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Classroom Contextual Factors

In this 1st grade class room at Sandstone Elementary there are 18 students. There
are 2 students with IEPs and 2 students with IEPs in the process.
Gender Graph

In this class there are 10 boys and 8 girls. Students range in age from 6 to 7 years
old. They all seem to get along well with each other and are able to pair up easily because
of having even numbers.

IEP Graph

In this class there are 2 students with current IEPs. One IEP is for reading,
behavior, and speech. The other IEP is just for speech. The 2 IEPs in progress are for
Math and focusing/behavior.

ESL Graph

In this class there are 4 ESL students. Of the 4 ESL students there is 1 girl and 3
boys. All students are inclusive in the classroom and speak English and understand
English. The 3 boys do take Spanish take home library books as well as English take
home library books home every night to read.

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