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Relationships and

Sexuality Contraception
Ruby Smith

What is the relevance of relationships and

sexuality to young people?
The relevance to young people concerning the subjects of
relationships and sexuality is quite extensive. During the early
stages of puberty, to becoming a young adult you are labelled as a
young person typically between the ages of 14-16 years of age.


During the time of development, a young persons hormones will

be flowing through out their body creating new feelings, those of
lust and love. As young people are going through this stage of
development, the importance of relationships with friends, family
and partners, becomes a part of finding themselves and their
Finding yourself and your sexuality doesnt happen overnight,
much like puberty. It is a path that a person walks upon during this
time of development. Such times can be confusing, stressful,
exciting and stimulating for a young person.

What is your goal in addressing this content?

I chose to address a certain topic relating to Relationships and Sexuality, my
main focus is contraception. During this assignment my main goals are as
follows and this is how I planned to achieve them


To educate people on my chosen topic: It may seem obvious, though I believe

one of my main goals during this assessment piece, was to share my
knowledge and research to others. I believe knowledge is power, with the
right information we can equip ourselves to make the right decisions based on
our beliefs and values.
To obtain new information from my own research: I chose contraception
initially because I wasnt well read on the topic, which with research helped me
grasp new understanding and build foundations on my previous thoughts and
to correct my misconceptions.
To create a place that young people can visit online if they have questions
regarding my topic: As we are developing as a society powered by technology,
I thought it would be appropriate for young people to have access to this
information from their own device, no matter where they are. By providing
young people with this information, we can encourage safe practices and help
inform people so that they can make decisions that are suited to their personal
values and opinions.

When does this topic become an issue for



Contraception refers to the methods in which people can use to

prevent pregnancy. Contraception is not up to one person in the
relationship, it is in fact a mutual responsibility of those engaged in
the relationship.
I believe an issue regarding contraception is the misconceptions
regarding who is responsible for pregnancy and contraception.
Despite the fact that the female will carry the child, the responsibility
is of both people involved in the relationship.
Contraception can also be tied to another major element associated
with Relationships and Sexuality this being, STIs. Sexually
transmitted diseases can be transmitted during oral, vaginal and anal
sex. Though understanding the precautions that should be taken
before entering a sexual relationship, does need to be stressed to
young people.
By informing young people of methods such as barrier method like
male condoms and female condoms which can prevent the spread of
STIs and reduce the chances of pregnancy is very relevant.

Why is this topic so important to learn about

There are multiple reasons as to why contraception is an important element of
Relationships and Sexuality and why it should be taught, such reasons I have
previously discussed above.


Informing young people: By providing young people with the information

regarding contraception and the concerns of relationships and sexuality.
Together we can be powerful equipped with knowledge, we are empowered to
be our own person, to make decisions that are right by us and what we value.
Preventing STIs: By informing young people about the serious risk of
contracting an STI, by encourage contraception methods such as female and
male condoms. The fight against STIs and its victims can be won. By increasing
awareness regarding these concerns we as a society can minimise the chances
of people contracting infectious STIs.
Helping control pregnancy: Not every young person that engages in sexual
activities with another, is prepared to make a commitment of family, and the
responsibility that comes with a child. Despite the discouraging messages sent
from some religions regarding contraception methods. It is important that
young people are aware of how to safely have sex, how to reduce the chances of
falling pregnant, or impregnating a woman.

Give a detailed explanation of all components/elements of your focus

for Relationships and Sexuality? Your teacher will identify the key
components during your workshop lesson. Content specific.


My focus for relationships and sexuality is contraception which includes:

STIS: The risk associated with the possibility of contracting or passing on STIs to
your partner/s. Sexually transmitted diseases are a serious risk associated with
sexual relations, this is why young people must be aware of the consequences. By
being an educated an aware society we can stand together to fight against the
spread of STIs.

Responsibility: It is up to the two people engaging in sexual relations, to be

responsible for the consequences whether it is contracting an STI or becoming
pregnant. Both partners are responsible for discussing and taking the appropriate
methods of precaution suited to the particular couple, like what contraceptive
methods work best for them.

Pregnancy: If you decide to be involved in a sexual relation, you must take on the
responsibility of becoming pregnant, or impregnating a woman. The responsibilities
circling the commitment of starting a family are huge, for young people, to prevent
pregnancy in young people, it is important that they are made aware of
contraceptive methods.

A list of Contraceptive Methods: Oral contraceptives (pills),transdermal patch,

vaginal ring, intrauterine system, female sterilization, female condom, male
condom, cervical cap, diaphragm, male sterilization. Though the only two methods
that are successful for STI prevention are a female condom and a male condom.

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