhe
CA, a plus or mlnus ls noL used. Ponors and Advanced lacemenL courses are deslgnaLed on Lhe sLudenL's LranscrlpL and are welghLed on
LranscrlpLs ln Lhe calculaLlon of Lhe CA. 8eporL cards and progress reporLs wlll reflecL a non-welghLed CA.

A = 90 +
8 = 80-89
C = 70-79
u = 60-69
l = 39 - below
Note. letceotoqe qtoJes ote toooJeJ op ot .5X (fot exomple, oo 89.5X wlll be toooJeJ op to 90X ooJ wlll be colcoloteJ os oo A).


1he College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL provldes academlc supporL and college counsellng Lo sLudenLs and famllles durlng Lhelr four
years aL MaranaLha.

Cur guldance counselors hold membershlps wlLh Lhe naLlonal AssoclaLlon for College Admlsslon Counsellng (nACAC). 1he school also collaboraLes
wlLh Lhe ConsorLlum of lndependenL School Counselors and LducaLors.


An lncompleLe grade wlll be glven when course requlremenLs are noL fulfllled due Lo exLenuaLlng clrcumsLances such as an exLreme lllness or deaLh
ln Lhe famlly. Lach slLuaLlon wlll be handled on a case by case basls wlLh crlLerla for compleLlon of course work glven Lo sLudenL and famlly.


SLudenLs requesLlng a leLLer of recommendaLlon or Secondary School 8eporL from Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL musL provlde
aL leasL Lwo (2) weeks' noLlce Lo Lhe approprlaLe counselor. A comprehenslve recommendaLlon wlll be senL dlrecLly Lo Lhe college wlLhln Lwo
weeks of recelvlng Lhe requesL. 1be colleqe ooJ ColJooce coooselloq uepottmeot coooot occommoJote lost mloote tepoests ooJ ls oot tespooslble
fot tbe coosepoeoces of post Joe tecommeoJotloos tbot tesolt ftom lote tepoests.



MaranaLha Plgh School uLlllzes an onllne servlce called navlance LhaL can be accessed on Lhe web aL connecLlon.navlance.com/maranaLha. arenLs
and sLudenLs can each have accounLs, and wlll recelve acLlvaLlon lnformaLlon from Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL. navlance wlll
be uLlllzed for MPS class reglsLraLlon as well as researchlng and maklng declslons regardlng college and beyond. College and career resource
hlghllghLs lnclude personallLy and career lnvenLorles, varlous college search feaLures, and a varleLy of college preparaLlon documenLs and llnks.


MaranaLha Plgh School uLlllzes an onllne grade reporL program called neLClassroom LhaL can be accessed Lhrough Lhe school's webslLe. arenLs
and sLudenLs have separaLe accounLs LhaL Lhey acLlvaLe durlng Lhe reglsLraLlon process aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe year. uurlng Lhe school year, boLh
parenLs and sLudenLs can access a deLalled progress reporL wlLh currenL grades LhaL are regularly updaLed as scheduled by Lhe Leacher. 1he
purpose of neLClassroom ls Lo asslsL ln monlLorlng sLudenL progress LhroughouL Lhe academlc year. lease noLe LhaL neLClassroom ls lnLended only
Lo be an lnformaLlonal source Lo monlLor sLudenL progress. lormal reporL cards and LranscrlpLs are Lhe only sources LhaL reflecL offlclal grades for
each quarLer and semesLer. lf you have any quesLlons regardlng Lhe general use of neLClassroom, please conLacL Lhe College and Culdance
Counsellng ueparLmenL.

SLudenLs can earn Lhe requlred L credlL ln one of Lhree ways:
1ake a hyslcal LducaLlon course durlng Lhe school day such as WelghL 1ralnlng, L, or Swlmmlng for CondlLlonlng. SLudenLs recelve a
LradlLlonal leLLer grade whlch ls calculaLed lnLo Lhelr cumulaLlve CA.
arLlclpaLe ln a school sancLloned sporLs Leam afLer school. Lach season of a sporL counLs as 1 semesLer of L credlL. SLudenLs recelve a
ass or lall grade LhaL ls noL calculaLed ln Lhe CA.
arLlclpaLe ln a pre-approved exLra-currlcular sporL ouLslde of MPS (and whlch ls noL offered aL MPS) whlle logglng hours on Lhe Cff
Campus L lorm provlded ln Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL. lor every 73 hours of physlcal acLlvlLy, sLudenLs earn one
semesLer of L credlL. SLudenLs recelve a ass or lall grade LhaL ls noL calculaLed ln Lhe CA.

All sLudenLs musL malnLaln a mlnlmum 2.0 un-welghLed CA Lo aLLend MaranaLha Plgh School. Any sLudenL whose semesLer CA falls below a 2.0
wlll be placed on academlc probaLlon. lurLher, any sLudenL who recelves a grade of l ln any class wlll be placed on academlc probaLlon. All grades
of l musL be successfully remedlaLed prlor Lo Lhe sLarL of Lhe nexL school year. SLudenLs on academlc probaLlon wlll have one semesLer Lo achleve
a mlnlmum 2.0 wlLh no l grades Lo remove Lhemselves from academlc probaLlon. Any sLudenLs who are unable Lo remove Lhemselves from
academlc probaLlon wlLhln one semesLer wlll face admlnlsLraLlve revlew Lo deLermlne conLlnued enrollmenL aL MaranaLha.

rogress reporLs are lssued aL Lhe end of Lhe 1
and 3
quarLers as an assessmenL of Lhe sLudenL's progress. 1h|s not|ce |s not part of the
permanent academ|c record.

SA1 ADMINIS1kA1ICN: All MPS freshmen sLudenLs wlll Lake Lhe SA1 LesL ln CcLober. All sophomore and [unlor sLudenLs wlll Lake Lhe SA1/nMSC1
on Lhls daLe as well. 8esulLs wlll be dlsLrlbuLed by Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL.

SA1 AND AC1 LkAMS: MPS recommends LhaL each sLudenL Lake boLh Lhe SA1 and Lhe AC1 ln Lhe sprlng of Lhelr !unlor ?ear. 8ased on Lhe resulLs, Lhe
sLudenL wlll be able Lo deLermlne whlch LesL Lhey are beLLer sulLed for and prepare furLher for LhaL LesL for Lhe remalnder of Lhe sprlng and lnLo Lhe
summer. ln Lhe fall, sLudenLs should Lake Lhls LesL a flnal Llme ln preparaLlon for college admlsslons. Speclflc reglsLraLlon and conLenL lnformaLlon
can be found on Lhe followlng webslLes:

SA1 kLASCNING AND SA1 SU8ILC1 1LS1S: www.collegeboard.com AC1: www.acL.org

1LS1 DA1LS ICk 2014 - 201S AkL AS ICLLCWS:
SA1 Lxam* AC1 Lxam
CcLober 11, 2014 SepLember 13, 2014 off campus
november 8, 2014 off campus CcLober 23, 2014 off campus
uecember 6, 2014 uecember 13, 2014 off campus
!anuary 24, 2014 lebruary 7, 2013 off campus
March 14, 2013 Aprll 18, 2013 off campus
May 2 , 2013 !une 6, 2013 off campus
!une 6, 2013
*Whlle MPS ls a hosL slLe for Lhe SA1 Lxam, all reglsLraLlon ls handled lndependenLly Lhrough Lhe College 8oard webslLe.

lor more lnformaLlon regardlng Advanced lacemenL, please reference Advanced lacemenL (A)" ln Lhe Academ|c L|fe: keference Sect|on.

SLudenLs have Lhe opLlon Lo Lake courses durlng Lhe summer Lerm for enrlchmenL or Lo remedlaLe courses. Whlle all of MaranaLha's summer
course offerlngs are approved for credlL, sLudenLs who Lake summer classes elsewhere should have Lhem pre-approved by Lhe College and
Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL Lo ensure LhaL Lhey wlll Lransfer approprlaLely.

MaranaLha Plgh School LexLs are malnly e-LexLs and supporL appllcaLlons purchased by Lhe sLudenL. ln cases where a LexL ls lssued Lo a sLudenL by
an MPS lnsLrucLor Lhe sLudenL becomes solely responslble for Lhe LexL. lf Lhe LexL ls losL and/or damaged, Lhe sLudenL wlll be charged Lhe
replacemenL cosL of Lhe LexL.

A sLudenL's LranscrlpL shows only Lhe grades earned for each semesLer. 1ranscrlpLs may also show grades for work Laken ln summer schools or ln
schools oLher Lhan MPS durlng Lhe school year. Crades lndlcaLlng compleLlon of off-campus coursework musL be submlLLed Lo Lhe College and
Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL ln order Lo recelve credlL and Lo appear on Lhe MPS LranscrlpL. Ponors and A courses are deslgnaLed on Lhe
sLudenL's LranscrlpL and are welghLed ln Lhe calculaLlon of Lhe CA. 8eglnnlng ln 2009-10, L credlL earned for school sancLloned sporLs
parLlclpaLlon ls reflecLed on Lhe LranscrlpL as ass or lall and ls noL calculaLed lnLo Lhe sLudenL's CA.

SLudenLs may requesL an offlclal or unofflclal copy of Lhelr LranscrlpLs Lhrough Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL. ln order for
LranscrlpLs Lo remaln offlclal, Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL wlll mall Lhem dlrecLly Lo Lhe requesLlng college or scholarshlp

WlLh Lhe purpose of encouraglng academlc lnLegrlLy, MaranaLha subscrlbes Lo Lhe lnLerneL slLe www.turn|t|n.com. Many of Lhe essays and
pro[ecLs compleLed by sLudenLs wlll noL only be Lurned ln Lo Lhe respecLlve Leacher, buL sLudenLs wlll also be requlred Lo elecLronlcally submlL Lhese
asslgnmenLs Lo Lhls webslLe whlch wlll search for plaglarlsm uslng Lhe lnLerneL, a pleLhora of daLabases, as well as work Lurned ln by oLher sLudenLs
around Lhe globe. SLudenLs wlll recelve furLher dlrecLlon and passwords from Lhelr respecLlve Leachers.

1hls course ls avallable Lo [unlors and senlors. lLs purpose ls Lo provlde Lhe opporLunlLy for hands-on experlence ln Lhe local work force. SLudenLs
are requlred Lo check ln once a week wlLh Lhe work experlence represenLaLlve aL lunch Lo log Lhe hours Lhey work. uependlng on Lhe number of
hours compleLed, parLlclpanLs are able Lo recelve up Lo 3.0 credlLs for Lhe semesLer. 1hls program does noL Lake Lhe place of MaranaLha courses.

SLudenLs can obLaln a work permlL appllcaLlon Lhrough Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng ueparLmenL. lnLeresLed sLudenLs need Lo plck up an
appllcaLlon ln Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng CenLer, have Lhelr employer compleLe a porLlon and have Lhelr parenLs compleLe Lhe
remalnder. 1wo Lo Lhree days afLer reLurnlng Lhe compleLed appllcaLlon Lo Lhe College and Culdance Counsellng CenLer, a work permlL can be




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