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John findley


By: John Findley
The mark of victory and defeat
Dedicated to: Roger Findley the greatest man Ive ever met you will be missed
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A spark of fire
Within 3 months of the end of the hemisphere war and New Romes conquering of Germany,
the provinces ex-military and political leaders led a resistance against the occupation forces.
Attack with brutality and cruelty showing no mercy, they killed and rapped all roman women
and children. Of the group of New Roman people attack were the provinces New Roman
occupation force leader and decorated New Roman general Curios teenage daughter and his
very loving wife. At the time of the attack the general was inside a fortified town talking to his
advisors while his wife and daughter had went shopping and to help the sick and hungry. When
the general heard of what happened he was devastated and sent a message to New Rome asking
for assistance in destroying the rebellion, the general only had 4 legions that were still green after
being raised, with that fact the general was worried they couldnt handle the battle. By sending
the message attached to a bald eagle it meant a urgent issue that needed immediate attention, the
New Roman emperor John immediately responded saying they are deploying the elite 10
and the elite Calvary legions the 21
as well as the elite artillery legion the 33
, and that general
Curios personal friend Gaius Julius Caesar would be leading the 3 legions with his close friend
and admiral Marc Antony. When general Curio received the news he quickly deployed his 3

and 4
legions to gather all New Roman citizens and people of roman blood and bring them to
the fortified city at Frankfurt then to go stand guard at the major ocean cities. The general was
ready for the backup and was ready to take revenge on the resistance. General Curio also sent out
his elite spy unit of 10 men from his 1
legion to figure out who the leader of the resistance was.

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Arrival of the scarlet general
When Admiral Marc Antony saw what was happening at the port where he was supposed to
dock, he quickly sounded the alarm all men to position. General Gaius Julius Caesar arrived at
the watch tower with the main force and sough what had caused the Admiral to raise the alarm,
General Curios 3
and 4
legions were being bombarded by the resistance which had obtained
mortars, RPGs, assault rifles, machine guns, and even sniper rifles. The two legions were
holding their ground but had run out of arrows and pilum and had no Greek fire, watching this
Caesar ordered Marc Antony to do something, the resistance continued pushing toward the two
legions forcing them toward the ocean, when for the first time ever used in battle a Greek fire
cruise missile was launched at the enemy troops. The destruction done to the resistance forces on
the beach was severe; they had lost all their mortars, RPGs, machine guns, and all but 2 of their
snipers, when the resistance movements infantry soldiers using assault rifles sough the damage
they became paralyzed with fear. The two legions that were on the verge of defeat quickly
gained their strength back and charged the enemy infantry, seeing the soldier who were almost
destroyed charging forward with no fear the enemy forces turned and ran. On the ship General
Gaius Julius Caesar ordered the troops on the ground and ships artillery to eliminate the enemy,
they began launching more Greek fire cruise missiles, ballistae bolts, and the troops of General
Curios two legions surged forward wiping out any enemy forces who had survived the attack.
The New Roman ships docked and the order to unload the troops and supplies and horses rang
out by Admiral Marc Antony.

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Arrival of greatness
As the famous general Gaius Julius Caesar, unloaded his troops on to the beach landing zone of
Germany they began marching with a total force of 120,000 infantry men, 2000 naval ships, and
5000 Calvary. Caesar sent the 2000 naval ships back to the main fleet in the middle of the
Atlantic at Dianas insula Dianas island with a large fleet there numbering around 1,000,000
battle ships, 7,000,000 escort ships, and 500 peace time flag ships. With this fleet strategically
placed in the middle of the Atlantic the new romans could sail to any place on that ocean in a
short period of time. Caesar sent his Calvary ahead of the rest to gain information on the enemy,
while he marched his troops to the nearby city of Hamburg, Germany where he would set up a
staging camp. When they arrived outside the cities walls they instantly came under fire, Caesar
had split his forces into 4 units he took the 8
, 9th, and 10
legion and took 2500 Calvary and
approached the northern wall, he gave the 1
, 2
, and 3
legions and 500 Calvary under
command of Gaius Germanicus to the approach the eastern wall, the 4
, 5
, and 6
legions and
500 Calvary under command of General Marcus Aurelius to approach the western wall, while
the 11
, 12
, and 13
legions and 1500 Calvary took to the more fortified southern wall under
command of General Constantine the 1
and with the sounding of the loud trumpets they began
their attacks.

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Recapturing Hamburg

When the new romans began their charge against the resistance movements captured city the
northern strike team came under fire from artillery and sniper fire killing 50 legionaries but the
others quickly caught on positioning themselves in a tetsudo tortoise shell formation making
the enemy fire useless, but it was too late Caesar had already realized that he had come here
expecting an easy win and left his artillery units back on Dianas insula meaning he had no
proper way to fight against the enemy cities he quickly ordered a messenger from the southern
strike team to ride to the beach and have the commander of the 7
legion who was holding the
beach send a messenger hawk and eagle to the navy to bring artillery. Little did he know the
emperor of New Rome John was already on his way to the Dianas insula with more forces, he
had gotten word of his most esteemed Generals blunder while at dinner with his queen Lucia and
prepared his men to march leaving the 10
home legion (a legion tasked to guard the island and
the royals) to guard with the 10
naval legion to guard the home islands and Dianas insula. He
had now brought all but 5000 of New Romes naval and all but 10,000 men of New Romes
army to bear against the resistance in Germany this increased the force to nearly one billion
infantry and almost 900,000,000 Calvary and almost one billion naval ships with a full 5 million
artillery. When Johns advisors asked him why are you taking such large forces against such a
small resistance? John replied this is a shock tactic to ensure that no other territories of new
Rome think they can resist our control and he quickly grabbed his twin roman gladiuses and
strapped on his armor and grabbed the leather straps to place his twin pilums on his back and
grabbed his last line of defense his personalized pugio and its sheath tying it to his forearm.
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Massacre at fort Heliopolis
When the news of Germanys resistance pushing the great New Roman General Gaius Julius
Caesar back reached Somalia and Egypt they double teamed the fort placed on Egypts border
that stored the new roman strike force for those areas plus the food supplies for those forces.
They attacked the fort in the early morning hours ambushing the guards and turning the fort into
a massacre killing all the soldiers inside and set fire to the supply storage facility burning the
food and weapons this cost the roman occupation force of Egypt 6000 men and nearly 5 million
dollars in food and supplies this was unacceptable when john docked his massive force in
Germany he split it in half and sent the rest under command of General Maximus to Egypt to lay
waist to any and all resistance groups and then to sail down to Somalia to do the same. The New
Roman Calvary, artillery and infantry split up when it arrived in Egypt the second part of it
swung down to Somalia, once they arrived outside the city of Heliopolis, Egypt they saw the
carnage of the massacre that the Egyptian and Somalian forces had done. The young General
Gaius Crassus was killed and impaled on a steak outside the city, this brutality would not be
forgiven as the experienced and battle hardened General Maximus ordered immediate artillery
strikes from the bell-onagers, ballistas, and the new Greek fire totem missile. Within seconds of
the order the enemy Somalian and Egyptian forces opened fire with machine guns and mortars
Maximus quickly ordered shields be placed over the artillery pieces and soon by noon on the day
of the 5
of November of 2025 the town of Heliopolis was ablaze any people fleeing with
weapons were cut down by the new romans infantry.

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The razing of Hamburg

As Emperor John marched with his massive forces of auxiliary archers, Calvary, infantry, and
artillery he was repeatedly harassed by the German resistance, using assault rifles, low caliber
sniper rifles and hand guns. Each time the new roman forces stood their ground and fought back
killing more and more eventually making camp at Caesars fort outside Hamburg with the new
and fresh legions and artillery the enemy forces would be put down quickly. At 5 am on October
of 2025, emperor John sent two envoys into the city to make an announcement they said in
unison at the press meeting all innocent civilians have exactly 2 hours to gather their belongings
and flee the city, unless the resistance forces in the city surround the new romans will begin a
constant round the clock artillery strike on the city and anyone fleeing after that point will be
killed or captured as an enemy prisoner, this is your only warning and chance to flee or
surrender. With this the envoys left the city and went back to the massive forces outside
Hamburg, after a hour many civilians who heard the message had told others and gathered
supplies and fled the city, the resistance sent their own message in the sense of a new roman
prisoner, a close friend to General Caesar the young Major Cato the younger, as the major
arrived in front of Caesar the resistance snipers fired a 50 caliber round hitting the major in the
head Caesar retaliated by ordering all prisoners be executed but Emperor John blocked the order
and instead ordered that archers kill the sniper painfully launching Greek fire arrows instantly
burning the man to death. The message was clear the killing of unarmed new romans would
result in painful punishment, as soon as the civilians 2 hours were up the new romans moved
artillery pieces into place.
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The bombardment of Hamburg the siege of 72 hours
Once the resistance in Hamburg, Germany saw the new roman artillery getting into place and
taking aim they began bracing their strongholds and by 7:05 am the first shot in the longest new
roman siege ever had been fired a resistance infantry man had opened fire with a 308 sniper rifle
firing on a bell-onager thinking he could destroy one of the Greek fire vases, his bullet of course
missed due to the Greek fire totem missiles which used twin magnetic bellmeta plates to draw
enemy missiles and gun fire, the 308 sniper round had hit the plate with enough force to power
the crank on the inside and made the Greek fire missile launch, the missile itself made of
bellmeta with a 1 foot razor sharp arrow head of bellmeta made to punch a hole in the enemy
armor so the Greek fire bomb can be detonated inside with 3 inch wings to provide accuracy can
detach before it hits its target the wings made of bellmeta with Greek fire bombs on the sides
once detached these lethal wings could kill enemy infantry even enemy armor vehicles. As the
missile locked on the northern guard tower of Hamburg, Germany, the wings detached instantly
cremating the enemy infantry near the tower with the arrow head ripping a hole in the steel
towers sniper perch the Greek fire bomb detonated cremating the enemy forces inside and
melting the tower destroying everything inside. With this the siege began with the northern and
southern wall of Hamburg surrounded by new roman Calvary, infantry, and artillery they began
launching ballistae bolts into the walls killing resistance soldiers, while launching Greek fire
bombs from bell-onagers burning buildings cremating people and melting weapons. The
resistance attempted to return fire using machine guns and mortars, this was futile.

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The north wall collapses
With the constant assault from Greek fire bombs and ballistae bolts on the northern wall it
quickly collapsed sending a massive shock wave through the resistance forces in the city. The
forces inside the city regained their composure and quickly ordered armored vehicle be drove in
as barricades with the lethal ballistae bolts and Greek fire bombs raining hell on the enemy, soon
the enemy forces on the southern wall quickly lost their wall too. While the new roman artillery
continued their constant attack on the eastern and western walls of the city while launching the
artillery pieces against the enemy barricades, within only 3 hours of the beginning of the battle
50% of the city was ablaze, the resistance had lost 95% of their main infantry in the city, the
cities walls were destroyed, the barricade vehicles had been destroyed, the resistance had lost
99% of all its artillery weapons. Now that the new roman heavy Calvary could ride in without
the threat of artillery attacks spooking their horses, they led a charge with the 4 side of the new
roman heavy Calvary charging into the city they quickly wiped out any resistance forces in the
city ensuring that the enemy would get the message, with this the emperor marched his troops
down toward Frankfurt, Germany to deliver a message to the world. When he arrived in the city
he quickly went to the CNN press tent that had been reporting on Hamburgs resistance, the
emperor addressed the world with a simple but blunt message if any country supports these
resistance and terrorist groups in fighting New Rome then the consequences will be severe and to
all those who resist New Rome I point to Hamburg as an example of the consequences of this
crime. Once the emperor boarded his ship his generals told him that the siege of Hamburg had
taken 72 hours, the emperor smirked and sent a message to Maximus come back to Dianas
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The sail home and the joyful news

On the sail back to Dianas insula, an urgent message from New Rome had arrived while the
emperor was a sleep. Between his 2 highest Generals there was an argument to see who would
tell him, it was decided that General Julius Caesar would tell John the news. John quickly replied
back to New Rome and his queen using a bald eagle name quick bolt the message contained 3
names Romulus, Remus, and Lupa, he then sent a message to Maximus saying something
urgent came up in New Rome and Ill be heading there, General scipio and General Sextus
Caesar will be waiting on the island with the fleet.. With this the emperor took 12 ships plus his
warship back to New Rome leaving the rest of his fleet at Dianas insula, once John arrived he
didnt wait to be escorted he got on his white horse known as white lightning riding as fast as he
could from portus to New Rome once he arrived he rushed into the palace and into the medical
room. He turned to queen Lucia and said they are beautiful looking through the glass the
emperor saw his 3 children the 2 princes Romulus and Remus and the princess Lupa. The
emperor declared that all wars currently going on were to be put on hold for 2 weeks no attacks.
With this the emperor finally had what war could never offer him. With this John and Lucia
walked back to the dining hall and had their dinner while the doctors watched the kids for the
next 2 days to ensure everything was ok, John also ordered his 10
infantry legion act as guards
in that part of the palace and he ordered his inventors Archimedes and Daedalus to begin
reinforcing that part of the palace.

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10 years of peace and the signs of a lasting empire

Its been 10 years since the princes and princesses were born now at the age of 11 the princes
were being trained to fight and defend themselves and the princesses taught how to lead through
politics. The New Romans had ceased all warfare during these 10 years, because of this the New
Roman provinces had been peaceful, now the emperor declared war on one of the few eastern
hemisphere areas that the original Roman empire never captured he set his sights on the Asian
provinces. On the first of December, 2035 the new roman forces in the Middle East and Africa
began moving towards the Asian province. While they marched towards their target Vietnam on
foot the New Roman navy had set sail from Dianas insula they estimated that the navy would
arrive on the shores before the infantry and Calvary arrived, they believed it would be exactly 10
days sailing if they relied on currents and wind during the day and rowed at night. Emperor John
knew that no country had ever conquered Vietnam even the previous super power the United
States of America, so he planned to be the first and planned to do so with the lethal Greek fire
and bellmeta. In the early morning hours of December 11
, 2035 the New Roman navy was off
the coast of Vietnam they had exactly 3 days to cause as much destruction and damage to the
dense forest and enemy forces before the infantry and Calvary arrived. The New Roman navy
launched Greek fire cruise missiles and Greek fire glass bombs from bell-onagers at the dense
forest, instantly incinerating the forest and cremating the enemy scouts and soldiers. The total
number of New Roman naval attack ships was in the hundreds they split half would attack the
forest and the other the major cities and military cities they continued this for the 3 days they had
launching every second of the day.
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The red forest

By noon on December 14
, 2035 the New Roman infantry and Calvary had reached the
Vietnamese forest which had been burnt. The soldiers witnessed the smoke and fire of the nearby
city burning, and within an hour General Maximus had assembled his forces a total of 100,000
Calvary and 200,000 infantry men, plus the sum of 300,000 marines and 1000 artillery pieces
they needed to get into the forest and establish a staging base for the emperor who would be
arriving in the next 2 days with more forces. General Maximus quickly ordered his elite 1
, 2
and 3
infantry to march into the forest and wipe out any enemy forces in the area and then to
find a naturally fortified city. The New Roman infantry legions marched into the forest, after 10
minutes they came under fire from the Vietnamese defense forces mostly small arms fire assault
rifles AK 47s and handguns but the elite 3
infantry legion was General Maximuss best trained
and battle tested archers within 2 minutes of the Vietnamese defense forces first shots the 3

infantry legion had mopped up the soldiers the sum total of close to 1000 men. The New Roman
legions prayed that mars treat the enemy combatants with respect; they then marched forwards
and quickly came under fire from a small hilltop city. The Vietnamese defense force this time
used mortars, AK 47s, machine guns, and RPGs the New Roman infantry legions spread out
they agreed that the 3
infantry legion would take out the machine guns and RPGs the 2

infantry which specialized in using the pilums were tasked to take out the AK 47s, and the 1

infantry legion which practiced lightening rush sword strike tactics would eliminate the mortars.
This fight lasted exactly 20 minutes with no New Roman casualties and all the Vietnamese
defense forces were killed the city captured and sent a message to Maximus all clear.
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The city of flames

At midnight on December 16
, 2035 Emperor John arrived in the city that General Maximus had
captured and held the city was renamed mars fist since it could be used to strike critical cities in
Vietnam. Now the New Roman forces on land bolstered 60,000 artillery pieces ballistaes,
onagers, bell-onagers, totem missiles, they also controlled a total Calvary forces of 1,000,000
and double that number of infantry and a total number of 900,000 naval ships triremes and attack
ships and a total number of 1,000,000 marines. Now the New Romans had a massive force and
the army and navy agreed to split attack times army attacks Friday through Sunday and navy
uses artillery to attack Monday through Friday. This began starting on the very next Monday
they began using Greek fire bombs delivered by bell-onagers and Greek fire cruise missiles to
burn the forests and cities that were further inland and used totem missiles and ballistae bolts to
cripple any and all flanking enemy infantry and air force, this constant barrage of lethal fire
bombs and bellmeta bolts crippled the Vietnamese defense forces by Friday 6 other cities had
surrendered to the New Romans and 30% of Vietnams dense jungle had been burnt to ash and
their air force had been crippled, now it was the New Roman army to take the city to the east
which had been the main weapons production city, the New Romans had a code name for the
city its name is Vulcans forge. At midnight on December 21
, 2035 the New Roman Calvary
and infantry marched toward Vulcans forge, by 1 am the New Roman army launched their
attack against Vulcans forge instantly coming under machine gun and mortar fire from the
Vietnamese defense force, Emperor John ordered his archer infantry legions to aim for the
machine guns and his Calvary to mop up the mortars.
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Operation destroy Vulcan

The battle for the city Vulcans forge was going well for New Rome they had crushed the cities
mortars and the New Roman archer infantry legions had force the machine gunners to fall back.
Now the New Roman forces had begun their attack on the weapons factory instantly coming
under fire from sniper rifles and AK 47s and RPGs, Emperor John told his General in charge of
artillery for this battle since General Maximus had been ordered to command infantry as the
Emperor had left his best General back in New Rome to protect his home, the General in charge
of artillery was General Varro was to go back to mars fist to get the artillery pieces and gave the
General 6 Calvary legions to bring the artillery to the battle field and provide escorts. Now the
New Roman forces assaulting the factory using Greek fire grenades and bellmeta arrows with
Greek fire tips incinerating the lower level of the factory but the enemy forces inside held
position returning fire by throwing IEDs out the upper windows and using small arms fire to
either detonate them in the air and produce shrapnel or to stop the New Romans from throwing
the IEDs back at them. The New Romans launched more and more arrows and spears at the
enemy but soon they fell back behind buildings inside the city to avoid IEDs when the
Vietnamese defense forces launched their second set IEDs at the New Romans ducking behind
the cities buildings the closest was the Emperors 10
infantry and archer legions, when the New
Romans had arrived in Vietnam the Vietnamese leader put a massive reward on the table to
anyone that took out a New Roman legion with the title of the 10
, now the New Roman 10

archer legion was pinned down in a row of 10 buildings they were taking heavy fire from IEDs
and RPGs.
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The Emperor fights!!

Emperor John saw his favored 10
legion in trouble and got off his horse stole 2 pilums, a
rectangular shield, and sword from a nearby 11
legionary. Then charged toward the front line
throwing both pilums at two IEDs that had been thrown pinning them to the wall of the east
section of the factory and within seconds they detonated blowing a massive hole in the wall
killing close to 20 enemy snipers and RPGs with this the rest of the Vietnamese defense forces
turned their focus to the Emperor knowing that killing him would end this war they unleashed all
their fire on the lone soldier who had taken a spare shield from a dead legionary from the 12

legion and pinned himself against a wall using the two shields to provide cover from fire and
crouching behind them and only standing to launch Greek fire grenades into the 2
windows causing a massive fire to start in the northern corner of the factory. Now the 10
legion had regained their composure and began attacking the Vietnamese defense forces while
the 10
infantry legion raced forward to get the emperor to safety by throwing pilums and Greek
fire grenades at the enemy forces firing down at them by the time the artillery had arrived in the
city the factories northern and western corners of the 2
floor were ablaze and the eastern corner
was a gaping hole with the southern corner providing minor assault rifle fire the lower level was
ablaze finally the Emperor ordered that the building be leveled and the artillery launched Greek
fire 20 pound glass bombs incinerating the whole building, in the end the Vietnamese had lost
250,000 people and the New Romans lost 1000 men one whole cohort of a legion the cohort got
wiped out in an explosion and by being in the lower floor when it was set ablaze.

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The cry of an eagle and weakness of a General

With the destruction of the factory in Vulcans forge the Vietnamese defense forces had lost their
main weapon supplier. The city provided more than a crippling blow to the Vietnamese
weapons; it yielded maps of war paths and a high ranking officer allowing the New Romans to
get insight into the enemys tactics and strengths. As spring came around it was now March 1
2036 and the New Romans had been fighting in Vietnam for a few months and now controlled
70% of the country and was preparing a spring time raid the issue being that the New Roman
navy could not launch support artillery strikes this far inland, so the new romans utilized their
ground artillery beginning the artillery strikes of the next high level target city code name
Tartarus hole code named this because no intelligence of super value ever got back to the New
Roman. The New Romans made the call to attack knowing only that the big 5 of the Vietnamese
defense force had gathered this mission and attack was crucial. They moved into position at
midnight on March 1
of 2036, the Kalends (the 1
of every month) of March a crucial date,
John wanted to finish this war up by the ides (the 15
or 17
of every month), as Julius Caesar
had been having nightmares, dizzy spells, and flashbacks every 15
of march of his
assassination and when this happened Johns favored General became extremely weaker and
since this man was protecting the queen and the heirs to his thrown and he didnt desire to have
them harmed, the New Romans began their attack with the sounding of the eagles cry. The
artillery had taken the frontal position on all 4 sides of the city and the infantry stacked spare
shields up in front to protect the soldiers from gun fire, the Calvary taking up position behind
artillery, archers used the trees to provide high ground support infantry took up the rear position.
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Surprise light in the darkness

The artillery strikes hit the city code named Tartarus hole at exactly 12:30 on March 1
of 2036.
The city had been fortified after the hemisphere war the city now had 6 foot high walls made of 4
layers the outer layer and top of the walls were concrete, with a layer of high carbon steel and
titanium alloy reinforcement, with a cement backed 3
layer and the 4
layer being rampart
beams of steel and titanium alloy in the back of it with the upper walk way between the guard
tower being built the same way the only way in without blasting a hole in the wall was through
the north gate which was a steel 6 foot 2 door gate with a steel titanium alloy metal bar that can
be put in place behind it to make it harder to breach the gate. The New Romans however aimed
their ballistae and totem missiles to punch holes in the walls and gates while the Greek fire
launching artillery pieces were aimed into the city to inflict damage, the first hits were done by
the bolt artillery pieces (ballistae and totem missiles) hitting the gate ripping holes 2 feet in
diameter and punching holes in the wall clean through all 4 layers killing any people behind
them while the archers aimed for the sniper and machine gunners in the walls guard towers.
Within only 10 minutes of the attack the citys south side was ablaze with the gate ripped open
from repetitive fire now the more veteran legions of the 4
, 5
, and 6
heavy infantry charged
into the city using their 3 pilums instantly to wipe out running enemy soldiers to avoid warning
getting to the high targets. Now the New Romans began using their full artillery on the city,
fleeing enemy soldiers including several officers tried to flee and once getting passed the artillery
line they were ambushed by the Calvary charging from the shadows mopping up anyone with
any kind of weapon.
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The capturing of the big 5

By 1 am on march 1
of 2036 the New Romans had already burnt the south side of the
Vietnamese city to the ground and now the east and west side were ablaze with the north side
taking fire from the bolt artillery pieces and now a total of 10 infantry legions had charged into
the city using swords and shields having used up the now standard issue 3 pilums on enemy
soldiers or enemy artillery gear it now became face to face combat. The Vietnamese stuck using
knives while face to face combat was the New Romans bread and butter giving them the
advantage. Within 30 minutes the east and west side of the city had burnt to the ground the
civilians being captured by Calvary now John charged in with his 10
infantry legion, they
charged toward the city center the Calvary joined in the fun of the 100 legions at the battle the
veteran Calvary legions (1-10) only legions 9 and 10 remained outside the rest charged in. The
New Roman 10
legion and John as well as the 4
, 5
, and 6
legions surrounded the citys
military headquarters, the building had 3 floors with the main lobby, then the 2
floor holding
computer and paper copy military, and on the 3
floor the target of this attack the big 5. The last
of the enemy fighters was positioned with their bosses the fire fight began with .308 sniper
rounds, AK 47 fire and RPG fire hitting the New Roman shields and armor, they quickly
retreated into nearby building like the last battle the archers had fallen behind causing issues,
when they finally arrived only the emperor and his first cohort of the 10
legion remained
fighting using shields to deflect the bullets while the archers launched a volley of arrows into the
windows killing many of the enemy soldiers, now at 2 am on march 1
of 2036 the city had
fallen and the big 5 captured with much of the valuable info secured from the 2
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Planning to attack Saturns scythe
Once the New Romans gathered anything of monetary value they burned the city and all its
defenses and then allowed the surviving citizens to return to their destroyed city. The big 5 had
been placed in bellmeta chains in a bellmeta cage on wheels transported by Calvary to the New
Roman strong hold city of mars fist. Also transported by the 10
Calvary legion in bellmeta
locked safes the locks made of bellmeta ensured that anything secured in them couldnt be
stolen, the captured intelligence was inside these safes and once they reached mars fist they
interrogated the big 5 members while the smartest minds in the New Roman camp deciphered
the coded intelligence including Suetonius, Tacitus, Virgil, and architect Vitruvius, and the
recently transported ancient inventor and genius Archimedes, soon they found what they need
the city that the remaining leaders of Vietnam were hold up the city got the code name of
Saturns scythe this city was well fortified with 10 foot high solid steel and titanium alloy
walls 6 layers thick with a gate that couldnt be opened except with electronic controls in the
operation center this gate was exactly 10 feet tall by 10 feet wide of 8 layers of titanium steel
alloy with top secret with materials the city had no civilian people these were all military men
armed with artillery, rifles, handguns, grenades, RPGs, tanks, and military vehicles. The
operation center in the central part of the city was 7 floors high of light weight titanium steel and
carbon steel alloy with each floor having mounted machine guns and plenty of room to use any
other weapons, the New Romans decided they would send the top 10 best 10
Calvary men,
infantry men, and archers to infiltrate the city cause disruptions and disabled the electrical
systems on the gate or place 6 rock look alike back packs full of Greek fire behind the gate and
then alert the New Romans to the location then get out.
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Sneak attack Saturns scythe
Late at night on march 3
of 2036 around 11 pm the strike force of the 10
Calvary, archer, and
infantry legions made up of a total 30 men snuck out of camp and march and rode to the city
code named Saturns scythe their mission was to cause mayhem to the city and for the 10

infantry to confirm target code named Saturn (leader of Vietnam) and if he was to try to leave the
city to capture him or if he cannot be captured to kill him. This mission was handed down by the
Emperor himself. They got to the city and the Calvary provided a distraction so the archers could
use grappler arrows to them and the infantry into the city. The Calvary rode up attacking the
guards at the gate intentionally injuring one and killing the other 2 so that he would call for back
up soon the full enemy guards chased the Calvary around the walls from outside and up on top
the walls using guard towers to open fire. The archers and infantry got into the city quickly using
a hawk call to the Calvary signaling them to fall back, on the retreat the Calvary attacked the
guards outside the wall and launched pilums and arrows up toward the guards. The archers took
to placing the Greek fire bombs and ensuring that they were hidden and well placed while the
legion infantry went to the operation center to make sure that Saturn is inside the city, they
confirmed he was there and held position. In the early morning hours of march 4
2036 the full
New Roman army arrived at the city beginning their attack with the message from their men
inside they aimed at the gate launching ballistae bolts at it one hitting its mark blowing a massive
hole in the enemys north wall within 5 minutes they had already opened the enemys main
defense and now the new romans charged in using Greek grenades and pilums to rip apart the
enemy with the 10
archer legion using Greek fire lit bellmeta arrows they burnt the enemy
ammo and strong holds.
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Saturns flight
The 10
Calvary, infantry, and archer legions joined together (excluding the 10 men from the
infantry legion) and charged toward the operation center with the Emperor leading them the
enemy in the operations center opened fire but were met with a surprise when the archers and
Calvary launched arrows like something straight out of a movie the sky went from black to as
bright as noon as the bellmeta arrows lit with Greek fire flew through the air and into the enemy
op center, the target code named Saturn fled the ops center with just 6 highly trained guards as
he approached the escape tunnel he had dug he was ambushed and in a blink of an eye his guards
were cut down by the 10 men of the 10
infantry legion and he was captured and chained at
sword point but now the 10 man strike team had to keep him under their control. An ops center
sniper saw his leaders capture and sounded the alarm soon a massive 300 man force turned their
focus toward the 10 man strike team armed with shields swords and daggers. The 2 of the 10
man strike team grabbed their prize and with 2 more giving help killed soldiers in a concrete
building taking cover while the 6 men outside backed toward the building once inside they
interlocked their shields and waited for help. The emperor caught this while battling 3
Vietnamese soldiers with knives out of the corner of his eye wasting no time he caught the 3
enemy soldiers down took a bow and 6 arrows from a nearby 11
legion archer and charged to
help the men. 1000 archers, Calvary and infantry men of the 10
Calvary, infantry, and archer
legions rushed to help their Emperor the men and John quickly fought the enemy back killing all
300 enemy soldiers then with a massive BOOM!! the ops center was collapsed from the fire
now the enemy were scattering and with this the New Romans mopped up the fleeing enemy.

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The power of NEW ROME

In less than one year New Rome had done what no country had done before, it had conquered
and captured Vietnam. The treaty was signed in front a worldwide audience and the United
Nations meeting in the USA this time the Emperor of New Rome showed up, In front of
everyone there and the press New Rome forced the Vietnamese leader code named Saturn to
sign a treaty of surrender that also said that Vietnam is now a New Roman province. This
showed that New Rome had the power and strength to eliminate any enemy, with this New
Rome now controlled Egypt, Germany, Vietnam, Greece, Spain, and now prepared to battle their
two ancient enemy lands France and Britain. The Emperor sailed back home with all but 100 of
his fleet and 6 elite legions leaving them in Vietnam with General Constantine the 1
to rule this
new province.

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New Rome home of love

The Emperor returned to New Rome just in time it was March 14
2036, the Emperor
immediately returned to the palace to visit his loving wife and kids he enjoy the company of his
family now in the late 30s he was close to normal army and navy retirement age. He wouldnt
retire until his sons were old enough to take the thrown. So in the meantime he would rule and
continue his invasions. On the ides of March he went to Caesars room in the palace and quickly
gave Caesar the medicine he had been giving him since Caesar was resurrected. For the next 16
days John spent time with his family training his sons and his daughter and spent the time
sleeping in his bed with his wife and going to gladiator sports. He enjoyed the down time with
his family, the war planning was left to the high ranking Generals they decided on attacking
France first. On April 2
2036 the Emperor got a message from the great inventors on Dianas

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Ending of the mark of victory and defeat

Emperor John arrived on Dianas insula to find the inventors showing two new inventions
One the ballistae shield:
Normal rectangular bellmeta shield except with a new ability
It came with a built in ballistae that gain power by how much energy hit it from swords daggers
bullets and explosions
It shot a smaller ballistae bolt with equal if not more power
Bolt 6 inches long by 2 inches wide tip 3 inches
Next the first New Roman air craft
The Jupiter glider
An aircraft with a magnetic lock on to lock on to target it can contain 30 pounds of Greek fire or
up to 10 fully armored troops to parachute in
When crashed into an air craft it exploded killing the enemy and its air craft and it had the same
effect on a ground target
It used light weight to glide through the air if it needed to go further it used its two wings with
Greek fire bombs that can be uncapped by the changing air pressure if the aircraft losses altitude
John ordered 100,000 gliders be made and all shields be turned into the new model.
John then returned to New Rome and spent the next 2 years with his family the kids now 13 and
him being 40 years old, he enrolled his sons into the military training academy and his daughter
in the feminine school, and he spent a few weeks after that with his wife alone when the kids
returned home they visited family in the USA visiting his parents STAY TUNED

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