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Scattered imagery

A Friend

is someone who gives you

total freedom to be yourself.
Jim Morrison
I believe that one of the most beautiful relationship
in the world is friendship. True, selfless friendships
give us opportunity to grow in to a better person.

The Gate way to Serenity
As I enter the forest I used to get mesmerised by the
touch of green green grasses, the sound of flowing
brooks and beauty of flora and fauna.
Immersed in the captivating beauty of the forest
many a times I forget to use my camera, some times
I curse the light and my lens, just like a person
blaming pen for his bad handwriting.
While in forest I forget many frames I planned to
capture just like a lover who could express only a
small part of his feeling to his beloved when she is
I could convert only a very small part of my
experience in the forest in to photographs. Those
little is here for you !

The Gate way to Serenity

Land of paddy fields
The word wayanad is a combination of Vayal (paddy
field) and Naad (land).

he agricultural lands of
Wayanad looks pristine and
often they are unofficially
branded as organic. Some of
the images and information I got
during this trip indicates that
there is excessive and some times
irresponsible use of fertilizers
and pesticides in many areas of
In paddy fields there were labours
deployed to sprinkle various types of
Most of the farmers here are
Aadivasies (Tribal). It seems these
people are not aware of the harm
fertilisers and pesticides could
cause, if not used properly.
There were piles of fertilizer bags
often stored in the bedrooms and
living area of the small aadivasi huts.
With out realising the danger their
children play around...

Unique patterns of woods

Never ending wonders of forest calling me again...

Bonous enroute - A wild elephant. Thank you

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