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Beneficence- provision of benefits and

balancing of benefits and harm for all people
concerned in a given circumstance.

2. Non-maleficence- to do no harm;

Not injuring others-Ross; failure to

guard against risks of harm to others
and to oneself.

3. Justice- demands fairness to everyone;

equitable distribution of medical resources.
4. Autonomy- self-governance; selfdetermination; e.g. informed consent
5. Informed consent- knowledge or information
about and the consent to a particular form of
medical treatment before that treatment is
being administered.
Elements of consent:
V- Voluntarily sign the consent
I- informed about the procedure
C- Conscious and coherent
T- Treatment or procedure (before)
O- Opportunity to ask questions
R- Right age = 18yo and above (direct
*family member- substitute
6. Living Will- advance directives; pt is still alive
in giving instructions; e.g. DNR, organ
donation, order for cremation; becomes
effective when pt becomes incompetent,
incapacitated, or permanently unconscious
and experiences and end-stage medical
condition which cold require life sustaining
*obtain 2 witnesses
*who can institute advance directive?

18 years old

Below 18 years old who are


7. Durable power of Atty. allows individual to

vest surrogate with authority to make
decisions about their own medical care in the
vent the become INCOMPETENT, regardless
whether or not they are terminally ill; can also
vest someone with medical-decision authority
even when the individual is competent; NOT

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