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Food Production in Europe Webquest Name___________________ Pd.

Answer the questions below. Remember that you do not have to read and
understand every word to find the answers. Think about the kind of information
you are looking for and scan the site for key words and numbers.

1. What percentage of our food comes from supermarkets? 75%

2. Over the past 20 years what has happened to the average distance that food travels?
It has doubled in the last 20 yrs.
3. What must British farmers do to compete with other countries?
Sell produce at lower prices.
4. What is the effect of importing food on the climate?

(All the answers are on pages 1-6 of this document)

1. What percentage of the UK population was employed in farming in 1939?
2. What percentage of the UK population was employed in farming in 2000?
3. What percentage of money spent in a supermarket goes to the person who
produced the food?
4. What do over 50% of our fruit and vegetables contain?
5. What problems are caused by excessive consumption of highly produced foods?
Pesticides, fertilisers and animal waste pollute our land and
water supplies, while destroying and degrading wildlife
habitats. Added to this, the food health scares and animal
diseases of the past 20 years e-coli, salmonella, BSE and
foot and mouth are all symptoms of an ailing system
which is not sustainable, economically or environmentally.
Food Production in Europe Webquest Name___________________ Pd.________
6. In 2000 what percentage of government subsidies went to intensive farming?
7. In 2000 what percentage of government subsidies went to environmental
improvements in farming?
8. What are the effects of intensive farming on the environment?
wildflower meadows have
disappeared, numbers of
farmland birds have
declined dramatically and
our ancient woodlands
have been reduced to a
fraction of what existed
before the war.
9. What percentage of Europeans do not want to eat GM food?
10. Do scientists know the long-term health effects of GM food?

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