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How to Install Matlab 7.0.

x R14 SP1 or SP2

(Mac OS X - Unix - Linux)

Mac OS X
i) Run the Installer. When asked about the license, copy the content of the license.dat
file to appropriate field and proceed with the installation.
ii) At the end of the install process, uncheck the launch Matlab checkbox. This way
Matlab will not be launched when the install is finished.
iii) Open the license.lic file and replace the string your host name with the hostname
of the computer where Matlab is being installed (e.g. Computername.local ).
iv) Copy the edited license.lic file to /Applications/MATLAB704/etc.
v) Now you are all set to run Matlab. Enjoy!

i) Create the directory where Matlab will be installed (e.g. /usr/local/matlab704).
Copy the license.dat file to the directory. Let us call this dir $MATLAB from now on.
ii) Run the installer and proceed with the installation.
iii) Open the license.lic file and replace the string your host name with the hostname
of the computer where Matlab is being installed.
iv) Copy the edited license.lic file to $MATLAB/etc.
v) Now you are all set to run Matlab. Enjoy!

Known Issues
- If Matlab does not start and a license error is reported, check if the license files have
their permissions set to: -rw-r--r--. In other words, the user running the license
manager must have reading permission over the license files.

License Files

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