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Unusual Sports With Animal Cruelty

There are sports that are cruel to humans such as Dwarf Throwing, but more commonly we leave
the cruelty to animals. Popular sports that fit the bill include bull fighting and horse racing
steeplechase events. In the realm of unusual sports there are some more creative ways to be cruel
to animals.
1. Thankfully not a part of the Olympic Games anymore, the Live Pigeon
Shooting from just the 1900 Games was a short lived sport. The object was to
shoot and kill as many birds as possible. This was the first and only time in
Olympic history when animals were killed on purpose.
2. Another sport that no longer includes animals isPato, the national sport of
Argentina. The name Pato literally means duck, and refers to early times when the
sport used a live duck inside a basket instead of a ball. The sport is played on
horseback, and combines elements from polo and basketball.
3. In another national sport, this time in Afghanistan, the cruelty to the animal is
done before the event starts. The sport of Buzkashi is a lot like polo, except
instead of a ball it is played with a headless goat carcass.
4. There are some 'sports' that are based on two animals fighting. Commonly known
ones would be dog and cock fighting. A more unusual variation is Camel
Wrestling, which is held legally in Turkey. The sport involves two bull (male)
camels with a female camel on heat nearby. The camels fight it out for the female.
5. There are countless animal racing sports, where the animals are cajoled into
racing each other, usually for the pleasure of bar patrons, such as Cane Toad
Racing, Pig Racing , Cockroach Racing and Yabbie Racing.

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