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‘The solids are the substances which have definite volume and definte shape. in terms of kinetic molecular model, solids have regular order of their constittent particles (ators, molecules or fons). These partces are held together by fairy strong forces, therefore, they are present at fixed positions. The properties of the solids not only depend upon the nature of the constituents but also ontherr arrangements. Types and Classification of solids Quarts is a typical example of crystaline silica. Quartz and the amorphous sca differ considerably in their properties. THis cystine innate ‘AL fou comers of | SiOf Aweshodron at shaced by others Solid State (2) Crystalline and amorphous silica (SiO,) Silica occurs in crystalline as well as amorphous states. ‘Quartz ‘Amorphous silica THs ight uy) white powder The SOf tetshedra ore ‘eodemly joined, giving tse to (1) Types of solide toahe anetvor sold eba die set ore Solis can be beady das into follwing wolves, “Fa Tg and Wap align how ap nag (0 Cesalne sos Tve solids, point (710°) point (@) Amorphous soice/Pseuto solids (@) Diamond and graphite Diamond and graphite are tow allotropes of carbon. —— = Diamond and graphite beth are covalent ysals. But, they difer “Thay haw lng range order | They have shon rnge onder nee They baw define mela point | Nothave defile meling pot | “They have @ dette heat of | Nothave detinte Feat sion —_ SS fain ‘Toscan aanzaly nesta | 1 oomum tally, oo wal wo They ae idan | Rbe compel to any mance atiialy Incomprenite soprechbe eet Wis fe bares nti wibance | Wilt and greasy to touch Se eed ee ‘ral nt tne plocer wth plana | Le they bak into to pisos uth —Fresnagh eave danay AbaulS5) | Sa Fier ericomichanaegfies’ WB Wansprent and has high | Khas bled in coburand opaque “They ore aniscopie becaune of | They we btropic because of hse ‘these substances show diferent | substarces show same property in. __‘elractve index (2.45) property in diferentdrecsion | all drestions 1s norconductor of heat and | Graphite s ¢ good contucor of “howe & a sudden ange io | Thee is no sudden Gange in eects. hea end leriiy ishaee niet Eel) Ses TW buans in aie at SOOT w ge | I bums ina at 7OPC tw abe “Those pesos syunety Noi posses any symm. CO cr “These poses neveilandis,_| Noi poses inkl angles er SE occurs a hexagonal sta

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