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Clase nodo:
package huffmanexe;
public class Node
public int frequency;
public char c;
public Node left;
public Node right;

public Node(int frequency, char c, Node left, Node right)

this.frequency = frequency;
this.c = c;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

public Node()
//does Nothing

public Node addNode(Node node1, Node node2)

if(node1.frequency < node2.frequency)

left = node1;
right = node2;
right = node1;
left = node2;
frequency = node1.frequency + node2.frequency;
return this;
Clase tree:
package huffmanexe;
* @author franklin aimituma suyo
public class tree extends Node
private Node root;

public tree()
root = null;

public tree(Node node1, Node node2)

root = super.addNode(node1, node2);

public void insertNode(int freq, char c)

root.frequency = freq;
root.c = c;
root.left = null;
root.right = null;

public void insertNode(int freq, char c, Node left, Node right)

root.frequency = freq;
root.c = c;
this.root.left = left;
this.root.right = right;

public void insertNode(Node node)


this.root.frequency = node.frequency;
this.root.c = node.c;
this.root.left = node.left;
this.root.right = node.right;

public void insertNode(Node node1, Node node2)

root = super.addNode(node1, node2);
Clase transversor:
package huffmanexe;
public class HuffmanTransversor
public Node rootNode;
public char c;
public char charArray[];
public int i=0;
public String finalBitPattern = "";
public HuffmanTransversor(Node myNode, char [] charArray)
String temp;
int i;
rootNode = myNode;

this.charArray = charArray;
for(i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++)
temp = search(rootNode, "", charArray[i]);
finalBitPattern += temp+" ";
System.out.println("Mis valores: "+charArray[i]+" = "+temp);
// System.out.println("My bit padre final: "+finalBitPattern);

public String search(Node rootNode, String value,char myChar)

String valueL ="";
if(rootNode != null)
if(rootNode.left != null)
valueL = search(rootNode.left, value+"0", myChar);
if(rootNode.c == myChar)
return value;

if(valueL == "")

return search(rootNode.right, value+"1",myChar);
return valueL;
return "";
Clase Huffman:
package huffmanexe;
import java.util.*;
* @author franklin aimituma suyo
public class Huffman {
private static String value;
private static char charArray[];
//convertidor de string a caracteres
private static int table[] = new int[0x7f];
//mantiene la frecuencia del elemento

private static Node myNode[];

//la principal prioridad de la cola, el rbol final generada se almacena en lugar de 0.
private static int lengthOfTable = 0;
//La verdadera longitud de la tabla que contiene los caracteres.
private static tree myTree;
//Una variable que contiene el rbol
private static int lengthOfNode = 0;
//all increments or decrements are made to this value
public static HuffmanTransversor hC;
//The Class Responsible for Decoding the Huffman Tree

public Huffman(String value)

Node x = createTree();
hC = new HuffmanTransversor(x,charArray);
public static void frequencyTable(String value)
int i;
charArray = value.toCharArray();
for(i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++)
table[getAscii(charArray[i])] += 1;

public static int getAscii(char substringValue)

return substringValue&0x7f;

public static void nodeArrange()

int counter = 0;
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < table.length; i++)

lengthOfTable = counter;
counter = 0;
myNode = new Node[lengthOfTable];

for(int i = 0; i < 127; i++)

if(table[i] != 0)
myNode[counter]= new Node(table[i], (char)i, null, null);

lengthOfNode = myNode.length;

public static Node createTree()

for(int i = 1; i < lengthOfNode; i++)
if(myNode[1].frequency >= myNode[0].frequency)
myTree = new tree(myNode[0],myNode[i]);
myNode[0] = myTree;
moveItems(i, lengthOfNode);
lengthOfNode -= 1;
i -= 1;

if(i+1 < lengthOfNode)
myTree = new tree(myNode[i], myNode[i+1]);
myNode[1] = myTree;
moveItems(i+1, lengthOfNode);
lengthOfNode -= 1;
i -= 1;
myNode[1] = myNode[1];//revisarlo..........
myNode[0] = new tree(myNode[0], myNode[1]);
catch(Exception e)
//I dare this program to crash...hahaha
return myNode[0];

private static void moveItems(int index, int length)

{ try
for(int i = index; i < length; i++)
myNode[i] = myNode[i+1];

catch(Exception e)
private static void sort()
Node temp;
for(int i = lengthOfNode-1; i > 1; i--)
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if(myNode[j].frequency > myNode[j+1].frequency)
temp = myNode[j+1];

myNode[j+1] = myNode[j];
myNode[j] = temp;

if(myNode[j].frequency == myNode[j+1].frequency && myNode[j].left != null)

temp = myNode[j+1];
myNode[j+1] = myNode[j];
myNode[j] = temp;
Clase principal:
import java.util.*;
* @franklin aimituma suyo
public class HuffmanExe {
* @param args the command line arguments
static Huffman huffman;
private static Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
private static String value;

public static void main(String args[])

System.out.print("ingrese palabra: ");
value = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("el valor introducido es: "+value);
huffman = new Huffman(value);
System.out.println("La representacin de bits de la cadena que has escrito es:
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