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Kingdom Animalia Phyla Reviewer

1. Phylum Porifera - The ___________

A) What is their habitat?
B) What is the structure of the body wall? What is its purpose?
C) How do they feed? Where are they attached to?
D) What is their shape?
2. Phylum Coelenterate - The ____________
A) What is their habitat?
B) What is their body wall made of? What is in the middle?
C) Is their digestive system complete? How many openings to the digestive cavity does it have?
D) What is their symmetry?
E) Give 2 Specialized cells and their purposes.
3. Phylum Platyhelminthes - The ____________
A) What is their habitat?
B) What are the tissue layers?
C) For which kind is the digestive system incomplete? Absent? For the kind that has no digestive system, why
doesnt it need a digestive system?
D) Give 2 Specialized Structures and their purposes
4. Phylum Nematoda - The ____________
A) What is their habitat?
B) What is the shape of their body? What are their tissue layers?
C) Is their digestive system complete or incomplete? What are its 2 openings and their purposes?
D) What kind of symmetry does it have? What are its two ends?
E) Where do Free-living roundworms live and what is their purpose? What are pinworms?
5. Phylum Annelida - The ____________________
A) What is their habitat?
B) What is the shape? Is their body segmented, what is the purpose?
C) Is their digestive system complete or incomplete? How is this called?
D) What symmetry does it have? What ends does it have? What surfaces does it have?
6. Phylum Arthropoda - The _______________
A) What is their habitat?
B) How many species does it have?
C) Is their body segmented or unsegmented? What is the pairs jointed things on their body and what is its
purpose?What is their body divided into?
D) What is the outer skeleton made of and what is its purpose?
E) What is its symmetry?
7. Phylum Mollusca - The _____________
A) What is its habitat?
B) Is their body segmented or unsegmented? What is on its ventral surface?
C) What is their tongue-like organ? What is its purpose?
D) What is the fold of skin that surrounds the body organs? What does it act like, and what is its purpose?
E) What is its symmetry?
8. Phylum Echinodermata - The ______________
A) What is its habitat?
B) Where and what is its skeleton like? What is its skin like? What is the purpose of them?
C) What is the water-filled tubes that run through their body? What is its purpose?
D) Is its digestive system complete or incomplete?
E) What is its symmetry?
9. Phylum Chordata - The ______________
A) What is its habitat?
B) What is its symmetry?
C) What nerve cord does it have?
D) What does it have on their dorsal side? What is its appearance in invertebrates? In vertebrates, what is it
replaced with?

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