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Taming the Tongue

Memory Text: For by your words
you will be justified, and by your
words you will be condemned (Matt. 12:37, NKJV).
The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Superintendent: Alonso Lopez and Youth

Praise & Worship.....................Jeanne, Keller, Barbra
Hymn of Praise.......Standing by a Purpose True
Intercessory Prayer ..................Elder Teresa Ferreira
South Central Conference, Revival & Transformation, The
Unemployed; Families: Richards, Ruhinda,
Rusek, Rwangi, Sampaio, Sealy Shepherd, Shimla
Next Week:
South Eastern Conference, Homebound Members, Revival for
Mission; Families: Sidabutar, Simoes, Skwarchuk, Soares,
Sollows, Somers, Stajfer &, Starczewski

1. The new church plant is meeting at
the Mount Zion United Church,
located at 471 Ridgewood Cres, off
Berkshire, near Springbank &
Wonderland intersection. We
request your prayers as the new
group of pioneers organizes a centre of worship in
the West London area. If you live in the West
London area, you are welcomed to join in
2. Community Bible Studies will resume
today, November 15th @ 6 pm with
elders Q&A forum. Please look at the
schedule in the foyer for details, and to
make your suggestions. We welcome
your questions and suggestion of topics
for study.
3. Pathfinders Club meeting tomorrow,
Sunday, November 16th at 10 am.

Childrens Story.................................................Keller George

(Next Week Childrens Story Alonso Lopez)

Offering....Local Budget.................Lo Richards

Special Music...Youth Quartet
Scripture..........Acts 3:1-10..............Michelle Taylor

Elder Cameron Munro

Living Expectation
Hymn of Consecration.................Father, I stretch My Hands
Benediction.....Elder Gene Bernardo
Sunset Today: 5:02 p.m. Next week: 4:57 p.m.
Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to larris.biggs@gmail.com

4. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible

Study and testimonies on Wednesday
night at 7 pm. Come and be blessed!
5. Membership Transfer IN -1st Reading:
Esther Boah-Frimpong from the Slough Ghana Adventist
Church, UK.
6. Citrus Fruit: The citrus fruit
program has begun! The
first delivery will be in December so
please get your orders in to
Cameron early this month
(November). We need to obtain a
minimum of 100 cases to obtain a
delivery. You can also help in distributing flyer at your
workplace and neighborhood. This can be a new avenue
to befriend someone.

7. Congratulations to Leif and Tanya

Luscombe (Bob & Sylvia Reeves
daughter family) on the birth of their
son Joel Matthew, born November 3.
8. Adventurers Club Induction
Service will take place November 22
at 5 pm in the Sanctuary. All church
family is invited to support and
encourage our youngest family
members in their spiritual learning.
9. Sabbath December 5 -Celebration of
our Cultural Diversity and Adventist
Heritage with guest speaker Pastor
Frank Dell Erba. City Councillors Mo
Salih, Harold Usher, Jared Zaifman and Michael Van
Holst have agreed to join us. Invite friends to celebrate
also. Sign up if you wish to carry your flag in the Parade
of Nations. Wear you national costume; and bring your
ethnic dish for the potluck lunch.
10. Do you have any memorabilia of your Adventist
heritage such as Baptismal certificates, hymnals,
honors, recipes, old church publications? Please label
your items, and bring for "display only" by Sabbath
morning December 5. All items will be returned.

11. TODAY! at 7:30 pm youth are
invited for a movie night "God is
not dead" followed by discussion
& food, here at our church.
Next Saturday night, November
22, youth are invited to pastors
home, 1210 Hamilton Road @ 7:30 pm for a movie
Record Keeper, a recently made film on the theme of the
Great Controversy through angels eyes.

12. Natural Remedies and Hydrotherapy Session: Join

us as we learn how to prevent and fight disease the
natural way. This course provides hands-on training in
knowing what, when, how, where, and why to apply
poultices, herbal preparations, kitchen herbs, and water
applications to alleviate, avoid, or prevent pain,
swelling, bleeding, and congestion. The in-class session
will run on Sunday, November 23, from 10 a.m. to 4:30

p.m. Registration cost is $95. Pre-registration required -There will be no registration on the day of class. Limited
space available. The program will be held at Immanuel
Seventh-day Adventist Church, 418 Drewry Avenue. For
more information, or to obtain a copy of the registration
form, please contact Sandy Grant, Durham School of
Health and Nutrition, info@dshneducation.com,
13. Bowling (5 pin and 10 pin) at
Fleetway 720 Proudfoot Lane,
London is planned for Saturday, Nov.
29th at 7 PM. Please sign the
BOWLING SHEET on the table in the
foyer to get the special price for our church group.
Bring the whole family for some good exercise and lots of
fun and laughter.
14. Mission trip to Nicaragua is
planned for May 5-19, 2015.
Udo Muller from the Woodstock
SDA Church has organized
mission trips to Nicaragua in
the past, in cooperation with the local conference there and is
planning to lead a new effort. The cost, including airfare
tickets from Detroit to Managua, food on site, local
transportation costs, and donation for mission, is only $1700
per person. All ages are welcome. Construction work is
planned, medical care and health education is needed,
children programming will be main focus. The initial deposit
of $500 needs to be given by December 10. Pastor Juan
Carlos Atencio is preparing to also lead an evangelistic effort.
If you are interested, please sign up at the announcement
board, or speak with pastor Alex. More details of the trip will
be published as numbers and logistics emerge.

Birthday Wishes for November

Nov 1 Raul Anzora Jr.
Nov 2 Justin Dowdell
Nov 3 Sandra Dicker
Nov 4 Phillip Ferreira
Nov 7 Connie Wilbee
Nov 9 Daniel Golovenko
Nov 10 Viengkham

Nov 12 Arthur Druzcz

Nov 17 Ilidio Sampaio
Nov 18 Sinai Agyeman
Nov 18 Ma Ner
Nov 22 F. Gordon Baptiste
Nov 22 Christopher Simoes
Nov 24 Kim Stajfer
Nov 26 Graciela Carcamo

Nov 28 Angelina Polihronov

Nov 27 Amelie FerreiraLopez
Nov 27 Alla Druzcz
Nov 28 Erdene Beckles
Nov 28 Ndabezinhle Ncube
Nov 29 Annette Birabwa

Family talk
On November 4, at the close of Year-end meetings of the North American Division
leaders, an interesting document was issued: a Statement on Civil Discourse. In
other words, a set of guidelines on how to talk to each other, a reminder of how to
keep a conversation in community without rupturing relationships in the Body of
Reflecting on the recent interactions I had at the Church Board, School Board, and
other committees, it is very important for us to follow these simple Biblical principles:
1) We resolve to encourage expressions of disagreement that are honest and open
based upon a sincere desire to arrive at truth as expressed in Scripture and the Spirit
of Prophecy;
2) We resolve to first communicate with those with whom we disagree and listen nonjudgmentally to their positions so that we can represent those positions accurately
before critiquing them;
3) We resolve to avoid the use of sarcasm, cartoons, anecdotes, parody or any other
form of insinuation to diminish the reputation or personhood of others;
4) We resolve to refrain from sponsoring or countenancing online or offline dialogue
that vilifies or depreciates the good name of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in
general or the reputations of its individual members in particular
We, therefore, resolve to avoid participating in, or being party to, all forms of
unhealthy and demeaning discourse. Our aim is to govern our communication
according to the high standards of Christian conduct found in the guidelines this
statement so that God may be glorified in all we say and do.
My paraphrase to the Board members was: (1) do not assume and take others as
sincere and honest as you are; (2) face to face is a must if you got a question, to
make sure you understand; (3) NO sarcasmperiod! (4) No gossip (speaking
negatively about person not present).
We must learn politics not from Canadian Parliament debates, where questions in an
accusative manner thrown across the aisle, and leaders flung statements offensively,
but from Jesus, who said let it not be so among you! (Matthew 20:25-28), and if
you have a question to someone, do not wait to throw it publically at the Board
meeting, but ask them in person first, and if you do not understand their position, take
a mutual friend to seek further dialogue for understanding, only when you are
persuaded that the person is against you then go to a council. Just imagine for a
moment how this Matthew 18:15-17 principle would transform our meetings. If you
think that someone acted wrong, out of turn, or made a wrong decision, do not
embarrass them with a public confrontation, but speak with them face-to-face. It is a
basic Christian courtesy.
North American Church president Dan Jackson asked that we seek higher ground
during these challenging times. I invite you to take this reminder to heart, and in
lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself or herself, and do
nothing in selfish ambition or conceit (Philippians 2:3). Eugene Petersons Message
paraphrase puts it this way (verses1-4) If youve gotten anything at all out of following
Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the
Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care then do me a favor:
Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Dont push your way
to the front; dont sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others
get ahead. Dont be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves
long enough to lend a helping hand.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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