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The Atlantic Monthly published an article,

Weakness of the United States Government under

the Articles of Confederation, May 1886 in response
to the Articles of Confederation that lasted from
1781-1787. Concerning the origin of this published
article by Atlantic Monthly an obvious value is its
focus on the financial weaknesses concerning the
Articles of Confederation. A value to the origin is
that the article was published roughly 100 years after
the conclusion of the well-document and noted
weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation,
therefore providing a substantial amount of time for
studies and information to be evaluated. A
limitation for the origin is that being that the article
is from newspaper, a case can be made that negative
statements towards to Articles of Confederation can
be considered propaganda for the Constitution. The
purpose of this article is to express the financial
insufficiencies that resulted from the Articles of
Confederation. A value to the purpose is that the
Atlantic Monthly provides not only a description of
the financial shortfalls, but provides measureable
numbers for the reader ($9,000,000 needed by the
government, only $5,000,000 could be raised by
states). The limitation for the purpose of this article
is that it is vague in its description on exact areas of
funding. Instead of providing factual precise figures
of where funds were coming from, Atlantic Monthly
tends to refer to vague references.

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