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Collapse Of the USSR


Creation Of the Politburo

The politburo as a group that had control over all of the
soviet government. The politburo was made in 1917 to
provide continuous and flexible leadership for the USSR
when is was starting out.

Russian Civil War

The Russian Civil war was when the white army and
red army fought for power. Red won the war which
made Russia communist for a long period of time

Stalins Five Year Plans

Stalin's Five year plans where to get more coal and steel. It helped them to get
more steel and coal but lost many livestock because they needed to use the
food farmers had to make food for the workers and they took it for free so
the rich farmers burned it all.

World War II
During WWII they had a treaty with Germany but then Germany broke and
attacked Russia and the Germans destroyed the Russians. After that Russia
joined with the allies. After the war they lost millions of soldiers with was
bad for the Russians who needed many people.

Joe 1
The Joe 1 was a copy of the fat bombs that the US used when they bombed
Japan. And they tested it at Semipalatinsk Test site in Kazakhstan. And after
that a US weather plane flying past the coast of Siberia collected some of the
radiation blew up which caused Russia not to test bombs for the next two

Hydrogen Bomb
The Hydrogen Bomb was another test like the Joe 1
bomb. But was not based off anything else like the
Joe 1 bomb was.

Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw pact was a treaty between eight
communist states that they made after the WWII
and was made by Russia.

Laika and Sputnik 3

Laika was a dog that the Russians sent to space and Sputnik
was a satellite that was sent to space to collect data on the
atmosphere but it failed. It was a good thing they could
get things in space but it was bad they were failing.

It the first artificial satellite that was sent to to space and
was about the size of a beach ball. It launched the space
race with the US and USSR.

Creation Of The Berlin Wall

It was a wall created in 1961 that was made by the German
Democratic Republic that was made to completely cut off
east and west Germany by land and wasn't open again
until 1989.

1968 Invasion of Czechoslovakia

In 1968 the soviet union had the warsaw pact on the invasion. They sent them
in there to crack down on reformist trends in Prague. They stopped the
reformist but it had consequences for communist bloc.

Salt I
Salt 1 was an agreement with the USSR and the US to that
would trying to limit the growth of strategic offensive
arms that lasted about 5 years.

Salt II
Salt II was when the parties began to negotiations with
further limitations on offensive strategic arms. The plane
was to make an agreement to make a long term deal on
the strategic arms treaty.

Soviet- Afghan War

The soviet union sent in thousand of troops into Afghanistan and right away
they thought they had control of all military and political control of Kabul
and large portions of the country. The war was very brutal and many people
were killed

Gorbachev becomes leader

Gorbachev was the eighth and last leader of the USSR. He served in the General
secretary from 1988 to 1991 then they stop being communist.

Chernobyl Disaster
The Chernobyl Disaster is when a nuclear power plant had
a flawed reactor design that was operated with people
who were not trained enough to work it. Around 30
workers and firefighters died and the place is not liveable.

Glasnost was a policy that called for more openness and
transparency in government institutions and activities in
the USSR. So it gave the people more information on
which the leaders were doing.

Perestroika was introduced by Gorbachev it was known for
economic restructuring. Which means that the
government was trying to fix the government and maybe
spend less on things they don't need as much.

Voting Reforms by Gorbachev

That before this the people only had a handful of people
they were voting for that were selected by the communist
party. Now they had list of people and for every position.
That meant that they were getting a little more

Free Elections in Poland,Czechoslovakia, and Hungary

That for more openness which Gorbachev said he was going

to do he gave them elections that they needed and they
took militaries out of all the countries as well. Which was
good because the people didn't have to be scared
anymore of being killed.

Fall of the Berlin Wall

As the cold war thaw across eastern Europe the people of
the east communist party decided to change relations
with the west and take down the wall. This means that the
USSR is giving more people freedoms with is also making
them more democratic.

Lithuania and Latvia Protest

That 10s of thousands of people had a protest around the
Baltic Seacoast to help with anti-pollution
demonstrations. So the people of the USSR wanted to
help the country which is a good thing.

Boris Yeltsin becomes President

He was the first popularly elected president of Russia and
the first president overall. This was good because it
makes the USSR a free state and not communist

Gorbachev steps down

Gorbachev was forced to step down because he was not
really necessary anymore because they had a president
now and the communist party was going away.

Was the USSR collapse Stoppable

I do not think that the collapse was going to be stopped. I think this because the
USSR was making it more democratic than communist. I say this because
they started to give more voting rights to the people. They were mixing non
communist states with communist states with the destruction of the Berlin
Wall. Also they giving people more voting options with having more options
for candidates which could give with more democratic options. Last they
gave more states freedoms so they were losing power as time went on. That
is why i think the collapse was bound to fail.

Work Cited
"Russia." Russia. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2014.

"The Soviet Atomic Bomb." Soviet Breakthrough: "Joe I" Soviet Nuclear Test. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.

"1954: Hydrogen Bomb." Hydrogen Bomb. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.

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