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Tyler Bates

Tiger Pride
DT: Systematic Observation
This weeks unit of Tiger Pride consisted of a soccer unit, and have them be able to pass,
trap, and have ball control throughout the week for the lesson focus. For the lesson focus
students are to be able to use the proper COTS and be able to dribble the ball and pass and trap
with one another as specified throughout the lesson. I am teaching 3rd grade and I have about 30
students in my class. The skills that were previously learned before this unit were different
variations of throwing and catching a ball. The area that these tasks were performed this past
week was in the grassy field and also on the blacktop, and the equipment used throughout the
lessons was soccer balls, dome cones, marking cones, and foam noodles.
On Monday the student learning outcomes for the psychomotor objective were SWBAT
properly pass a soccer ball to a partner (tap, plant, putt, push) as well as receiving the ball and
trapping it (tap, step). The cognitive objective was that SWBAT identify the COTS for passing
(tap, plant, putt, push) and trapping (tap, step) as well as the appropriate time to use each skill.
The affective objective was that SWBAT pass a soccer ball with confidence and remain positive
with their partners/ try to help them become more proficient in the skills being taught. Finally the
H-R fitness objective was that Students will go through an instant activity to warm up their
muscles and increase their heart rate. I do not believe I successfully achieved these outcomes for
Monday because I had a hard time getting my students to behave and perform each activity
correctly. I had them in activity steadily for the first activity but after that the students would not
listen to me and when they were supposed to pass and trap with a partner they would not listen to

instructions and they had to sit down for the rest of the lesson. I would love to change the way
they did the self-practice trials for the first activity in the lesson wand I would have changed the
way the equipment was distributed in the lesson to help make better transitions and getting them
into the next part of the lesson more quickly.
Wednesday however was better by far than the lesson on Monday. My student learning
outcomes on Wednesday for my psychomotor objective SWBAT properly pass a soccer ball to a
partner (tap, plant, putt, push) as well as receiving the ball and trapping it (tap, step). The
cognitive objective was that SWBAT identify the COTS for passing (tap, plant, putt, push) and
trapping (tap, step) as well as the appropriate time to use each skill. The affective objective for
the lesson was that SWBAT pass a soccer ball with confidence and remain positive with their
partners/ try to help them become more proficient in the skills being taught. Finally, the health
related objective was that Students will go through an instant activity to warm up their muscles
and increase their heart rate. I believe that I had all of my objectives for Wednesdays lesson plan
reached because of the practice trails they had performed as well as making an effort in each
activity throughout the lesson.

On the time analysis observation it showed that under

management that activity was the highest with almost 12 minutes of students in activity. I do not
think I would change anything in this lesson other than getting into my lesson more quickly but I
did have to address some behavioural issues that occurred on Monday and Tuesday.
I did not successfully address the 4 criteria of a learning experience on Monday because
they were not met since the lesson had not gone as planned and students started to not follow my
directions. On Wednesday I was able to address 3 of 4 criteria of the learning experience
because I had activities that had the students improve their motor skills, the lesson was
appropriate for all students skill levels, I gave them as much practice opportunities as I could

(though it could have been better) and I integrated all 3 learning domains throughout my lesson
plan. On Wednesday almost all half of the time in the lesson my students were in activity but I
still think that I need to work on having the most practice opportunities for the lesson. The other
half of the lesson was in management or instruction but instruction was really low. To improve
the ratio of the time spent in each section I think I can try to take control of the students more
and maybe try to practice on not being frustrated or nervous when going into a transition. All of
the students practiced throughout the lesson, and most of them practiced at a high level using the
correct COTS for passing and trapping a soccer ball. To improve these outcomes I need to make
sure to improve my corrective feedback and my teacher movement so that I am constantly
moving and giving feedback to all of the students for each activity. Throughout the activity,
students were able to progress through my extensions and applications of my tasks in order to
improve their skills.
Throughout the teaching episode I would move after I had gotten them into activity. I
tried to move to all the activity space when going throughout my lessons but sometimes when
providing feedback for my students and managing them when they become off task that can be
hard to get through all of the activity space. I provide the COTS for each of my lessons and the
skills that they are practicing, and I reinforce them throughout activity and have student teacher
demonstrations for each activity that they are going to do. My instructions arent as quick as I
would like them to be and they could be a little more clear which is something I definitely need
to work on. When providing my feedback, I look for correcting or refining the way they may
perform the skill, I also try to give positive specific feedback to students that are correctly
performing the movement or skills, and I try to do these things as frequently as possible. There
was a demonstration on Monday that was had for the students to see, and I should have showed

them what it was going to look like from a different angle so that they could perform the skill
Many of the students were able to reproduce the skill correctly especially on Wednesday
when they were practicing passing and trapping with their partners. I think I did better on
Wednesday when I distributed the equipment because it was already laid out and it did not take
extra time to get the students into activity, and I did it in a way that did not disrupt the learning
environment. I had to sit out a couple of students that were being disruptive to the class and after
an activity I would let them back into activity if they told me why I sat them out and gave an
apology. I could have been more enthusiastic throughout my lesson but it is something I am
aware of. Three things I did well with during this week was providing specific feedback to my
students, providing demonstrations throughout the lesson, and having my presence known in the
lesson so that students would know that I am in charge. I would like to work on having more
enthusiasm in my lessons, providing a set induction for each lesson, and making more activities
in my lesson plan that will excite students and encourage them to participate more in activity.
One strategy that I feel like I could improve in my pedagogical skill set would be to have
more enthusiasm in my lessons, because I think they can sense that I am not always excited
about the lesson and it can affect the way they participate or lack of participating in each lesson.
Another strategy that I can improve on would be to do a set induction because this gives students
an idea about the lesson and why were are focusing on that specific topic. The content for this
next week will be sport specific to basketball and I will have lesson plans that will pertain to ball
control (dribbling), passing (chest, bounce, and overhead), and depending on how the week goes
I will think about a shooting lesson. I will use strategies such as demonstrations, corrective

demonstrations, provide specific feedback, and be more enthusiastic and positive throughout the

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