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Excel - A formula to add a specific number

of days
June 2014
Data manipulations can be easily done in Microsoft Excel office software. For example, to add
days to a date in Excel, the target cell has to be a date format. A simple formula where the
number of days is added to the date will yield the desired result.

[Excel] A formula to add a specific number

of days

I need a formula that will help me to add days to a date and it gives me the result in the date
format For example
03/01/2010 + 25 = 28/01/2010
Thank you in advance.

Obviously, your regional option is entering dates as dd/mm/yyyy. In my region it is mm/dd/yy
Whatever it is, your formula is correct: the first date 03/01/2010 in A1 in B1 type A1+25 and format
B1 as date.

Thanks to venkat1926 for this tip on the forum.
This document entitled Excel - A formula to add a specific number of days from Kioskea (en.kioskea.net) is made
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