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Robert Schinske, Joe Malliaras, Nick

Radcliffe, Matt Iacovelli, Zach Muzzarelli

Bioethics Project:
A Little About Cloning
It is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical
More technically known as somatic cell nuclear transfer
Occurs in nature when organisms bacteria, insects, plants reproduce
asexually, and in identical twins
Cloning in biotechnology refers to the processes used for creating copies
of DNA fragments, cells, or organisms
Is similar to in vitro cells
How Cloning Works
To Clone you need to extract a DNA cell from the adult form of the
organism (cows, dogs, maybe humans) and insert it into a egg cell from
the same organism
The nucleus is also taken out so it can duplicate the original DNA cell.
This is then zapped by electricity and it rapidly multiplies
This happens hundreds of times in order to make another living object
The final substance then is an exact replica of the original organism
Purpose of Cloning
Scientists can extract DNA from a dinosaurs bone
and recreate them through the process of cloning.
This would be hard to accomplish because you
would need a similar species for the egg donor.
Also it can solve the problems of endangerment such
as the bee and tiger population.
Also to cure the emotional freedom for independence
and maybe make someone just like you to have that
type of relationship.

Problems it can solve
It can solve organ problems, help cure untreatable disease, and make a
giant leap in humans living forever
Can help give people their desired traits.
Help cure hunger because we can make lots of food.
Importance to Science or Society
Scientists can discover the proteins that are present
Molecular cloning has led scientists to discover the entire genetic
sequences of many species, inactive genes in humans and other
Creates transgenic organisms such as glow in the dark fish
Causes many societies around the world to debate the ethics of cloning

Various Viewpoints of Cloning
Scientific community believes cloning can lead to further discoveries
Many people have ethical issues because of religion and moral status
Embryos are breede just for destruction
Genetic damage to the clone
Low success rate
Psychological harm
Also will cause overpopulation but might be fine because of the resources
that will also be created.
People that dont like animal testing will not like this.
Our Viewpoints
We think cloning is a great scientific advancement. But should only be
attempted with strict regulations. This should be tried on terminally ill
people to try to cure them before going to retail. Maybe before the terminal
ill it should be tried on monkeys because they have similar genes as us.
This might eliminate some of the ethical problems that people may have
with the artificial substance.

Examples in the Real World
Naturally cloning happens all the time.
Like in identical twins and bacteria. In bacteria they produce an exact
offspring and through this process the new individual is created from the
parent cell.
Artificially scientists have successfully cloned cows, sheep, chickens,
lamb, cats, deer, dogs, horses, mules, monkeys, ox, rabbits, and rats.
This happens when a nucleus is extracted from one cell and placed into
another nucleus free cell.
Actual Artificial Clones
Tetra the Rhesus Monkey was the first cloned
monkey. And was cloned in the year 2000 and were
meant to study diabetes.
Snuppy the Dog was the first dog that was cloned in
2005. Meant to study human diseases.
Risks to Cloning
First off it is very inefficient and has a success rate of at best 3%.
Also it enlarges vital organs to much creating Large Offspring Syndrome.
Clones can have longer telomere strands, which allows them to live longer.
Clones also have shorter telomere strands, which ages the animal faster.
Scientists have to reprogram the nucleus to act like the original animal.
What We Find Most Interesting
We really liked the idea of the dinosaurs even though it is somewhat
Also the amount of different animals that have been cloned interested us.
The idea to help create unlimited food, which if cloning becomes a big
thing for humans, we would need.
The glowing fishes and dogs scientists created.
That cloning has been around since 1952.
A sheep was the first mammal created from a mature cell in 1996.

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