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The text The Flowers is a good related text for the area of discovery.

This is because the of the

complexity and the profound nature of the discoveries made by the protagonist in this text, which
enables a challenge of the narrowness of existing views about aspects of human existence as well as
showcasing the impact a sudden and unexpected has on the psyche of a character. In addition to
being provocative and confronting to an informed audience, the discovery transforms both the
individual and the audience. It enables a reflection on its ramifications on a personal and social level
based on personal, cultural and historical contexts. Appreciation of its depth allows the opinion that
this is indeed a good related text for the area of study.
The title the flowers is an interesting one. It doesnt offer any indication to the nature of the story
or the events that will ultimately occur. Upon speculation, a whole host of inferences could be
made; the flowers could be indicative of new life, growth, shroud flowers, homage to name a few.
However, the text ultimately confounds the reader, who is only able to discover the true meaning of
the title through discovery. The story begins innocuously enough, a ten year old. The age
mentioned symbolises innocence and immaturity which is key to establishing character, to whom a
connection can be established.
What is interesting is the girls name Myop. The girl is short- sighted, which impedes her view and
obscures her vision. Myop, it is said, has dark brown hands, which establishes the character.
Through minute discoveries, slowly, the text is revealed. She is said to carry a knobby stick which
alludes to a balance achieved

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