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Name (Last, First):

BCEE 451 Fall/2014 (Sept. 29, 2014)

BCEE 451 Construction Engineering

Assignment 1(5%)
1. Briefly discuss two ethical challenges faced by the Canadian construction industry. Why
are they ethical challenges? (2 marks, approximately 300 600 words.)
2. Make an advertisement for a Tender Call for a newly proposed Concordia Learning Center
to be built at SGW campus (3 marks; 1-2 A4 pages)
Note: The Tender Call should include the following information:
- The place where the advertisement will be
- The project title or description
- The Entity calling for tenders
- Project owner if different with the Entity
- The contact person and his/her details
- The date and time of closing
- The location to submit bids
- Location to pick up documents
- Deposit required
- Site visit arrangement

Name (Last, First):

BCEE 451 Fall/2014 (Sept. 29, 2014)

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