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Practice Lecture Exam

Try to use this as a study guide. Fill it out without looking through your notes to see how much
you know, and what you need to focus your studying on. Do not use this practice exam only
while studying for your exam. Be sure to review your notes, worksheets, and articles you used in
class. Also, mitosis and meiosis are covered on this lecture exam. You do not need to label
pictures, however you do need to understand the process. Take a look at the practice quizzes that
I sent out.

1. If each daughter cell is equal in size, then it is called binary fission.

2. The condensed form of DNA is chromatin.
3. The G2 phase of interphase is when DNA is replicated.
4. Meiosis makes gametes (egg and sperm).
5. The two main phases of the cell cycle is S-phase and Cell Division.
6. Meiosis occurs in all cells.
7. Chiasma is the site of crossing over.
8. The four nitrogenous bases in DNA are: adenine, uracil, thymine, and cytosine.
9. Nucleotide is made up of a deoxiribose sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.
10. Mitosis is asexual reproduction and meiosis is sexual reproduction.
11. All cells have centrioles.
12. Watson and Crick determined that DNA is a double helix structure.
13. All organisms are diploid (2n).
14. All species have male and female individuals.
15. Animals reproduce sexually and plants reproduce asexually.
16. Animals have embryos during their development processes, but plants do not.





1. Proteins that DNA condenses around.

2. Two haploid cells fuse to form a diploid cell.
3. Proteins that regulate passage of the cell through cell cycle checkpoints.
4. Homologous chromosomes become closely associated with each other.
Multiple Choice
1. N tells us what?
a. The number of cell divisions the cell will go through
b. Number of chromosomes in its set
c. Number of genes found on a chromosome
d. Number of sets of chromosomes
2. What stage of the cell cycle is 90% of a cells life spent?
a. Mitosis
b. Cytokinesis
c. Meiosis
d. Interphase
3. Which of the following is not an example of MTOC?
a. Centriole
b. Spindle Pole Bodies
c. Blepharoplast
d. Telomere
4. What two things lead to genetic variation in meiosis?

a. Crossing over and interphase

b. DNA replication and Cell growth
c. Crossing over and independent assortment
d. Independent assortment and DNA replication
5. Which of the following is not an example of asexual reproduction?
a. Fission
b. Syngamy
c. Fragmentation
d. Spore Production
e. Budding

Short Answer
1. Explain the difference between haploid and diploid.

2. What is independent assortment?

3. Explain the steps of the cell cycle

4. When and Why does DNA condensation occur?

5. What are proto-oncogenes? Tumor-suppressor genes?

6. What is chemotaxis? How does this relate reproduction?

7. Differentiate between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes.

8. The Cell theory states that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. How? Is there a
difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

9. Can self-fertilization occur in organisms? Why would we prevent self-fertilization?

10. What are the two ways of reproduction for eukaryotes?

11. What is parthenogenesis? What evidence do we have to support this? What are the pros
and cons?

12. Whats the point of mitosis? Meiosis?

13. Compare and contrast Mitosis and Meiosis.

14. Why is the direction of the DNA strand essential?

15. How is the cell cycle controlled? Why is it important for the cell cycle to stay in check?

16. Explain the four steps of mitosis.

17. Describe the semiconservative model of DNA replication.

18. What is a karyotype?

19. What are two options for syngamy? Explain each.

a. Write the complementary strand

b. List enzymes involved in the DNA replication process, and what does each one

21. What is Chargaffs ratio?

22. What is the difference between cell division in plants vs animals?

23. Are gametes necessary for sexual reproduction to happen?

(Excuse my awesome drawing skills) Label the parts of the chromosome. Telomere, centromere,
kinetochores, chromatid.

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