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Developing a CoP for FEUERSTEIN RESEARCH in NZ


Kit McIntyre
(Teacher, RTLB)
School or cluster
or Area

Royal Oak Intermediate School

FIE Training
(course | date)

Standard level 1 July 2014
LPAD level 1 October 2014

FIE Experience

Teaching a Year 7 class of 30 students for two Terms in 2014.
Context to
implement FIE:

Whole class Situation, students with urban Pasifika background in a Year 7
Class. Situation is untried in the NZ Education System.

10 weeks, with expected extension to Term 1, 2015


1. To verify the effectiveness of IE program in enhancing cognitive skills
and curricular learning of typically developing school-age students in
Year 7.
2. To verify the effectiveness of the IE programme is developing
Feelings of Competency
3. To verify the effectiveness of IE in developing metacognitive
language and awareness.
4. To verify the effectiveness of IE specifically within a Pasifika culture
in NZ


Can MLE through the FIE Programme, effect tangible change in the
metacognition and academic performance of students ranging in
academic ability from average to well above average?
Will FIE impact the learning of Pasifika students in a NZ context?


30 x Year 7 students and 2 x Teachers
Ethnic diversity of class:
Asian x3
NZ European x 3
Maori x 2
Cook Island Maori x2
Samoan x 5
Fijian x 4
Tongan x 6
Age range of class: 11-12 years
Ravens Stanine Range 4-9


Students in experimental group will receive 3 x IE lessons of 45 minutes
duration per week for a period of 10 weeks.

The class will be mediated by a Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour.
They are accompanied by their teacher who will also experience the IE
lessons and present reflections.


The implementation of IE program is monitored via teachers' journal
in which each IE lesson (instrument, pages, students present) is
Using pre and post-test scores, number of IE lessons, mastery test
scores, quality of mediation, and post-test scores to assess
In class:
Use of Bridging for FIE x 4 and LPAD tools ( Variations )
Use of Bridging for Pasifika heritage.
Development of FIE vocabulary and terminology.

Research tools

Comparison of scores in PAT Maths Term 3 and 4
Comparisons of scores in E-Asttle Reading Term 3 and 4
Comparison of student performance in Pre and Post RAVENS (Static)
Comparison of metacognitive awareness in student language in
written reflections.
Comparison of students Feelings of Competency continuum lines
from T3 to completion date
Review of Mediators journal, reflections
IE lesson observation scale
IE mastery tests
Page 7 Orientation of Dots (pre-test before any mediation or

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