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Carsten Rauh
CIS 1020-36

Table of figures ...................................................................................................................ii
Be a kinder you ................................................................................................................... 1
Phisical effects of kindness ................................................................................................. 1
Two boys ............................................................................................................................ 2
We have the power ............................................................................................................. 2
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 3

Figure 1: Mark Twain - advocatusatheist.blogspot.com ..................................................... 1
Figure 2 : People - Circle fabiusmaximus.com .................................................................. 2


Being kind can be something often neglected or not even thought about. Rarely
do we consider what effects our simplest actions or interactions have. We often forget
Page | 1 that these small dealings can have effects on those around us. For example, every day my
morning routine takes me through the local coffee shop drive through. More often than
not Im greeted by the same big smile always asking me how I am this morning and
generally being what might be considered overly pleasant. I cant say I gave her the same
courtesy. It wasnt until she was no longer at the shop that I noticed that the small
pleasant greeting helped me get
on with my morning as much as
the coffee. We are often not

Kindness is the
language which
the deaf can hear
and the blind can
see. Mark Twain

mindful of the power that our

attitude towards others may have
a big impact. When you are
having a bad day, things just
seem to compound. Imagine that
your interaction has the power to
both negatively or positively
affect someone elses state of

Figure 1:



As an added benefit, not only does kindness make the recipient and the giver
feel good, research has shown that kindness has actual physical effects that are beneficial.
People who do volunteer work have fewer aches and pains and reduce symptoms of
depression. In one study of people age 55 and older who volunteered for more than 1
organization results showed that they were 44% less likely to die than their counterparts.
This is as great an effect on health as exercising four times a week or as beneficial as
quitting smoking. (Christine L. Carter, 2010) Acts of kindness strengthen the immune
system and produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurochemical that the brain uses in
regulating mood and has an anti-anxiety effect. The active ingredient in most depression
medication is serotonin and it is known as a feel good substance. (Collins, n.d.) There
are many studies that have shown the potent effects that kindness can have on health. Yet
it is rarely mentioned as a tool for better health and not practiced as much as it should be.

A favorite story of mine is one of two boys who were walking home when they
passed a man who was working in the field. They noticed that his good clothes were
neatly folded off to the side of the road. The younger boy suggested to the older that it
Page | 2 would be funny if they hid his shoes so they could watch his puzzled reaction when he
found them missing. The man looked poor, so the older boy suggested, instead, that they
place a silver dollar inside each shoe and watch his reaction. After placing the money and
hiding in the bushes, the boys watched with full hearts as the man discovered the money
and his grateful reaction to the kindness bestowed upon him. The boys agreed that the joy
that they received from the act more than compensated for the money they gave.
(Hinckley, 1955) As this story illustrates a little kindness can go a long way. Had they
decided to play the prank instead, who knows what the consequence to the farmer may
have been.


There are lots of ways that we can have a
positive influence on those around us. Here are
some ideas that can help us to easily incorporate
kindness into our lives. No grand gestures need
be made. A simple smile can go a long way.
Talk with a homeless person. Adopt a soldier
as a pen pal. Pick up trash on the roadside, park,
or playground near you. Donate a book or used
clothing. Volunteer at your favorite charitable
organization, like a soup kitchen or animal shelter. Put

Figure 2

money in someone elses parking meter. Participate in a

blood or food drive. Hold the door open for somebody. Do a chore for your sibling. As
you can see there are countless ways we can make a positive impact on those around us.
It does not take a lot of money or time for that matter if you dont have it to make a
positive impact. So please try to be a kinder you.
Volunteer at

Homeless shelter

Soup kitchen

Animal Shelter

Senior center






Small Action

Talk to a
homeless person

Adopt a soldier
as a pen pal

Hold the door

open for someone

Smile at

Christine L. Carter, P. (2010, February 18). Psychology Today.
Collins, D. (n.d.). Retrieved from Underground health reporter.
Page | 3 Hinckley, B. S. (1955). Not by Bread Alone. Bookcraft.

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