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Presentation Skills

Gabriel Rivas

O What are Presentation Skills?
O Preparation
O Presentation
O Delivery

What are Presentation Skills

O How would you define it?
O Why should I care?
O Because
O Can help you in many ways!
O School, Work

O Getting to Nationals!

BPA Events
O Most of the events will require the use of

some presentation skill.

O Prepared Speech
O Team Events
O Interview Skills
O You get the picture?

Presentation Skills and BPA

O Very Important
O Dos
O Pick your events now
O Pick a topic about something you care about/enjoy
O Research (Read description on your events)
O Keep it clear and concise
O Make your visuals appealing
O Ask yourself questions
O What am I trying to do?

O Practice!
O Switch it up, keep it conversational
O Friends, prospective audience
O Record yourself/mirror
O Timing

O Donts
O Delivering Inappropriate Content
O Speak Poorly
O Uhms Ahs, Use words that clearly dont exist
O Irregardless, supposably, axed, firstly, secondly etc..

O Create Bad Visuals

Know your audience

O Sometimes its in the description
O Small Business Management Team -

Create report and presentation given a

specific topic
O Usually to the owner

O Why Should I Care?

O People are different
O Perceptions

O Generally
O Mid-Thirties, College Educated, Retirees,


Guess My Audience

O Appearance
O Dress Appropriately

O Body Language
O Delivery
O Speech, etc.

Body Language




Body Language

O Get your audiences attention from the

O Give your objectives
O What are you trying to accomplish?
O Announce your outline
O Clear Introduction/Conclusion

O Smooth Transitions

O What is it?
O Loudness
O Speed
O Pitch
O Pauses
O Use emotion!
O Dont put your audience to sleep

Persuasive Speech?
O Some of your events will require you to

convince your audience.

Day of
Familiarize yourself with the room
Check your equipment before you present
Channel your nervous energy into your presentation
Be prepared to answer questions

Presentation Jitters
O Being prepared, and knowing your content
O Its ok to be nervous
O Breathing Excersizes
O Walk around

O Gabriel Rivas
O Rivagab2@isu.edu

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