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Separation of Powers Culminating Project

You will be creating a culminating project in the form of a presentation to

demonstrate your expertise of one branch of government, how it
interacts with the other branches, what documents it issues, etc. This will
be orally presented on the following class dates: 12/16, 12/17, 12/18

1. Select groups of 3 - 4 students. You will divide the work!
2. Select one of the three branches of government you have learned about
in this unit (Legislative, Executive, Judicial)
3. As a group, create a presentation using Powerpoint, Prezi, Google Docs,
or other similar format with the following:
-Title slide (1 slide)
with name of branch of government and first and last names of
all group members
- Summary of the branchs enumerated & implied powers (1-2 slides)
according to its respective Article in the Constitution (Article 1
Legislative, Article 2 Executive, Article 3 Legislative)
- At least 2 ways your branch can check both other branches (2
slides one per other branch)
-One primary document issued from your branch (1-2 slides)
with explanation of how and why it is used. Examples:
Executive Order, Supreme Court Opinion, etc.
-Opinion Slide (1 slide)
Each group member will select the power from the branch of
government that is the most important in their opinion and
provide a brief explanation of why. Be prepared to present.
4. Each slide should have a background and be visually appealing. Each
slide should have at least one picture.
5. Your group will present this to the class. Your oral presentation should be
5 - 10 minutes long.
6. Please make sure all technical issues are worked out ahead of time (Ex:
Will the presentation be available online for viewing? Will you email it to

me? Will you bring it on a flash drive? BE PREPARED!)

Separation of Powers Culminating Project - Scoring Guide

Student Name: ________________________ Per. __
____/ 5
Title Slide with group members names
____ / 10
Accurate summary of both expressed and implied powers
____ / 10
Summary is based on appropriate article of the Constitution and cited
____ / 10
Two checks are provided in relation to the Leg. / Exec. / Jud. Branch
____ / 10
Two checks are provided in relation to the Leg. / Exec. / Jud. Branch
____ / 10
Appropriate primary document included with picture or text excerpts
____ / 10
Accurate definition of how/why primary document is used
____ / 5
Group member has opinion with reasoning
____ / 5
Group member speaks loudly and clearly. Looks at audience and does not
read off of slide
____ / 5
Slideshow is visually appealing and does not contain any distracting
____ / 80 TOTAL

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