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Lecture Notes: Psychiatry


Unsure how to 'do' psychiatry? Wondering what psychiatry is all about? Want just the key facts? Lecture
Notes: Psychiatry provides essential, practical, and up-to-date information for students who are learning
to conduct psychiatric interviews and assessments, understand the core psychiatric disorders, their
aetiology and evidence-based treatment options. It incorporates the latest NICE guidelines and
systematic reviews, and includes coverage of the Mental Capacity Act and the new Mental Health Act.
Featuring case studies throughout, it is perfect for clinical preparation with example questions to ask
patients during clinical rotations. Each chapter features bulleted key points, while the summary boxes and
self-test MCQs ensure Lecture Notes: Psychiatry is the ideal resource, whether you are just beginning to
develop psychiatric knowledge and skills or preparing for an end-of-year exam. EAN/ISBN :
9781118297148 Publisher(s): Wiley-Blackwell Discussed keywords: Psychiatrie Format: ePub/PDF
Author(s): Harrison, Paul


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