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Lesson 2: Arrays and Multiplication

Lesson Overview: Students will use counters to show arrays and write multiplication sentences
to find the total. The focus will be on what arrays are and how they show multiplication.
Resources/Materials Needed:

o Smartboard with projector
o Two-color counters
o Paper for ELMO projector or Smart board writing access
o Smart Exchange Lesson: Arrays
o Access to BrainPop Jr. Videos online (Brain Pop Jr Math, 1999-2014)
o Eggspert Game System (Educational Insights, n.d.)

o 20 counters per pair
o Paper & pencil

Lesson Standards:

3.E.2b.5: Use varied grade-level appropriate word choices. (English Langauge Arts,

3.M.2d: Solve open sentences by representing an expression in more than one way using
the Commutative Property of Multiplication (Mathematic Standards, 2009)

Lesson and Performance Objectives:

Given paper and pencils, students will be able to write multiplication sentences for arrays
and use arrays to find products with 100% accuracy.

Given examples to work through, students will be able to use the Commutative Property
of Multiplication in their work with 100% accuracy.

Given counters, students will be able to model arrays and the Commutative Property of
Multiplication and write multiplication sentences to find the total, with 100% accuracy.

Time: Approximately 2 hours

Step 1: Pre-instructional activities:

Teacher will set the purpose by stating: You have already learned how to make equal
groups with counters and multiply to find a product. Today you will learn how to use a
different model for multiplication.

Teacher will connect prior learning by asking students to think about things that are
arranged in rows, like eggs in a carton. Ask them to name some others. [Stamps, people
in a parade, a coin collection display, etc.]

Teacher will pose the following problem: Joe puts his Pokmon cards in an album. He
puts 4 rows of cards on each page, and he puts 3 cards in a row. How many cards are on
each page? Have pairs of students work to solve the problem using any method they
choose (counters, pictures, etc.). Ask them to write their work on paper. Discuss their
methods with the class after they have finished [12 cards].

Remind students that they learned how to write a multiplication sentence for problems
involving equal groups already. Ask: What multiplication sentence can you write to find
the total of 3 groups with 2 cards in each? [3 x 2 = 6]

Step 2: Content Presentation:

Introduce arrays to the students by showing them the Smart Exchange Lesson: Arrays

Teacher will go over the following vocabulary words:

o Multiplication is a quick way to add the same quantity many times.

o Factors are the numbers that are multiplied together.
o Product is the answer in multiplication.
o Arrays show equal rows of objects.
o Commutative Property of Multiplication says you can multiply numbers in any
order and the product is the same.

Now that students have been introduced to arrays and have worked through the Pokmon
card problem, work through the problem as a class. Have pairs use their counters to
model the cards and ask how many rows they made [4 rows]. Ask how many counters are
in each row [3 counters]. Ask: What multiplication problem can you write to help you
solve this problem? [4 x 3 = 12]

Explain: To learn more about arrays, we will watch a Brain Pop Jr. video called Arrays.
o Have students come to the Smart board carpet
o Watch the video (5 minutes)
o Talk about how we use equal groups every day.
o Display the quiz at the end of the video and complete as a class (not for an
assessment score). Allow students to come up to the board and choose the correct
answers and discuss (about 10 minutes).

Teacher will then display counters to show 5 rows of 4. Write a multiplication sentence
for the array. Then show them counters of 4 rows of 5. Ask what they notice about the
product. [they are the same]

Step 3: Learner Participation:

Teacher will excuse students to go back to their desks

Distribute paper, pencil, and counters per partnership

Students will do the following problems (projected) with their partner:

o Scott keeps his CD collection in a holder. The holder has 6 rows. Each row holds
5 CDs. How many CDs are in Scotts collection? [30] Have students write
multiplication sentences to show the problem.
o Julia has 3 rows of stickers. There are 3 stickers in each row. Write an addition
sentence and a multiplication sentence to show how many stickers Julia has. [9]
o Teacher will guide students as they work and provide feedback.

Remind students that an array can show two multiplication sentences based on the
Commutative Property of Multiplication. Show examples if needed.

Collect the counters and have the students work individually on the following problems:
o Draw an array for the following problems and find the product:

2 x 4 = ?, 5 x 3 = ?, 2 x 7 = ?, 3 x 6 = ?, 4 x 4 = ?, 5 x 2 = ?

Step 4: Assessment:

The assignments done during the learner participation will be collected and used for
assessments to measure the students mastery of writing multiplication sentences using
arrays and using counters to assist in their work.

After the class has completed the examples and turned their work in, the teacher will
distribute an assessment with one question, in which they will need to score 3 out of 4 on
a rubric.
o Written explanation question: What is an array? Draw an array for 3 x 4. Then use
a related array to show your understanding of the Commutative Property of

Step 5: Follow-through Activities:

Discuss with the class when they would see arrays in the real world.

Review the four vocabulary words and discuss.

Teacher will ask students to watch for situations when they might see arrays and ask
them to be prepared to discuss them with the class.

Students will be placed in groups of six to do rotations for review:

o Group 1: Computer math games
o Group 2: Flash card work
o Group 3: Eggspert Game with random multiplication fact questions
o Group 4 (if needed): Create number sentences with arrays in math notebook

Integration into the next days lesson:

o Discuss with your group the situations you saw arrays.
o Teacher will ask several students to share with the class.

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