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@ASSET™ B %o role). ae STUDIES ptt res PAPERCODE :490 CS Tt) Se DT BUS are) RAT Cur! Meee at ees ci eee and D. Only ONE of these RRR Sean Pret Se Oe ee cca Unc who have taken ASSET before. You should mention the ea aaa RECEIVE YOUR ASSET RESULTS. YOU WILL NEED IT SR aN ete ata Hello friend! Ready for the test? Take @ deep breath and relax. Don't forget to read the questions very carefully - some questions that look tough, will be quite easy y afier you have read them properly. Do not spend too much time on any Vf question - and do your best. Have fun, and best of luck ! Which of the following statements is TRUE for all types of governments in different countries? ‘A. An important purpose of governments is to protect the boundaries of their countries. B. Citizens under all governments can cast votes to elect their representatives. C. Itis possible to have a government only if there is democracy. D. All governments have a parliament and constitution. Which of these posters illustrates India's involvement in the Second World War? asso a Cae he ‘ TON ALL FRONTS TOGETHER The current time on the Greenwich Mei the same date in four different places. n is 6:00 AM. Given below are the current times on Which of these places would be located to the WEST of the Greenwich Meridian? A. 3:00 AM B. 8:00 AM C. 4:00 PM D. 6:00 PM ASSET 490 e Time zones are based on longitudes and territorial claims by different countries. One Particular region is located on every line of longitude, therefore it is difficult to fix a time zone. Research stations in this region use the time of the country they are owned by. h of these regions is described here? A. the Swiss Alps B. the South Pole c. D. = . the Great Rift Valley ). the Siberian Plateau Martin Luther King, Jr. was a prominent leader of the Civil Rights Movement in America. One has not only a legal, bt @ moral responsibilty to obey just laws. Conversely, one has @ moral responsibly to disobey unjust aws, Through violence you may murder te fr but ou cannot murder the eno estabish he uth Through vclence you may murder te hae, but you donot murder hat. nfo, violence merely increase rate Hate cannot ve ot hal: nove can do at. | Which action that opposes a political or business policy is closest to the ideas of Martin Luther King, Jr.? A. Dissatisfied workers destroy machinery in their factory. B. Bus drivers attack another bus driver for breaking the transport strike. ©. People form a human chain and stop traffic to protest against a new law. D. A government employee fails to pay income taxes and attacks officials who try to arrest her. The following description is related to an aspect of Mauryan rule: he Empire was divided into four provinces. The imperial capital was at Pataliputra. The head of each province was a kumara (royal prince), who governed the province as the king's representative. The kumara was assisted by Mahamatya and Council of Ministers. The above description refers to the Mauryan policy. domestic trade administration foreign war SNMp> e Class 9/10 Social Studies

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